diff --git a/content/doc/developer/plugin-development/incrementals.adoc b/content/doc/developer/plugin-development/incrementals.adoc
index 48e74dbeb33d..0ee5ee958f46 100644
--- a/content/doc/developer/plugin-development/incrementals.adoc
+++ b/content/doc/developer/plugin-development/incrementals.adoc
@@ -32,12 +32,11 @@ For more details, please refer to the link:https://github.com/jenkinsci/incremen
== Enabling Incrementals
Inside the (downstream) plugin, which is supposed to be the API consumer, you can enable incrementals by running:
-mkdir -p .mvn
-echo -Pconsume-incrementals >> .mvn/maven.config
-link:https://github.com/jenkinsci/incrementals-tools[Another way] is to run `mvn incrementals:incrementalify`.
+mvn incrementals:incrementalify
== Create a Pull Request in Jenkins core
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ You can do this either by rebasing or by merging the latest changes from the mas
== Wait for all checks to pass
-Wait for 'continuous-integration/jenkins' to perform checks.
+Wait for Jenkins to perform checks.
== Obtain the Incrementals version
diff --git a/content/doc/developer/publishing/_chapter.yml b/content/doc/developer/publishing/_chapter.yml
index d96034929e1f..d9bba0da231a 100644
--- a/content/doc/developer/publishing/_chapter.yml
+++ b/content/doc/developer/publishing/_chapter.yml
@@ -17,5 +17,7 @@ guides:
#- adopt-a-plugin
#- changing-maintainers
- releasing
+- releasing-cd
+- releasing-manually
- removing-from-distribution
- releasing-experimental-updates
diff --git a/content/doc/developer/publishing/releasing-cd.adoc b/content/doc/developer/publishing/releasing-cd.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8101e3b91e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/doc/developer/publishing/releasing-cd.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+title: Setting up automated plugin release
+layout: developerguide
+- url: /jep/229
+ title: 'JEP-229: Continuous Delivery of Jenkins Components and Plugins'
+NOTE: Continuous Delivery of Jenkins Components and Plugin (jep:229[]) is relatively new.
+Any feedback from early adopters will be appreciated.
+== Prerequisites
+. Plugin must be 'incrementalized', see link:../../plugin-development/incrementals[incrementals]. A new plugin created from the link:https://github.com/jenkinsci/archetypes/[archetypes] will already have this setup.
+. Enabled the continuous delivery flag in link:https://github.com/jenkins-infra/repository-permissions-updater/[repository permission updater] (RPU) for your plugin.
+ enabled: true
+Once that has been merged, start checking https://github.com/jenkinsci/your-plugin/settings/secrets/actions and you should soon see `MAVEN_TOKEN` and `MAVEN_USERNAME` appear under Repository secrets.
+== Release notes
+Next, if you already have Release Drafter configured, remove any tag-template override in `.github/release-drafter.yml`, and delete `.github/workflows/release-drafter.yml` if using GitHub Actions (or remove the app from the repo otherwise). If you have not yet configured Release Drafter, just create `.github/release-drafter.yml` containing only:
+_extends: .github
+== Adding the GitHub action
+Create `.github/workflows/cd.yaml` as a copy of the link:https://github.com/jenkinsci/.github/blob/master/workflow-templates/cd.yaml[cd.yaml template].
+If this is your first time using a GitHub action on this project then navigate to the 'Actions' tab
+in your GitHub repository and enable GitHub actions.
+If you have a `.github/dependabot.yml`, it is a good idea to add:
+- package-ecosystem: github-actions
+ directory: /
+ schedule:
+ interval: daily
+== POM file modifications
+For a regular component whose version number is not that meaningful:
+--- a/.mvn/maven.config
++++ b/.mvn/maven.config
+@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
+ -Pconsume-incrementals
+ -Pmight-produce-incrementals
+--- a/pom.xml
++++ b/pom.xml
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+- ${revision}${changelist}
++ ${changelist}
+ hpi
+@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@
+- 1.23
++ 999999-SNAPSHOT
+ 2.176.4
+Here a CI/release build (`-Dset.changelist` specified) will be of the form `123.vabcdef456789`. A snapshot build will be `999999-SNAPSHOT`: arbitrary but treated as a snapshot by Maven and newer than any release.
+It's worth communicating this to your users, as they will see a very different version number format than before.
+The best way to do this is to add a line to the release notes: link:https://github.com/jenkinsci/azure-artifact-manager-plugin/releases/tag/86.va2aa4b1038c7[example note].
+For a component whose version number ought to reflect a release version of some wrapped component:
+--- a/.mvn/maven.config
++++ b/.mvn/maven.config
+@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
+ -Pconsume-incrementals
+ -Pmight-produce-incrementals
+--- a/pom.xml
++++ b/pom.xml
+@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
+ some-library-wrapper
+- ${revision}${changelist}
++ ${revision}-${changelist}
+ hpi
+- 4.0.0-1.3
++ 4.0.0
++ 999999-SNAPSHOT
+ 2.176.4
+Here the version numbers will look like `4.0.0-123.vabcdef456789` or `4.0.0-999999-SNAPSHOT`, respectively.
+When you pick up a new third-party component like `4.0.1`, your version numbers will match;
+to refer to the third-party component, just use:
+== Releasing
+Now whenever Jenkins reports a successful build of your default branch,
+and at least one pull request had a label indicating it was of interest to users
+(e.g. enhancement rather than chore), your component will be released to Artifactory and
+release notes published in GitHub.
+You do not need any special credentials or local checkout; just merge pull requests with suitable titles and labels.
+You can also trigger a deployment explicitly, if the current commit has a passing check from Jenkins. Visit https://github.com/jenkinsci/your-plugin/actions?query=workflow%3Acd and click Run workflow.
+If you prefer to only deploy explicitly, not on every push, just comment out the check_run section in the workflow.
+== Fallback
+You can also release manually if you have configured your machine for link:../releasing-manually[manual release].
+To cut a release:
+git checkout master
+git pull --ff-only
+mvn -Dset.changelist \
+ -DaltDeploymentRepository=maven.jenkins-ci.org::default::https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/ \
+ clean deploy
+== Troubleshooting
+Check that `MAVEN_TOKEN` and `MAVEN_USERNAME` appear under Repository secrets.
+=== The upload to the Maven repository fails with "401 Unauthorized"
+Unauthorized means that the credentials were invalid, or not sent by Maven.
+This normally means that the secrets configured in the repository have expired, create an issue in the INFRA project on link:https://issues.jenkins.io/[Jira], and let the team know in #jenkins-infra on link:https://freenode.net[Freenode].
+Alternatively you can temporarily update the secrets yourself with your own personal credentials.
+=== Further troubleshooting help
+If none of the provided solutions help, send an email to the link:/mailing-lists[Jenkins developers mailing list] and explain what you did, and how it failed.
diff --git a/content/doc/developer/publishing/releasing-manually.adoc b/content/doc/developer/publishing/releasing-manually.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0c7e09707bbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/doc/developer/publishing/releasing-manually.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+title: Performing a Plugin Release manually
+layout: developerguide
+.Prefer automated releases instead of releasing manually
+See link:../releasing-cd[setting up automated plugin release] instead of this guide.
+== Prerequisites
+. Make sure you have permissions to release the plugin. link:../requesting-hosting/[See this guide to learn more details]
+== Artifactory Credentials for Maven
+You will need to tell Maven your credentials to access link:../artifact-repository[Artifactory].
+Log in to Artifactory, and from your profile, obtain the _encrypted password_.
+Create the file `~/.m2/settings.xml` (`~` representing your user home directory, e.g. `/home/yourname` or `C:\Users\yourname`) if needed, and make sure it contains the `` element as shown below:
+ maven.jenkins-ci.org // <1>
+ your_user_name_here
+ your_encrypted_password_here
+<1> This is not a valid host name anymore, but still the ID used by default in the Jenkins plugin parent POM.
+ You may need to add additional `` entries if your plugin POM overrides the inherited Maven ``, but this should be rare.
+== Set up GitHub to accept your SSH key
+Maven Release Plugin will automatically push to the repository when performing a release, so you need to link:https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-new-ssh-key-to-your-github-account/[set up GitHub to accept your SSH key].
+See the link:https://help.github.com/articles/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/[GitHub help on SSH] for more information.
+== Performing the release
+With GitHub and Maven credentials set up, performing a release should be as easy as running the following command:
+mvn release:prepare release:perform
+// Not sure about this:
+// NOTE: While it is be possible to specify the username and password on the command line, that would require your accounts on GitHub and the Jenkins community to match, and prevent you from using two factor authentication on GitHub.
+// Neither is a recommend practice.
+== Troubleshooting
+First, make sure your plugin uses a reasonably up to date link:../../plugin-development/updating-parent[parent POM].
+This will prevent the vast majority of problems in releasing the plugin, such as outdated Maven plugins, or obsolete host names.
+=== The upload to the Maven repository fails with "401 Unauthorized"
+Unauthorized means that your credentials were invalid, or not sent by Maven.
+Make sure you've updated your encrypted password since the last time you changed your password on link:https://accounts.jenkins.io[the account app].
+=== The upload to the Maven repository fails with "403 Forbidden"
+The two most common explanations for this error:
+* You don't have permission to upload to the specified path.
+ link:../requesting-hosting/#request-upload-permissions[Learn more about how to request upload permissions].
+ Check that the path you're allowed to upload to matches the actual upload attempt (i.e. no typos).
+* The specified release already exists and you try to overwrite it.
+ We do not allow replacing existing releases.
+ Specify a different, previously unused version number during the release process.
+=== Further troubleshooting help
+If none of the provided solutions help, send an email to the link:/mailing-lists[Jenkins developers mailing list] and explain what you did, and how it failed.
diff --git a/content/doc/developer/publishing/releasing.adoc b/content/doc/developer/publishing/releasing.adoc
index ae235ba53a7f..ce4817ee8d51 100644
--- a/content/doc/developer/publishing/releasing.adoc
+++ b/content/doc/developer/publishing/releasing.adoc
@@ -1,84 +1,12 @@
title: Performing a Plugin Release
layout: developerguide
+- url: ../releasing-cd
+ title: Through GitHub
+- url: ../releasing-manually
+ title: Manually on your machine
-== Prerequisites
-. Make sure you have permissions to release the plugin. link:../requesting-hosting/[See this guide to learn more details]
-== Artifactory Credentials for Maven
-You will need to tell Maven your credentials to access link:../artifact-repository[Artifactory].
-Log in to Artifactory, and from your profile, obtain the _encrypted password_.
-Create the file `~/.m2/settings.xml` (`~` representing your user home directory, e.g. `/home/yourname` or `C:\Users\yourname`) if needed, and make sure it contains the `` element as shown below:
- maven.jenkins-ci.org // <1>
- your_user_name_here
- your_encrypted_password_here
-<1> This is not a valid host name anymore, but still the ID used by default in the Jenkins plugin parent POM.
- You may need to add additional `` entries if your plugin POM overrides the inherited Maven ``, but this should be rare.
-== Set up GitHub to accept your SSH key
-Maven Release Plugin will automatically push to the repository when performing a release, so you need to link:https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-new-ssh-key-to-your-github-account/[set up GitHub to accept your SSH key].
-See the link:https://help.github.com/articles/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/[GitHub help on SSH] for more information.
-== Performing the release
-With GitHub and Maven credentials set up, performing a release should be as easy as running the following command:
-mvn release:prepare release:perform
-// Not sure about this:
-// NOTE: While it is be possible to specify the username and password on the command line, that would require your accounts on GitHub and the Jenkins community to match, and prevent you from using two factor authentication on GitHub.
-// Neither is a recommend practice.
-== Troubleshooting
-First, make sure your plugin uses a reasonably up to date link:../../plugin-development/updating-parent[parent POM].
-This will prevent the vast majority of problems in releasing the plugin, such as outdated Maven plugins, or obsolete host names.
-=== The upload to the Maven repository fails with "401 Unauthorized"
-Unauthorized means that your credentials were invalid, or not sent by Maven.
-Make sure you've updated your encrypted password since the last time you changed your password on link:https://accounts.jenkins.io[the account app].
-=== The upload to the Maven repository fails with "403 Forbidden"
-The two most common explanations for this error:
-* You don't have permission to upload to the specified path.
- link:../requesting-hosting/#request-upload-permissions[Learn more about how to request upload permissions].
- Check that the path you're allowed to upload to matches the actual upload attempt (i.e. no typos).
-* The specified release already exists and you try to overwrite it.
- We do not allow replacing existing releases.
- Specify a different, previously unused version number during the release process.
-=== Further troubleshooting help
-If none of the provided solutions help, send an email to the link:/mailing-lists[Jenkins developers mailing list] and explain what you did, and how it failed.
-== Releasing from CI
-Alternately, you can configure your plugin to be released automatically whenever interesting changes are pushed, or on demand.
-In this case you only need write permission to GitHub; you never need local credentials.
-Follow link:/redirect/continuous-delivery-of-plugins[this guide] for details.
+Historically Jenkins plugins were released on developer machines.
+We now recommend plugins be released via GitHub, either automatically or with a manual trigger.
diff --git a/content/redirect/continuous-delivery-of-plugins.md b/content/redirect/continuous-delivery-of-plugins.md
index 47d6200c9b1f..e96c83ce8af0 100644
--- a/content/redirect/continuous-delivery-of-plugins.md
+++ b/content/redirect/continuous-delivery-of-plugins.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
layout: redirect
-redirect_url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/incrementals-tools/blob/master/README.md#superseding-maven-releases
+redirect_url: /doc/developer/publishing/releasing-cd/