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246 lines (148 loc) · 9.13 KB


Made changes to the artifact for the SOSP'21 paper:

Sishuai Gong, Deniz Altınbüken, Pedro Fonseca, Petros Maniatis, "Snowboard: Finding Kernel Concurrency Bugs through Systematic Inter-thread Communication Analysis", In Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), Virtual, 2021

Getting started


  • A Linux machine (Ubuntu-18.04 recommended).
  • Network access (for downloading data on a public server)


  • Memory & disk requirement

    The memory and disk usage of Snowboard varies depending on the size of the workload -- the number of sequential test inputs that will be analyzed. For example, analyzing one sequential input takes 0.35 GB storage space on average.

    The following instructions focus on a small workload (100 sequential test inputs) to demonstrate the usage of Snowboard. Running them takes about 16GB memory and 50GB disk on a Google cloud e2-standard-8 (8 vCPUs, 32 GB memory) machine.

    For running larger workloads, we recommend (1) using a machine that has more memory (e.g., the full workload in our experiments takes about 500GB memory) and (2) using a large disk with filesystem compression enabled (e.g., we used a 10TB disk with btrfs + compress=zstd:3).

  • These instructions have been tested in Ubuntu-18.04 so we recommend using the same environment.

  • These instructions only require sudo privilege for scripts/ to install dependencies.

Build Snowboard

Run the following commands to prepare everything needed for Snowboard:

$ cd $ARTIFACT_HOME # the path of this package
$ cd scripts
$ source /storage/snowboard-tmp/
  • Please specify $SNOWBOARD_STORAGE to store all the outputs of Snowboard.

Specifically, scripts/ does the following:

  1. Set up the necessary environment variables, which all the other scripts rely on;

  2. Prepare dependencies and compile Snowboard hypervisor;

  3. Download testsuite and artifact data. We store the data on a public server ( instead of this repo because it exceeds Github's individual file size limit. Please find an overview of the download data in artifact-data.

Run Snowboard

Prepare Snowboard input (Optional)

The user of Snowboard needs to prepare the following:

  • A set of kernel sequential tests
  • A kernel to be tested
  • A VM snapshot that contains a fixed state of the target kernel

This package already includes all the above so it is not necessary to create them.

Create a VM snapshot (Optional)

To create a new snapshot, run the following commands:

$ cd scripts/prerequisite

Certain environment variables can be configued when running to use a different kernel version or a new VM image.

Run tests

After source $SNOWBOARD_STORAGE , run the following commands to start analyzing sequential test inputs:

$ cd scripts/test
# ./ $start_id $end_id
# Profile and analyze 100 sequential inputs
$ ./ 100 200 
  • Input

    start_id and end_id together specify a range of sequential test inputs that will be analyzed. For example, ./ 100 200 will profile the execution of sequential test ID-100, test ID-101, test ID-102, ..., and test ID-200. According to the sequential tests included in this package, any valid ranges should be within [2, 129876].

    Hold on to ctrl+c to stop testing


    For each task (a task contains 512 concurrent inputs), a folder named concurrent-test-XXXX ("XXXX" is a timestamp) will be created under $SNOWBOARD_STORAGE to store execution results.

    $ find -name "concurrent-test-*" -type d

Inspecting concurrency testing results

The occurrence of a bug can be checked either in the guest kernel console history or the data race detection result.

  • Guest kernel console output

    $ cd $SNOWBOARD_STORAGE/concurrent-test-2021-08-20-15-06-31
    $ find -name "console*" | xargs cat

    Running the above commands will display all the console output (if any) collected from the guest kernel.

  • Data race detection result

    Detection result can be found by running:

    $ cd $SNOWBOARD_STORAGE/concurrent-test-2021-08-20-15-06-31
    $ find -name "*race_detect*"

    We provide a script to analyze the detection result by showing the kernel code of the two data-racing instructions.

    $ cd scripts/analysis
    $ ./ $SNOWBOARD_STORAGE/concurrent-test-XXXX


The output file is stored back to $SNOWBOARD_STORAGE/concurrent-test-XXXX and we can find it by:

  $ cd $SNOWBOARD_STORAGE/concurrent-test-2021-08-20-15-06-31
  $ find -name "*race_detection*source"

Validate results

Reproducing concurrency bugs

Reproducing a concurrency bug found by Snowboard entails re-executing specific concurrent input and inspecting the test results.

This package provides a script to reproduce concurrency bugs given concurrent inputs, as explained below:

  1. Re-run failure-inducing concurrent inputs

    $ cd scripts/reproduce
    $ ./ $concurrent_input


    The above command will execute Snowboard on the concurrent input and the execution result will be stored in SNOWBOARD_STORAGE/reproduce-XXXX.

  2. Check the occurrence of bugs

    Please follow the instruction in Section: Inspecting-concurrency-testing-results.

Patches for fixed concurrency bugs

Table 1 in the paper lists the testing results by Snowboard and below is a list of concurrency bugs which (1) were found by Snowboard and (2) are already fixed.

ID Summary Link
#1 BUG: unable to handle page fault for address
#9 Data race: dev_ifsioc_locked() / eth_commit_mac_addr_change()
#11 BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference
#12 BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference
#15 Data race: snd_ctl_elem_add()
#17 Data race: fanout_demux_rollover() / __fanout_unlink()

Measuring PMC cluster size

This package provides the PMC cluster data we collected in data/pmc/.

In paper:Table 2, we list the number of unique clusters under each clustering strategy (Column "Exemplar PMCs"). Those numbers can be validated by running wc -l on the cluster file, as shown below:

$ cd data/pmc
$ ll
total 9.8G
drwxrwxr-x 2 sishuai sishuai 4.0K Aug 20 02:17 ./
drwxrwxr-x 3 sishuai sishuai 4.0K Aug 20 16:38 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 sishuai sishuai 6.8G Aug 20 02:05 mem-dict-2021-03-27-14-47-44
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sishuai sishuai 1.8G Aug 19 12:47 uncommon-channel.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sishuai sishuai 138M Aug 19 12:45 uncommon-double-read-channel.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sishuai sishuai  19M Aug 19 12:47 uncommon-ins-pair.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sishuai sishuai 856K Aug 19 12:45 uncommon-ins.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sishuai sishuai  78M Aug 19 12:45 uncommon-mem-addr.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sishuai sishuai 369M Aug 19 12:45 uncommon-object-null-channel.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sishuai sishuai 673M Aug 19 12:44 uncommon-unaligned-channel.txt
$ wc -l uncommon-ins-pair
738467 uncommon-ins-pair.txt

Note this package does not include the PMC clusters under M-FULL strategy because a file containing such information will be too large (e.g., > 10TB).

More information about the format of PMC data is in artifact-data.

Analyze PMCs & PMC clusters

To understand a PMC or a PMC cluster, the kernel source code of the writer and reader will be very helpful.

This package provides a script to find the source code of a pair of write and read instruction.

For example, running following commands outputs the source code of top 100 writer and reader we identified in Linux 5.12-rc3.

$ cd data/pmc
$ head -n 100 uncommon-ins-pair.txt > top-100-ins-pair.txt
$ cd scripts/analysis
$ ./ ../../data/pmc/top-100-ins-pair.txt


Code of Snowboard hypervisor (vmm/src) in this repository is licensed under the GLPv2 license (vmm/src/LICENSE).The rest of Snowboard implementation in scripts/ is under Apache 2 license (scripts/LICENSE).