- MVI: mean value imputation
- AFIXED: adaptive LD-kNN imputation using fixed/default minimum loci correlation (0.9), and maximum pool distance (0.1)
- AOPTIM: adaptive LD-kNN imputation with optimisation for the minimum loci correlation and maximum pool distance per locus requiring imputation
- LINKIMPUTE: LD-kNN imputation designed for diploids (results presented only for the individual diploid dataset, i.e. grape data)
- 0.01
- 0.05
- 0.01
- 0.1
- 0.2
- 0.3
- 0.4
- 0.5
- 0.6
- 0.7
- 0.8
- 0.9
- autotetraploid Dactylis glomerata (2n=4x=28; ~3.5 Gb genome since diploids are 1.77Gb see Huang et al., 2020; 51 samples x 50,281 biallelic loci; Huang et al., 2020 using biallelic SNPs filtered by minimum depth of 17X, maximum depth of 1000X, and minimum allele frequency of 0.05)
- pools of diploid Glycine max (2n=2x=20; 1.15 Gb genome; 172 pools (each pool comprised of 42 individuals) x 39,636 biallelic loci; source: http://gong_lab.hzau.edu.cn/Plant_imputeDB/#!/download_soybean)
- diploid Vitis vinifera (2n=2x=38; 0.5 Gb genome; 77 samples x 8,506 biallelic loci; source: 021667_FileS1 - zip file)
- Prepare cocksfoot data:
Link the vcf and list of samples:
conda activate rustenv
cd $DIR
mkdir cocksfoot
cd $DIR
### 76 cocksfoot genomes, 51 of which are tetraploids
ln -s /group/pasture/forages/Cocksfoot/HamiltonGSS/genotype/Huang_genome_HiC/mpileup/Cocksfoot_HuangHiC-genome_VarDisc_maf.02.bial.mmiss.5.dp5.filtd.recode.vcf.gz $(pwd)/cocksfoot-raw.vcf.gz
ln -s /group/pasture/forages/Cocksfoot/Huang_Genomes/Huang_sample_source_info.txt $(pwd)/Huang_sample_source_info.txt
Extract the tetraploid genotypes, and retain only high-depth SNPs (10X-1x10^5X) without any missing data:
# dir = "/group/pasture/Jeff/imputef/misc/cocksfoot"
dir = "/group/pasture/Jeff/imputef/misc/bk/cocksfoot"
fname_input = file.path(dir, "cocksfoot-raw.vcf.gz")
fname_output = file.path(dir, "cocksfoot.vcf.gz")
fname_ids = file.path(dir, "Huang_sample_source_info.txt")
minimum_depth = 17
maximum_depth = 1e3
maf = 0.05
max_sparsity = 0.0
### Load data
vcf_orig = vcfR::read.vcfR(fname_input, verbose=TRUE) # dim: (12_739_113, 8, 328)
df_ids = read.delim(fname_ids)
### Remove multiallelic loci (i.e. >2 alleles per locus, hence represented here by more than 1 vcf row which translates to duplicated locus names)
vec_loci_names = paste(vcfR::getCHROM(vcf_orig), vcfR::getPOS(vcf_orig), sep="_")
vcf = vcf_orig[which(!(vec_loci_names %in% vec_loci_names[duplicated(vec_loci_names)])), , , drop=FALSE] # dim: (12_739_113, 8, 328)
### Retain tetraploid samples
idx_4x = which(df_ids$Ploidy == 4)
vec_4x_ids = df_ids[idx_4x, 1]
vec_samples = colnames(vcf@gt)[-1]
idx_col = which(toupper(vec_samples) %in% toupper(vec_4x_ids)) # length: 51
vcf = vcf[, , idx_col]
### Extract depths per locus per entry
mat_depth = vcfR::extract.gt(vcf, element="DP", as.numeric=TRUE)
### Define the breadth of coverage for filtering by missingness
mat_breadth = (mat_depth >= minimum_depth) & (mat_depth <= maximum_depth)
### Filter-out loci with greater than maximum sparsity (missing data)
idx_row = which(rowMeans(mat_breadth) >= (1-max_sparsity))
vcf = vcf[idx_row, , ]
mat_depth = mat_depth[idx_row, ]
mat_breadth = mat_breadth[idx_row, ]
### Calculate reference allele frequencies
vcf_to_ref_allele_frequencies = function(vcf) {
### Extract allele counts
mat_allele_counts = vcfR::extract.gt(vcf, element="AD")
mat_ref_counts = vcfR::masplit(mat_allele_counts, delim=',', record=1, sort=0)
mat_alt_counts = vcfR::masplit(mat_allele_counts, delim=',', record=2, sort=0)
### Set missing allele counts to 0, if the other allele is non-missing and non-zero
idx_for_ref = !is.na(mat_alt_counts) & (mat_alt_counts != 0) & is.na(mat_ref_counts)
idx_for_alt = !is.na(mat_ref_counts) & (mat_ref_counts != 0) & is.na(mat_alt_counts)
mat_ref_counts[idx_for_ref] = 0
mat_alt_counts[idx_for_alt] = 0
### Calculate reference allele frequencies
mat_genotypes = mat_ref_counts / (mat_ref_counts + mat_alt_counts)
mat_genotypes = vcf_to_ref_allele_frequencies(vcf)
### Remove loci with at least one missing data point
idx_row = which(rowSums(is.na(mat_genotypes)) == 0)
if (length(idx_row) < nrow(mat_genotypes)) {
vcf = vcf[idx_row, , ]
mat_depth = mat_depth[idx_row, ]
mat_breadth = mat_breadth[idx_row, ]
mat_genotypes = mat_genotypes[idx_row, ]
### Filter by minimum allele frequency
vec_mean_freqs = rowMeans(mat_genotypes, na.rm=TRUE)
idx_row = which((vec_mean_freqs > maf) & (vec_mean_freqs < (1-maf))) # length: 214_114
vcf = vcf[idx_row, , ]
mat_depth = mat_depth[idx_row, ]
mat_breadth = mat_breadth[idx_row, ]
mat_genotypes = mat_genotypes[idx_row, ]
### Retain only the 7 superscaffolds or pseudochromosomes (i.e. the largest scaffolds in the original vcf)
vec_chr_orig = vcfR::getCHROM(vcf_orig)
tab_chr_orig = sort(table(vec_chr_orig), decreasing=TRUE)
vec_7chr_names = names(tab_chr_orig)[1:7]
vec_chr = vcfR::getCHROM(vcf)
idx_row = which(vec_chr %in% vec_7chr_names) # length: 196_149
vcf = vcf[idx_row, , ]
mat_depth = mat_depth[idx_row, ]
mat_breadth = mat_breadth[idx_row, ]
mat_genotypes = mat_genotypes[idx_row, ]
### Stats
print(paste0("Final vcf dimensions: (", paste(dim(vcf), collapse=", "), ")"))
mean_depth = mean(mat_depth)
mean_breadth = mean(mat_breadth)
vec_depth_per_locus = rowMeans(mat_depth)
vec_breadth_per_sample = colMeans(mat_breadth)
vec_allele_frequencies_per_locus = rowMeans(mat_genotypes, na.rm=TRUE)
print("Distribution of genome coverage (i.e. depth):")
print(paste0("Mean depth = ", mean_depth, "X"))
print("Distribution of breadth of genome coverage per sample:")
print(paste0("Mean breadth of coverage = ", round(100*mean_breadth), "%"))
print("Distribution of mean reference allele frequencies across samples:")
print("How many scaffolds did we lose?")
vec_chr_orig = vcfR::getCHROM(vcf_orig)
vec_chr = vcfR::getCHROM(vcf)
print("Original list:")
print("After filtering:")
### Output
vcfR::write.vcf(vcf, file=fname_output)
- Prepare soybean data (pool by most genetically related):
conda activate bcftools
cd $DIR
### (2) pools of diploid *Glycine max*
for chr in $(seq 1 20); do wget http://gong_lab.hzau.edu.cn/static/PLimputeDB/download/species/soybean/panel/soybean_impute_Chr${chr}.vcf.gz; done
ls soybean_impute_Chr* > soybean-vcf.txt
for f in $(cat soybean-vcf.txt); do echo $f; gunzip ${f}; bgzip ${f%.gz*}; tabix ${f}; done
bcftools concat $(cat soybean-vcf.txt) -Ov -o soybean-indi_temp.vcf
time Rscript poolify.R \
soybean-indi_temp.vcf \
42 \
100 \
rm soybean_impute_Chr* soybean-vcf.txt soybean-indi_temp.vcf
### (3) diploid grape from the LinkImpute paper with missing data filled in with MVI to be fair with the other datasets
time Rscript \
ssv2vcf.R \
LinkImpute.data.grape.num.raw.txt \
mv LinkImpute.data.grape.num.raw.txt.vcf grape.vcf
- Generate pools from soybean individual genotype data, where we assume each individual per pool are perfectly equally represented (best-case scenario in the real-world).
- poolify.R
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
# args = c("/group/pasture/Jeff/imputef/misc/soybean-indi_temp.vcf", "42", "100", "/group/pasture/Jeff/imputef/misc/soybean.vcf")
vcf_fname = args[1]
min_pool_size = as.numeric(args[2])
depth = as.numeric(args[3])
out_fname = args[4]
print("Pooling individual diploid genotypes, i.e. each pool is comprised of {min_pool_size} most closely-related samples using k-means clustering using 1000 evenly indexes loci")
print("Note: assumes each individual per pool are perfectly equally represented (best-case scenario in the real-world)")
vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR(vcf_fname)
vec_loci_names = paste(vcfR::getCHROM(vcf), vcfR::getPOS(vcf), vcfR::getREF(vcf), sep="_")
vec_sample_names = colnames(vcf@gt)[-1]
### Extract biallelic diploid allele frequencies
G = matrix(NA, nrow=length(vec_loci_names), ncol=length(vec_sample_names))
GT = vcfR::extract.gt(vcf, element="GT")
G[(GT == "0/0") | (GT == "0|0")] = 1.0
G[(GT == "1/1") | (GT == "1|1")] = 0.0
G[(GT == "0/1") | (GT == "0|1") | (GT == "1|0")] = 0.5
rownames(G) = vec_loci_names
colnames(G) = vec_sample_names
### Create n pools of the most related individuals
print("Clustering. This may take a while.")
PCA = prcomp(G, rank=100)
C = PCA$rotation
p = length(vec_loci_names)
# C = t(G[seq(from=1, to=p, length=1000), ])
clustering = kmeans(x=C, centers=200, iter.max=20)
vec_clusters = table(clustering$cluster)
vec_clusters = vec_clusters[vec_clusters >= min_pool_size]
n = length(vec_clusters)
GT = matrix("AD", nrow=p, ncol=n+1)
pb = txtProgressBar(min=0, max=n, initial=0, style=3)
for (i in 1:n) {
idx = which(clustering$cluster == i)
q = rowMeans(G[, idx])
for (j in 1:p) {
# j = 1
ref = rbinom(n=1, size=depth, prob=q[j])
alt = rbinom(n=1, size=depth, prob=(1-q[j]))
GT[j, (i+1)] = paste0(ref, ",", alt) ### skipping the first column containing the FORMAT field "AD"
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
colnames(GT) = c("FORMAT", paste0("Pool-", c(1:n)))
### Create the output vcfR object
vcf_out = vcf
vcf_out@gt = GT
fname_vcf_gz = paste0(out_fname, ".gz")
vcfR::write.vcf(vcf_out, file=fname_vcf_gz)
system(paste0("gunzip -f ", fname_vcf_gz))
print(paste0("Output: ", out_fname))
- Prepare grape data (convert space-delimited genotype data from LinkImpute paper):
- ssv2vcf.R
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
# args = c("/group/pasture/Jeff/imputef/misc/LinkImpute.data.apple.num.raw.txt", "/group/pasture/Jeff/imputef/misc/soybean.vcf")
# args = c("/group/pasture/Jeff/imputef/misc/LinkImpute.data.grape.num.raw.txt", "/group/pasture/Jeff/imputef/misc/soybean.vcf")
fname_geno_txt = args[1]
fname_geno_dummy_vcf = args[2]
dat = read.table(fname_geno_txt, header=TRUE, sep=" ")
vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR(fname_geno_dummy_vcf)
idx_col_start = 7
n = nrow(dat)
p = ncol(dat) - (idx_col_start-1)
vec_loci_names = colnames(dat)[idx_col_start:ncol(dat)]
vec_pool_names = dat$IID
G = dat[, idx_col_start:ncol(dat)]
# ### Missing data assessment
# idx_row_without_missing = apply(G, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x){sum(is.na(x))==0})
# idx_col_without_missing = apply(G, MARGIN=2, FUN=function(x){sum(is.na(x))==0})
# sum(idx_row_without_missing)
# sum(idx_col_without_missing)
# sum(is.na(G)) / prod(dim(G))
# ### Fill missing with mean (because LinkImpute fails to finish running at MAF=0.25 for reasons I do not know)
# ploidy = 2
# pb = txtProgressBar(min=0, max=p, style=3)
# for (j in 1:p) {
# # j = 1
# idx_missing = which(is.na(G[, j]))
# G[idx_missing, j] = round(mean(G[, j], na.rm=TRUE) * ploidy)
# setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
# }
# close(pb)
### Create meta, fit and gt fields of the vcfR object
mat_loci_ids = matrix(gsub("^X", "chr_", unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(vec_loci_names, "[.]")), "_"))), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
### Randomly choose the alternative alleles as the genotype data (*.raw file) do not have that information.
vec_alt = c()
vec_alleles = c("A", "T", "C", "G")
for (i in 1:nrow(mat_loci_ids)) {
vec_alt = c(vec_alt, sample(vec_alleles[vec_alleles != mat_loci_ids[i,3]], size=1))
vec_chr = unique(mat_loci_ids[,1])
META = c("##fileformat=VCFv", paste0("##", vec_chr), "##Extracted from text file.")
FIX = cbind(mat_loci_ids[,1], mat_loci_ids[,2], vec_loci_names, mat_loci_ids[,3], vec_alt, rep(NA, each=p), rep("PASS", each=p), rep(NA, each=p))
colnames(FIX) = c("CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", "FILTER", "INFO")
GT = matrix("", nrow=p, ncol=(n+1))
GT[,1] = "GT"
colnames(GT) = c("FORMAT", vec_pool_names)
pb = txtProgressBar(min=0, max=n, style=3)
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:p) {
### We're assuming that the counts in G are for the reference alleles
if (is.na(G[i, j])) {
GT[j, (i+1)] = "./."
} else {
if (G[i, j] == 0) {
GT[j, (i+1)] = "1/1"
} else if (G[i, j] == 1) {
GT[j, (i+1)] = "0/1"
} else if (G[i, j] == 2) {
GT[j, (i+1)] = "0/0"
} else {
GT[j, (i+1)] = "./."
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
### Create the new vcfR object
vcf_new = vcf
vcf_new@meta = META
vcf_new@fix = FIX
vcf_new@gt = GT
### Save and unzip the object
vcfR::write.vcf(vcf_new, file=paste0(fname_geno_txt, ".vcf.gz"))
system(paste0("gunzip -f ", fname_geno_txt, ".vcf.gz"))
vcf_new_loaded = vcfR::read.vcfR(paste0(fname_geno_txt, ".vcf"))
dir = "/group/pasture/Jeff/imputef/res/"
vec_fnames = paste0("/group/pasture/Jeff/imputef/misc/", c("grape.vcf", "cocksfoot.vcf", "soybean.vcf"))
### Allele frequency extraction
fn_extract_allele_frequencies = function(vcf) {
vec_loci_names = paste(vcfR::getCHROM(vcf), vcfR::getPOS(vcf), vcfR::getREF(vcf), sep="_")
vec_pool_names = colnames(vcf@gt)[-1]
mat_allele_counts = vcfR::extract.gt(vcf, element="AD")
### Extract biallelic diploid allele frequencies if the AD field is missing
if (sum(is.na(mat_allele_counts)) == prod(dim(mat_allele_counts))) {
GT = vcfR::extract.gt(vcf, element="GT")
mat_genotypes = matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(mat_allele_counts), ncol=ncol(mat_allele_counts))
mat_genotypes[(GT == "0/0") | (GT == "0|0")] = 1.0
mat_genotypes[(GT == "1/1") | (GT == "1|1")] = 0.0
mat_genotypes[(GT == "0/1") | (GT == "0|1") | (GT == "1|0")] = 0.5
} else {
mat_ref_counts = vcfR::masplit(mat_allele_counts, delim=',', record=1, sort=0)
mat_alt_counts = vcfR::masplit(mat_allele_counts, delim=',', record=2, sort=0)
### Set missing allele counts to 0, if the other allele is non-missing and non-zero
idx_for_ref = which(!is.na(mat_alt_counts) & (mat_alt_counts != 0) & is.na(mat_ref_counts))
idx_for_alt = which(!is.na(mat_ref_counts) & (mat_ref_counts != 0) & is.na(mat_alt_counts))
mat_ref_counts[idx_for_ref] = 0
mat_alt_counts[idx_for_alt] = 0
### Calculate reference allele frequencies
mat_genotypes = mat_ref_counts / (mat_ref_counts + mat_alt_counts)
### Label the loci and pools
rownames(mat_genotypes) = vec_loci_names
colnames(mat_genotypes) = vec_pool_names
### Output
### Assess genotype relationships per dataset
for (i in 1:length(vec_fnames)) {
# i = 1
fname = vec_fnames[i]
fname_png = gsub(".vcf", ".png", basename(fname))
vcf = vcfR::read.vcfR(fname, verbose=FALSE)
# print(vcf)
mat_geno = fn_extract_allele_frequencies(vcf)
# str(mat_geno)
C = cor(mat_geno, use="complete.obs")
png(fname_png, width=2000, height=2000)
heatmap(C, scale="none", main=gsub(".vcf", "", basename(fname)))
cd $DIR
mkdir linkimpute/
cd linkimpute/
wget http://www.cultivatingdiversity.org/uploads/5/8/2/9/58294859/20210706_linkimpute.tar.gz
tar -xvzf 20210706_linkimpute.tar.gz
rm 20210706_linkimpute.tar.gz
java -jar LinkImpute.jar -h
- Concordance:
$c = {{1 \over n} \Sigma_{i=1}^{n} p}$ , where: $p= \begin{cases} 0 \text{ if } \hat g \ne g_{true}\ 1 \text{ if } \hat g = g_{true} \end{cases} $. This is used for genotype classes, i.e., binned allele frequencies:$g = {{1 \over {ploidy}} round(q*ploidy)}$ , here$q = P(allele)$ . Note that there is alternative way of defining these genotype classes with strict boundaries, i.e., homozygotes have fixed allele frequencies. - Mean absolute error:
$mae = {{1 \over n} \Sigma_{i=1}^{n}|\hat q - q_{true}|}$ . - Coefficient of determination:
$R^2 = { 1 - {{\Sigma_{}^{}(\hat q - q_{true})^2} \over {\Sigma_{}^{}(\hat q_{true} - \bar q_{true})^2}} }$
### Create slurm scripts with specific memory and time limits per dataset
cd $DIR
for DATASET in "grape" "cocksfoot" "soybean"
if [ $DATASET == "grape" ]
sed 's/--job-name="imputef"/--job-name="VvImp"/g' perf.slurm | \
sed 's/--mem=250G/--mem=100G/g' | \
sed 's/--time=14-0:0:00/--time=0-0:30:00/g' > perf_${DATASET}.slurm
elif [ $DATASET == "cocksfoot" ]
sed 's/--job-name="imputef"/--job-name="DgImp"/g' perf.slurm | \
sed 's/--time=14-0:0:00/--time=15-0:0:00/g' > perf_${DATASET}.slurm
sed 's/--job-name="imputef"/--job-name="GmImp"/g' perf.slurm | \
sed 's/--mem=250G/--mem=200G/g' > perf_${DATASET}.slurm
### Submit array jobs for each dataset
for DATASET in "grape" "cocksfoot" "soybean"
if [ $DATASET == "grape" ]
elif [ $DATASET == "cocksfoot" ]
echo ${DATASET}: ${INI}-${FIN}
sbatch --array=${INI}-${FIN} perf_${DATASET}.slurm
### Monitor the jobs
conda activate rustenv
cd $DIR
squeue -u jp3h | sort
tail slurm-*_*.out
grep -n -i "err" slurm-*_*.out | grep -v "mean absolute" | grep -v "CANCELLED AT 2024-04-15T16"
wc -l *-performance_assessment-maf_*missing_rate_*.csv
ls -lhtr
time Rscript perf_plot.R ${DIR}
### After all jobs have finished, move the output and plot:
mkdir output
mv *-performance_assessment-maf_*-missing_rate_*.csv output/
time Rscript perf_plot.R \
The allele frequency LD-kNN imputation algorithm works well across the entire range of sparsity levels (0.1% to 90% missing data).