A Dockerfile for building a NuPIC image.
Any improvements are welcome.
I pushed the built image to docker index. To pull it:
sudo docker pull allanino/nupic
To build the image:
sudo docker build -t="allanino/nupic" .
Run the Python unit tests:
sudo docker run allanino/nupic /bin/bash -c "cd /usr/bin/nta/eng/;./bin/run_tests.sh"
Run the C++ tests:
sudo docker run allanino/nupic /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/nta/eng/bin/htmtest"
sudo docker run allanino/nupic /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/nta/eng/bin/testeverything"
Run hotgym example:
sudo docker run allanino/nupic /bin/bash -c "python /usr/local/src/nupic/examples/opf/clients/hotgym/hotgym.py"
sudo docker run allanino/nupic /bin/bash -c "python /usr/local/src/nupic/examples/opf/bin/OpfRunExperiment.py /usr/local/src/nupic/examples/opf/experiments/multistep/hotgym/"