Jupyter [Docker]
- Access and modification of notebooks by @Nick_Aleks
KSQL [Docker]
- KSQL Commands for Sysmon JOIN recipe
Nginx [Docker]
- Updated proxy config to handle SSL better and not block internal HELK files from users
Logstash [Docker]
- For builds with elastic trial subscription, I had to move the logstash config out of volumes and add it manually to the docker container to avoid access and read issues from logstash container to local file.
Logstash [Docker]
Kafka [Docker]
- Osquery Filebeat Topic by @rrcyrus
- win_security topic to get win security events parsed back
- win_sysmon topic to get win sysmon events parsed back
Jupyter [Docker]
- jupyterlab-manager widgets
- Python package Keras 2.2.4
- Python package s3sf 0.2.0
Kibana [Docker]
Jupyter [Docker]
- ES-Hadoop version to 6.6.1
- Notebooks for intro to pandas and python
- Notebooks for intro to Spark SQL via Pyspark
- Notebooks for intro to Spark SQL via Pyspark and Sysmon
- python package altair to 2.4.1
- python package pandas to 0.24.1
- Docker Image to 0.1.1
ELK Stack [Docker]
helk_install [Docker]
helk_update [Docker]
- Update handling improved by devdua