From eb60c833e0738df319ecd485c4ba0fd425199922 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jeffersonfparil Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 21:27:55 +1100 Subject: [PATCH] drafting perf tests including polyrad --- res/perf_functions.R | 283 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 151 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-) diff --git a/res/perf_functions.R b/res/perf_functions.R index 2198d97..863b60b 100644 --- a/res/perf_functions.R +++ b/res/perf_functions.R @@ -357,145 +357,139 @@ fn_imputation_accuracy = function(fname_imputed, list_sim_missing, mat_idx_high_ )) } -# ### PolyRAD -# ### 2024-10-25 -# ### PERFORMS SPECTACULARYLY POORLY USING THE AD FIELDS AS FREQUENCIES PER SE (~3X worse than imputef for cocksfoot at 0.01 maf ant 10% missing)!!! -# ### WILL NEED TO TEST USING ITS OWN CALLS TO SIMULATE MISSING DATA (I.E. AS EXPECTED ALLELE FREQUENCIES). -# ### WELP! NOPE STILL WORSE THAN imputef EVEN WHEN USING ITS OWN CALLED GENOTYPE FREQUENCIES AS EXPECTED DATA!!! -# ### THEREFORE NO NEED TO SHOW RE-RUN WITH POLYRAD FOR NOW AS WE NEED NOT COMPARE WITH SOMETHING WORSE AT THE MOMENT. -# vec_polyrad_required_packages = c("polyRAD") -# vec_polyrad_required_packages = vec_polyrad_required_packages[!(vec_polyrad_required_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] -# if (length(vec_polyrad_required_packages) > 0) { -# if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) { -# install.packages("BiocManager", repos="") -# } -# BiocManager::install("pcaMethods", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) -# BiocManager::install("GenomeInfoDb", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) -# BiocManager::install("GenomicRanges", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) -# BiocManager::install("Biostrings", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) -# BiocManager::install("Rsamtools", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) -# BiocManager::install("VariantAnnotation", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) -# install.packages(vec_polyrad_required_packages, repos="") -# } -# library(polyRAD) -# library(VariantAnnotation) -# fn_polyRAD = function(fname_vcf, ploidy=2, read_length_less_barcode=64, output_format=c("tsv", "vcf")[1], verbose=FALSE) { -# ############################## -# ### TEST -# # vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR("../misc/grape.vcf") -# # vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR("../misc/soybean.vcf") -# # vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR("../misc/cocksfoot.vcf") -# # vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR("../misc/cocksfoot-POLYRAD_CALLs-84416892530.vcf") -# # list_genotypes = fn_extract_allele_frequencies(vcf) -# # mat_genotypes = list_genotypes$mat_genotypes -# # mat_idx_high_conf_data = list_genotypes$mat_idx_high_conf_data -# # maf = 0.01 -# # missing_rate = 0.1 -# # list_sim_missing = fn_simulate_missing_data(vcf=vcf, -# # mat_genotypes=mat_genotypes, -# # maf=maf, -# # missing_rate=missing_rate) -# # fname_vcf = list_sim_missing$fname_vcf -# # ploidy = 4 -# # read_length_less_barcode = 64 -# # output_format=c("tsv", "vcf")[1] -# # verbose = FALSE -# # -# # ### Create the expected set of allele frequencies using PolyRAD -# # fname_vcf = "../misc/cocksfoot.vcf" -# # ploidy = 4 -# # read_length_less_barcode = 64 -# # output_format=c("tsv", "vcf")[2] -# # verbose = FALSE -# ############################## -# ### Adapted from: -# # prepare the VCF file for import -# myvcf = fname_vcf -# # myvcf = "../misc/cocksfoot-POLYRAD_CALLs-84416892530.vcf" -# myvcfbz = Rsamtools::bgzip(myvcf, overwrite=TRUE) -# Rsamtools::indexTabix(myvcfbz, format = "vcf") -# # import VCF into a RADdata object -# ### Need to confirm tagsize which is the read length minus the indexes etc, and -# myRAD = polyRAD::VCF2RADdata( -# myvcfbz, -# tagsize = read_length_less_barcode, -# min.ind.with.reads = 1, -# min.ind.with.minor.allele = 1, -# possiblePloidies = list(ploidy) -# ) -# # # estimate contamination rate -# # myRAD = SetBlankTaxa(myRAD, c(“blank1”, “blank2”)) -# # myRAD = EstimateContaminationRate(myRAD) -# # # genotype estimation with pop. structure pipeline -# # myRAD = IteratePopStructLD(myRAD, LDdist = 5e4) -# list_out = polyRAD::IterateHWE(myRAD) -# G = GetWeightedMeanGenotypes(list_out) -# if (verbose) { -# vec_q = sample(G, size=1000, replace=FALSE) -# vec_q = c(vec_q, 1-vec_q) -# txtplot::txtdensity(vec_q) -# } -# ### Use the reference allele frequencies (G=1-G) and reformat the loci names to be compatible with gp -# list_strsplit_loci_names = strsplit(colnames(G), ":") -# if (length(list_strsplit_loci_names[[1]]) > 1) { -# vec_chromosome_names = unlist(lapply(list_strsplit_loci_names, FUN=function(x){x[1]})) -# vec_positions = unlist(lapply(list_strsplit_loci_names, FUN=function(x){as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x[2], "_"))[1])})) -# # vec_alleles = unlist(lapply(list_strsplit_loci_names, FUN=function(x){unlist(strsplit(x[2], "_"))[3]})) ### alternative alleles -# vec_alleles = unlist(lapply(list_strsplit_loci_names, FUN=function(x){unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(x[2], "_"))[2], "/"))[1]})) -# } else { -# list_strsplit_loci_names = strsplit(colnames(G), "_") -# vec_chromosome_names = unlist(lapply(list_strsplit_loci_names, FUN=function(x){paste(x[1:(length(x)-2)], collapse="_")})) -# vec_positions = unlist(lapply(list_strsplit_loci_names, FUN=function(x){x[length(x)-1]})) -# vec_alleles = unlist(lapply(list_strsplit_loci_names, FUN=function(x){x[length(x)]})) -# } -# vec_ids = rownames(G) -# G = 1 - G -# colnames(G) = paste0(vec_chromosome_names, "\t", vec_positions, "\t", vec_alleles) -# ### Remove duplicates, i.e. force biallelic loci -# # sum(duplicated(colnames(G))) -# vec_idx_non_duplicates = which(!duplicated(colnames(G))) -# # which(duplicated(paste0(vec_chromosome_names, "\t", vec_positions))) == which(duplicated(paste0(vec_chromosome_names, "\t", vec_positions, "\t", vec_alleles))) -# G = G[, vec_idx_non_duplicates, drop=FALSE] -# # dim(G) -# # G[1:5,1:5] -# ### Save -# if (output_format == "vcf") { -# fname_out_gz = paste0(gsub(".vcf", "", fname_vcf), "-POLYRAD_CALLs-", round(runif(min=1e10, max=(1e11)-1, n=1)), ".vcf.gz") -# vcf = gp::fn_G_to_vcf(G=G, min_depth=100, max_depth=1000, verbose=FALSE) -# # str(vcf) -# # head(vcf) -# vcfR::write.vcf(vcf, file=fname_out_gz) -# system(paste0("gunzip -f ", fname_out_gz)) -# fname_out = gsub(".gz$", "", fname_out_gz) -# } else { -# fname_out = paste0("POLYRAD-IMPUTED-", round(runif(min=1e10, max=(1e11)-1, n=1)), ".tsv") -# gp::fn_save_genotype(G, fname=fname_out, file_type=c("RDS", "TSV")[2], verbose=FALSE) -# } -# return(fname_out) -# ### Test with PolyRAD called initial vcf +### PolyRAD +### 2024-10-25 +### PERFORMS SPECTACULARYLY POORLY USING THE AD FIELDS AS FREQUENCIES PER SE (~3X worse than imputef for cocksfoot at 0.01 maf ant 10% missing)!!! +### WILL NEED TO TEST USING ITS OWN CALLS TO SIMULATE MISSING DATA (I.E. AS EXPECTED ALLELE FREQUENCIES). +### WELP! NOPE STILL WORSE THAN imputef EVEN WHEN USING ITS OWN CALLED GENOTYPE FREQUENCIES AS EXPECTED DATA!!! +### THEREFORE NO NEED TO SHOW RE-RUN WITH POLYRAD FOR NOW AS WE NEED NOT COMPARE WITH SOMETHING WORSE AT THE MOMENT. +vec_polyrad_required_packages = c("polyRAD") +vec_polyrad_required_packages = vec_polyrad_required_packages[!(vec_polyrad_required_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] +if (length(vec_polyrad_required_packages) > 0) { + if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) { + install.packages("BiocManager", repos="") + } + BiocManager::install("pcaMethods", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) + BiocManager::install("GenomeInfoDb", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) + BiocManager::install("GenomicRanges", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) + BiocManager::install("Biostrings", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) + BiocManager::install("Rsamtools", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) + BiocManager::install("VariantAnnotation", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE) + install.packages(vec_polyrad_required_packages, repos="") +} +library(polyRAD) +library(VariantAnnotation) +fn_polyRAD = function(fname_vcf, ploidy=2, read_length_less_barcode=64, output_format=c("tsv", "vcf")[1], verbose=FALSE) { + ############################## + ### TEST + # vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR("../misc/grape.vcf") + # vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR("../misc/soybean.vcf") + # vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR("../misc/cocksfoot.vcf") + # vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR("../misc/cocksfoot-POLYRAD_CALLs-63828815373.vcf") + # list_genotypes = fn_extract_allele_frequencies(vcf) + # mat_genotypes = list_genotypes$mat_genotypes + # mat_idx_high_conf_data = list_genotypes$mat_idx_high_conf_data + # maf = 0.01 + # missing_rate = 0.1 + # list_sim_missing = fn_simulate_missing_data(vcf=vcf, + # mat_genotypes=mat_genotypes, + # maf=maf, + # missing_rate=missing_rate) + # fname_vcf = list_sim_missing$fname_vcf + # ploidy = 4 + # read_length_less_barcode = 64 + # output_format=c("tsv", "vcf")[1] + # verbose = FALSE + # + # ### Create the expected set of allele frequencies using PolyRAD + # fname_vcf = "../misc/cocksfoot.vcf" + # ploidy = 4 + # read_length_less_barcode = 64 + # output_format=c("tsv", "vcf")[2] + # verbose = FALSE + ############################## + ### Adapted from: + # prepare the VCF file for import + myvcf = fname_vcf + # myvcf = "../misc/cocksfoot-POLYRAD_CALLs-63828815373.vcf" + myvcfbz = Rsamtools::bgzip(myvcf, overwrite=TRUE) + Rsamtools::indexTabix(myvcfbz, format = "vcf") + # import VCF into a RADdata object + ### Need to confirm tagsize which is the read length minus the indexes etc, and + myRAD = polyRAD::VCF2RADdata( + myvcfbz, + tagsize = read_length_less_barcode, + min.ind.with.reads = 1, + min.ind.with.minor.allele = 1, + possiblePloidies = list(ploidy) + ) + # # estimate contamination rate + # myRAD = SetBlankTaxa(myRAD, c(“blank1”, “blank2”)) + # myRAD = EstimateContaminationRate(myRAD) + # # genotype estimation with pop. structure pipeline + # myRAD = IteratePopStructLD(myRAD, LDdist = 5e4) + list_out = polyRAD::IterateHWE(myRAD) + G = GetWeightedMeanGenotypes(list_out) + if (verbose) { + vec_q = sample(G, size=1000, replace=FALSE) + vec_q = c(vec_q, 1-vec_q) + txtplot::txtdensity(vec_q) + } + ### Use the reference allele frequencies (G=1-G) and reformat the loci names to be compatible with gp + # dim(myRAD$locTable) + vec_chromosome_names = myRAD$locTable$Chr + vec_positions = myRAD$locTable$Pos + vec_alleles = myRAD$locTable$Ref + vec_ids = rownames(G) + G = 1 - G + colnames(G) = paste0(vec_chromosome_names, "\t", vec_positions, "\t", vec_alleles) + ### Remove duplicates, i.e. force biallelic loci + # sum(duplicated(colnames(G))) + vec_idx_non_duplicates = which(!duplicated(colnames(G))) + # which(duplicated(paste0(vec_chromosome_names, "\t", vec_positions))) == which(duplicated(paste0(vec_chromosome_names, "\t", vec_positions, "\t", vec_alleles))) + G = G[, vec_idx_non_duplicates, drop=FALSE] + # dim(G) + # G[1:5,1:5] + ### Save + if (output_format == "vcf") { + fname_out_gz = paste0(gsub(".vcf", "", fname_vcf), "-POLYRAD_CALLs-", round(runif(min=1e10, max=(1e11)-1, n=1)), ".vcf.gz") + vcf = gp::fn_G_to_vcf(G=G, min_depth=100, max_depth=1000, verbose=FALSE) + # str(vcf) + # head(vcf) + vcfR::write.vcf(vcf, file=fname_out_gz) + system(paste0("gunzip -f ", fname_out_gz)) + fname_out = gsub(".gz$", "", fname_out_gz) + } else { + fname_out = paste0("POLYRAD-IMPUTED-", round(runif(min=1e10, max=(1e11)-1, n=1)), ".tsv") + gp::fn_save_genotype(G, fname=fname_out, file_type=c("RDS", "TSV")[2], verbose=FALSE) + } + return(fname_out) + ### Test with PolyRAD called initial vcf -# ### Test imputation accuracy metrics: -# # metrics = fn_imputation_accuracy(fname_imputed=fname_out, -# # list_sim_missing=list_sim_missing, -# # mat_idx_high_conf_data=mat_idx_high_conf_data, -# # ploidy=ploidy, -# # strict_boundaries=FALSE, -# # mat_genotypes=mat_genotypes, -# # n_threads=2) -# # # free up memory (removes the alleleFreq) -# # list_out = StripDown(list_out) -# # str(list_out) -# # list_out$alleleFreq -# # export for GAPIT -# # myGM_GD = ExportGAPIT(list_out) -# } + ### Test imputation accuracy metrics: + # metrics = fn_imputation_accuracy(fname_imputed=fname_out, + # list_sim_missing=list_sim_missing, + # mat_idx_high_conf_data=mat_idx_high_conf_data, + # ploidy=ploidy, + # strict_boundaries=FALSE, + # mat_genotypes=mat_genotypes, + # n_threads=2) + # print(metrics) + # free up memory (removes the alleleFreq) + # list_out = StripDown(list_out) + # str(list_out) + # list_out$alleleFreq + # export for GAPIT + # myGM_GD = ExportGAPIT(list_out) +} ### Performance assessment function fn_test_imputation = function(vcf, mat_genotypes, mat_idx_high_conf_data, ploidy=4, maf=0.25, missing_rate=0.5, strict_boundaries=FALSE, restrict_linked_loci_per_chromosome=FALSE, n_threads=10) { - # vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR("../misc/grape.vcf") + # vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR("../misc/cocksfoot.vcf") # list_genotypes = fn_extract_allele_frequencies(vcf) # mat_genotypes = list_genotypes$mat_genotypes # mat_idx_high_conf_data = list_genotypes$mat_idx_high_conf_data + # ploidy=4 # maf = 0.01 # missing_rate = 0.1 # strict_boundaries = FALSE @@ -554,6 +548,31 @@ fn_test_imputation = function(vcf, mat_genotypes, mat_idx_high_conf_data, ploidy colnames(df_linkimputed)[1] = "#chr" write.table(df_linkimputed, file=fname_out_linkimpute, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE) } + + +# @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ + ### PolyRAD + fname_old_gz = paste0("vcf_old_temp-",, 1), ".vcf.gz") + vcfR::write.vcf(vcf, file=fname_old_gz) + system(paste0("gunzip -f ", fname_old_gz)) + fname_old_vcf = gsub(".gz$", "", fname_old_gz) + fname_new_vcf = fn_polyRAD(fname_vcf=fname_old_vcf, ploidy=ploidy, read_length_less_barcode=64, output_format=c("tsv", "vcf")[2], verbose=FALSE) + vcf_new = vcfR::read.vcfR(fname_new_vcf) + list_sim_missing = fn_simulate_missing_data(vcf=vcf_new, + mat_genotypes=mat_genotypes, + maf=maf, + missing_rate=missing_rate) + list_genotypes = fn_extract_allele_frequencies(vcf_new) + mat_genotypes = list_genotypes$mat_genotypes + mat_idx_high_conf_data = list_genotypes$mat_idx_high_conf_data + n_missing = length(list_sim_missing$vec_missing_loci) + fname_out_polyrad = fn_polyRAD(fname_vcf=list_sim_missing$fname_vcf, ploidy=ploidy, read_length_less_barcode=64, output_format=c("tsv", "vcf")[1], verbose=FALSE) +# @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ + + + + + ### Validating imputation metrics_mvi = fn_imputation_accuracy(fname_imputed=fname_out_mvi, list_sim_missing=list_sim_missing,