diff --git a/dist/std.min.scm b/dist/std.min.scm index 396a1a7c2..808e54f3c 100644 --- a/dist/std.min.scm +++ b/dist/std.min.scm @@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ (define-syntax define-values (syntax-rules () ((define-values () expr) (define dummy (call-with-values (lambda () expr) (lambda args #f)))) ((define-values (var) expr) (define var expr)) ((define-values (var0 var1 ... warn) expr) (begin (define var0 (call-with-values (lambda () expr) list)) (define var1 (let ((v (cadr var0))) (set-cdr! var0 (cddr var0)) v)) ... (define warn (let ((v (cadr var0))) (set! var0 (car var0)) v)))) ((define-values (var0 var1 ... . warn) expr) (begin (define var0 (call-with-values (lambda () expr) list)) (define var1 (let ((v (cadr var0))) (set-cdr! var0 (cddr var0)) v)) ... (define warn (let ((v (cdr var0))) (set! var0 (car var0)) v)))) ((define-values var expr) (define var (call-with-values (lambda () expr) list)))) "(define-values (a b ...) expr)\u000A\u000AEvaluates expression expr and if it evaluates to result of values\u000Athen it will define each value as a variable like with define.") (define-macro (include . files) "(include file ...)\u000A\u000ALoad at least one file content and insert them into one,\u000Abody expression." (if (null? files) (throw (new Error "include: at least one file path required")) (let ((result (vector)) (env (interaction-environment))) (if (eq? self global) (let* ((fs (require "fs")) (readFile (lambda (file) (new Promise (lambda (resolve reject) (fs.readFile file (lambda (err data) (if (null? err) (resolve (--> data (toString))) (reject err))))))))) (for-each (lambda (file) (let* ((expr (lips.parse (readFile file) env))) (set! result (--> result (concat expr))))) files)) (for-each (lambda (file) (let* ((text (--> (fetch file) (text))) (expr (lips.parse text env))) (set! result (--> result (concat expr))))) files)) (if (> result.length 0) (quasiquote (begin (unquote-splicing (vector->list result)))))))) (define-syntax syntax-error (syntax-rules () ((_ "step" arg ...) (join " " (vector->list (vector (repr arg) ...)))) ((_ message arg ...) (error (format "~a ~a" message (_ "step" arg ...)))))) -(define-syntax cond-expand (syntax-rules (and or not else r7rs srfi-0 srfi-2 srfi-4 srfi-6 srfi-10 srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-46 srfi-139 srfi-176 lips r7rs complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios exact-complex full-numeric-tower) ((cond-expand) (syntax-error "Unfulfilled cond-expand")) ((cond-expand (else body ...)) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand ((and) body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand ((and req1 req2 ...) body ...) more-clauses ...) (cond-expand (req1 (cond-expand ((and req2 ...) body ...) more-clauses ...)) more-clauses ...)) ((cond-expand ((or) body ...) more-clauses ...) (cond-expand more-clauses ...)) ((cond-expand ((or req1 req2 ...) body ...) more-clauses ...) (cond-expand (req1 (begin body ...)) (else (cond-expand ((or req2 ...) body ...) more-clauses ...)))) ((cond-expand ((not req) body ...) more-clauses ...) (cond-expand (req (cond-expand more-clauses ...)) (else body ...))) ((cond-expand (r7rs body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-0 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-2 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-4 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-6 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-10 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-22 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-23 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-46 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-139 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-176 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (lips body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (complex body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (full-unicode body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (ieee-float body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (ratios body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (exact-complex body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (full-numeric-tower body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (feature-id body ...) more-clauses ...) (cond-expand more-clauses ...))) "(cond-expand (cond body ...)\u000A\u000AConditionally execute code based on a features by Scheme implementation.") -(define (features) "(features)\u000A\u000AFunction returns implemented features as a list." (quote (r7rs srfi-0 srfi-2 srfi-4 srfi-6 srfi-10 srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-46 srfi-139 srfi-176 lips complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios exact-complex full-numeric-tower))) +(define-syntax cond-expand (syntax-rules (and or not else r7rs srfi-0 srfi-2 srfi-4 srfi-6 srfi-10 srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-28 srfi-46 srfi-69 srfi-98 srfi-111 srfi-139 srfi-147 srfi-156 srfi-176 srfi-193 srfi-195 srfi-210 srfi-236 lips r7rs complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios exact-complex full-numeric-tower) ((cond-expand) (syntax-error "Unfulfilled cond-expand")) ((cond-expand (else body ...)) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand ((and) body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand ((and req1 req2 ...) body ...) more-clauses ...) (cond-expand (req1 (cond-expand ((and req2 ...) body ...) more-clauses ...)) more-clauses ...)) ((cond-expand ((or) body ...) more-clauses ...) (cond-expand more-clauses ...)) ((cond-expand ((or req1 req2 ...) body ...) more-clauses ...) (cond-expand (req1 (begin body ...)) (else (cond-expand ((or req2 ...) body ...) more-clauses ...)))) ((cond-expand ((not req) body ...) more-clauses ...) (cond-expand (req (cond-expand more-clauses ...)) (else body ...))) ((cond-expand (r7rs body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-0 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-2 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-4 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-6 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-10 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-22 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-23 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-28 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-46 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-69 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-98 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-111 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-139 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-147 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-156 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-176 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-193 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-195 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-210 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (srfi-236 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (lips body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (complex body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (full-unicode body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (ieee-float body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (ratios body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (exact-complex body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (full-numeric-tower body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (feature-id body ...) more-clauses ...) (cond-expand more-clauses ...))) "(cond-expand (cond body ...)\u000A\u000AConditionally execute code based on a features by Scheme implementation.") +(define (features) "(features)\u000A\u000AFunction returns implemented features as a list." (quote (r7rs srfi-0 srfi-2 srfi-4 srfi-6 srfi-10 srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-28 srfi-46 srfi-69 srfi-98 srfi-111 srfi-139 srfi-147 srfi-156 srfi-176 srfi-193 srfi-195 srfi-210 srfi-236 lips complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios exact-complex full-numeric-tower))) (define *zero-number-chars* #(48 1632 1776 1984 2406 2534 2662 2790 2918 3046 3174 3302 3430 3558 3664 3792 3872 4160 4240 6112 6160 6470 6608 6784 6800 6992 7088 7232 7248 42528 43216 43264 43472 43504 43600 44016 65296 66720 68912 69734 69872 69942 70096 70384 70736 70864 71248 71360 71472 71904 72016 72784 73040 73120 92768 93008 120782 120792 120802 120812 120822 123200 123632 125264 130032)) (define *fold-case-mapping* (JSON.parse "{\u000A\"65\": 97, \"66\": 98, \"67\": 99, \"68\": 100,\u000A\"69\": 101, \"70\": 102, \"71\": 103, \"72\": 104,\u000A\"73\": 105, \"74\": 106, \"75\": 107, \"76\": 108,\u000A\"77\": 109, \"78\": 110, \"79\": 111, \"80\": 112,\u000A\"81\": 113, \"82\": 114, \"83\": 115, \"84\": 116,\u000A\"85\": 117, \"86\": 118, \"87\": 119, \"88\": 120,\u000A\"89\": 121, \"90\": 122, \"181\": 956, \"192\": 224,\u000A\"193\": 225, \"194\": 226, \"195\": 227, \"196\": 228,\u000A\"197\": 229, \"198\": 230, \"199\": 231, \"200\": 232,\u000A\"201\": 233, \"202\": 234, \"203\": 235, \"204\": 236,\u000A\"205\": 237, \"206\": 238, \"207\": 239, \"208\": 240,\u000A\"209\": 241, \"210\": 242, \"211\": 243, \"212\": 244,\u000A\"213\": 245, \"214\": 246, \"216\": 248, \"217\": 249,\u000A\"218\": 250, \"219\": 251, \"220\": 252, \"221\": 253,\u000A\"222\": 254, \"256\": 257, \"258\": 259, \"260\": 261,\u000A\"262\": 263, \"264\": 265, \"266\": 267, \"268\": 269,\u000A\"270\": 271, \"272\": 273, \"274\": 275, \"276\": 277,\u000A\"278\": 279, \"280\": 281, \"282\": 283, \"284\": 285,\u000A\"286\": 287, \"288\": 289, \"290\": 291, \"292\": 293,\u000A\"294\": 295, \"296\": 297, \"298\": 299, \"300\": 301,\u000A\"302\": 303, \"306\": 307, \"308\": 309, \"310\": 311,\u000A\"313\": 314, \"315\": 316, \"317\": 318, \"319\": 320,\u000A\"321\": 322, \"323\": 324, \"325\": 326, \"327\": 328,\u000A\"330\": 331, \"332\": 333, \"334\": 335, \"336\": 337,\u000A\"338\": 339, \"340\": 341, \"342\": 343, \"344\": 345,\u000A\"346\": 347, \"348\": 349, \"350\": 351, \"352\": 353,\u000A\"354\": 355, \"356\": 357, \"358\": 359, \"360\": 361,\u000A\"362\": 363, \"364\": 365, \"366\": 367, \"368\": 369,\u000A\"370\": 371, \"372\": 373, \"374\": 375, \"376\": 255,\u000A\"377\": 378, \"379\": 380, \"381\": 382, \"115\": 383,\u000A\"385\": 595, \"386\": 387, \"388\": 389, \"390\": 596,\u000A\"391\": 392, \"393\": 598, \"394\": 599, \"395\": 396,\u000A\"398\": 477, \"399\": 601, \"400\": 603, \"401\": 402,\u000A\"403\": 608, \"404\": 611, \"406\": 617, \"407\": 616,\u000A\"408\": 409, \"412\": 623, \"413\": 626, \"415\": 629,\u000A\"416\": 417, \"418\": 419, \"420\": 421, \"422\": 640,\u000A\"423\": 424, \"425\": 643, \"428\": 429, \"430\": 648,\u000A\"431\": 432, \"433\": 650, \"434\": 651, \"435\": 436,\u000A\"437\": 438, \"439\": 658, \"440\": 441, \"444\": 445,\u000A\"452\": 454, \"454\": 453, \"455\": 457, \"457\": 456,\u000A\"458\": 460, \"460\": 459, \"461\": 462, \"463\": 464,\u000A\"465\": 466, \"467\": 468, \"469\": 470, \"471\": 472,\u000A\"473\": 474, \"475\": 476, \"478\": 479, \"480\": 481,\u000A\"482\": 483, \"484\": 485, \"486\": 487, \"488\": 489,\u000A\"490\": 491, \"492\": 493, \"494\": 495, \"497\": 499,\u000A\"499\": 498, \"500\": 501, \"502\": 405, \"503\": 447,\u000A\"504\": 505, \"506\": 507, \"508\": 509, \"510\": 511,\u000A\"512\": 513, \"514\": 515, \"516\": 517, \"518\": 519,\u000A\"520\": 521, \"522\": 523, \"524\": 525, \"526\": 527,\u000A\"528\": 529, \"530\": 531, \"532\": 533, \"534\": 535,\u000A\"536\": 537, \"538\": 539, \"540\": 541, \"542\": 543,\u000A\"544\": 414, \"546\": 547, \"548\": 549, \"550\": 551,\u000A\"552\": 553, \"554\": 555, \"556\": 557, \"558\": 559,\u000A\"560\": 561, \"562\": 563, \"570\": 11365, \"571\": 572,\u000A\"573\": 410, \"574\": 11366, \"577\": 578, \"579\": 384,\u000A\"580\": 649, \"581\": 652, \"582\": 583, \"584\": 585,\u000A\"587\": 586, \"588\": 589, \"590\": 591, \"837\": 953,\u000A\"880\": 881, \"882\": 883, \"886\": 887, \"895\": 1011,\u000A\"902\": 940, \"904\": 941, \"905\": 942, \"906\": 943,\u000A\"908\": 972, \"910\": 973, \"911\": 974, \"913\": 945,\u000A\"914\": 946, \"915\": 947, \"916\": 948, \"917\": 949,\u000A\"918\": 950, \"919\": 951, \"920\": 952, \"921\": 953,\u000A\"922\": 954, \"923\": 955, \"924\": 956, \"925\": 957,\u000A\"926\": 958, \"927\": 959, \"928\": 960, \"929\": 961,\u000A\"931\": 963, \"932\": 964, \"933\": 965, \"934\": 966,\u000A\"935\": 967, \"936\": 968, \"937\": 969, \"938\": 970,\u000A\"939\": 971, \"963\": 962, \"975\": 983, \"976\": 946,\u000A\"977\": 952, \"981\": 966, \"982\": 960, \"984\": 985,\u000A\"986\": 987, \"988\": 989, \"990\": 991, \"992\": 993,\u000A\"994\": 995, \"996\": 997, \"998\": 999, \"1000\": 1001,\u000A\"1002\": 1003, \"1004\": 1005, \"1006\": 1007, \"1008\": 954,\u000A\"1009\": 961, \"1012\": 952, \"1013\": 949, \"1015\": 1016,\u000A\"1017\": 1010, \"1018\": 1019, \"1021\": 891, \"1022\": 892,\u000A\"1023\": 893, \"1024\": 1104, \"1025\": 1105, \"1026\": 1106,\u000A\"1027\": 1107, \"1028\": 1108, \"1029\": 1109, \"1030\": 1110,\u000A\"1031\": 1111, \"1032\": 1112, \"1033\": 1113, \"1034\": 1114,\u000A\"1035\": 1115, \"1036\": 1116, \"1037\": 1117, \"1038\": 1118,\u000A\"1039\": 1119, \"1040\": 1072, \"1041\": 1073, \"1042\": 1074,\u000A\"1043\": 1075, \"1044\": 1076, \"1045\": 1077, \"1046\": 1078,\u000A\"1047\": 1079, \"1048\": 1080, \"1049\": 1081, \"1050\": 1082,\u000A\"1051\": 1083, \"1052\": 1084, \"1053\": 1085, \"1054\": 1086,\u000A\"1055\": 1087, \"1056\": 1088, \"1057\": 1089, \"1058\": 1090,\u000A\"1059\": 1091, \"1060\": 1092, \"1061\": 1093, \"1062\": 1094,\u000A\"1063\": 1095, \"1064\": 1096, \"1065\": 1097, \"1066\": 1098,\u000A\"1067\": 1099, \"1068\": 1100, \"1069\": 1101, \"1070\": 1102,\u000A\"1071\": 1103, \"1120\": 1121, \"1122\": 1123, \"1124\": 1125,\u000A\"1126\": 1127, \"1128\": 1129, \"1130\": 1131, \"1132\": 1133,\u000A\"1134\": 1135, \"1136\": 1137, \"1138\": 1139, \"1140\": 1141,\u000A\"1142\": 1143, \"1144\": 1145, \"1146\": 1147, \"1148\": 1149,\u000A\"1150\": 1151, \"1152\": 1153, \"1162\": 1163, \"1164\": 1165,\u000A\"1166\": 1167, \"1168\": 1169, \"1170\": 1171, \"1172\": 1173,\u000A\"1174\": 1175, \"1176\": 1177, \"1178\": 1179, \"1180\": 1181,\u000A\"1182\": 1183, \"1184\": 1185, \"1186\": 1187, \"1188\": 1189,\u000A\"1190\": 1191, \"1192\": 1193, \"1194\": 1195, \"1196\": 1197,\u000A\"1198\": 1199, \"1200\": 1201, \"1202\": 1203, \"1204\": 1205,\u000A\"1206\": 1207, \"1208\": 1209, \"1210\": 1211, \"1212\": 1213,\u000A\"1214\": 1215, \"1216\": 1231, \"1217\": 1218, \"1219\": 1220,\u000A\"1221\": 1222, \"1223\": 1224, \"1225\": 1226, \"1227\": 1228,\u000A\"1229\": 1230, \"1232\": 1233, \"1234\": 1235, \"1236\": 1237,\u000A\"1238\": 1239, \"1240\": 1241, \"1242\": 1243, \"1244\": 1245,\u000A\"1246\": 1247, \"1248\": 1249, \"1250\": 1251, \"1252\": 1253,\u000A\"1254\": 1255, \"1256\": 1257, \"1258\": 1259, \"1260\": 1261,\u000A\"1262\": 1263, \"1264\": 1265, \"1266\": 1267, \"1268\": 1269,\u000A\"1270\": 1271, \"1272\": 1273, \"1274\": 1275, \"1276\": 1277,\u000A\"1278\": 1279, \"1280\": 1281, \"1282\": 1283, \"1284\": 1285,\u000A\"1286\": 1287, \"1288\": 1289, \"1290\": 1291, \"1292\": 1293,\u000A\"1294\": 1295, \"1296\": 1297, \"1298\": 1299, \"1300\": 1301,\u000A\"1302\": 1303, \"1304\": 1305, \"1306\": 1307, \"1308\": 1309,\u000A\"1310\": 1311, \"1312\": 1313, \"1314\": 1315, \"1316\": 1317,\u000A\"1318\": 1319, \"1320\": 1321, \"1322\": 1323, \"1324\": 1325,\u000A\"1326\": 1327, \"1329\": 1377, \"1330\": 1378, \"1331\": 1379,\u000A\"1332\": 1380, \"1333\": 1381, \"1334\": 1382, \"1335\": 1383,\u000A\"1336\": 1384, \"1337\": 1385, \"1338\": 1386, \"1339\": 1387,\u000A\"1340\": 1388, \"1341\": 1389, \"1342\": 1390, \"1343\": 1391,\u000A\"1344\": 1392, \"1345\": 1393, \"1346\": 1394, \"1347\": 1395,\u000A\"1348\": 1396, \"1349\": 1397, \"1350\": 1398, \"1351\": 1399,\u000A\"1352\": 1400, \"1353\": 1401, \"1354\": 1402, \"1355\": 1403,\u000A\"1356\": 1404, \"1357\": 1405, \"1358\": 1406, \"1359\": 1407,\u000A\"1360\": 1408, \"1361\": 1409, \"1362\": 1410, \"1363\": 1411,\u000A\"1364\": 1412, \"1365\": 1413, \"1366\": 1414, \"4256\": 11520,\u000A\"4257\": 11521, \"4258\": 11522, \"4259\": 11523, \"4260\": 11524,\u000A\"4261\": 11525, \"4262\": 11526, \"4263\": 11527, \"4264\": 11528,\u000A\"4265\": 11529, \"4266\": 11530, \"4267\": 11531, \"4268\": 11532,\u000A\"4269\": 11533, \"4270\": 11534, \"4271\": 11535, \"4272\": 11536,\u000A\"4273\": 11537, \"4274\": 11538, \"4275\": 11539, \"4276\": 11540,\u000A\"4277\": 11541, \"4278\": 11542, \"4279\": 11543, \"4280\": 11544,\u000A\"4281\": 11545, \"4282\": 11546, \"4283\": 11547, \"4284\": 11548,\u000A\"4285\": 11549, \"4286\": 11550, \"4287\": 11551, \"4288\": 11552,\u000A\"4289\": 11553, \"4290\": 11554, \"4291\": 11555, \"4292\": 11556,\u000A\"4293\": 11557, \"4295\": 11559, \"4301\": 11565, \"5104\": 5112,\u000A\"5105\": 5113, \"5106\": 5114, \"5107\": 5115, \"5108\": 5116,\u000A\"5109\": 5117, \"1074\": 7296, \"1076\": 7297, \"1086\": 7298,\u000A\"1089\": 7299, \"1090\": 7300, \"1090\": 7301, \"1098\": 7302,\u000A\"1123\": 7303, \"42571\": 7304, \"7312\": 4304, \"7313\": 4305,\u000A\"7314\": 4306, \"7315\": 4307, \"7316\": 4308, \"7317\": 4309,\u000A\"7318\": 4310, \"7319\": 4311, \"7320\": 4312, \"7321\": 4313,\u000A\"7322\": 4314, \"7323\": 4315, \"7324\": 4316, \"7325\": 4317,\u000A\"7326\": 4318, \"7327\": 4319, \"7328\": 4320, \"7329\": 4321,\u000A\"7330\": 4322, \"7331\": 4323, \"7332\": 4324, \"7333\": 4325,\u000A\"7334\": 4326, \"7335\": 4327, \"7336\": 4328, \"7337\": 4329,\u000A\"7338\": 4330, \"7339\": 4331, \"7340\": 4332, \"7341\": 4333,\u000A\"7342\": 4334, \"7343\": 4335, \"7344\": 4336, \"7345\": 4337,\u000A\"7346\": 4338, \"7347\": 4339, \"7348\": 4340, \"7349\": 4341,\u000A\"7350\": 4342, \"7351\": 4343, \"7352\": 4344, \"7353\": 4345,\u000A\"7354\": 4346, \"7357\": 4349, \"7358\": 4350, \"7359\": 4351,\u000A\"7680\": 7681, \"7682\": 7683, \"7684\": 7685, \"7686\": 7687,\u000A\"7688\": 7689, \"7690\": 7691, \"7692\": 7693, \"7694\": 7695,\u000A\"7696\": 7697, \"7698\": 7699, \"7700\": 7701, \"7702\": 7703,\u000A\"7704\": 7705, \"7706\": 7707, \"7708\": 7709, \"7710\": 7711,\u000A\"7712\": 7713, \"7714\": 7715, \"7716\": 7717, \"7718\": 7719,\u000A\"7720\": 7721, \"7722\": 7723, \"7724\": 7725, \"7726\": 7727,\u000A\"7728\": 7729, \"7730\": 7731, \"7732\": 7733, \"7734\": 7735,\u000A\"7736\": 7737, \"7738\": 7739, \"7740\": 7741, \"7742\": 7743,\u000A\"7744\": 7745, \"7746\": 7747, \"7748\": 7749, \"7750\": 7751,\u000A\"7752\": 7753, \"7754\": 7755, \"7756\": 7757, \"7758\": 7759,\u000A\"7760\": 7761, \"7762\": 7763, \"7764\": 7765, \"7766\": 7767,\u000A\"7768\": 7769, \"7770\": 7771, \"7772\": 7773, \"7774\": 7775,\u000A\"7776\": 7777, \"7778\": 7779, \"7780\": 7781, \"7782\": 7783,\u000A\"7784\": 7785, \"7786\": 7787, \"7788\": 7789, \"7790\": 7791,\u000A\"7792\": 7793, \"7794\": 7795, \"7796\": 7797, \"7798\": 7799,\u000A\"7800\": 7801, \"7802\": 7803, \"7804\": 7805, \"7806\": 7807,\u000A\"7808\": 7809, \"7810\": 7811, \"7812\": 7813, \"7814\": 7815,\u000A\"7816\": 7817, \"7818\": 7819, \"7820\": 7821, \"7822\": 7823,\u000A\"7824\": 7825, \"7826\": 7827, \"7828\": 7829, \"7777\": 7835,\u000A\"7840\": 7841, \"7842\": 7843, \"7844\": 7845, \"7846\": 7847,\u000A\"7848\": 7849, \"7850\": 7851, \"7852\": 7853, \"7854\": 7855,\u000A\"7856\": 7857, \"7858\": 7859, \"7860\": 7861, \"7862\": 7863,\u000A\"7864\": 7865, \"7866\": 7867, \"7868\": 7869, \"7870\": 7871,\u000A\"7872\": 7873, \"7874\": 7875, \"7876\": 7877, \"7878\": 7879,\u000A\"7880\": 7881, \"7882\": 7883, \"7884\": 7885, \"7886\": 7887,\u000A\"7888\": 7889, \"7890\": 7891, \"7892\": 7893, \"7894\": 7895,\u000A\"7896\": 7897, \"7898\": 7899, \"7900\": 7901, \"7902\": 7903,\u000A\"7904\": 7905, \"7906\": 7907, \"7908\": 7909, \"7910\": 7911,\u000A\"7912\": 7913, \"7914\": 7915, \"7916\": 7917, \"7918\": 7919,\u000A\"7920\": 7921, \"7922\": 7923, \"7924\": 7925, \"7926\": 7927,\u000A\"7928\": 7929, \"7930\": 7931, \"7932\": 7933, \"7934\": 7935,\u000A\"7944\": 7936, \"7945\": 7937, \"7946\": 7938, \"7947\": 7939,\u000A\"7948\": 7940, \"7949\": 7941, \"7950\": 7942, \"7951\": 7943,\u000A\"7960\": 7952, \"7961\": 7953, \"7962\": 7954, \"7963\": 7955,\u000A\"7964\": 7956, \"7965\": 7957, \"7976\": 7968, \"7977\": 7969,\u000A\"7978\": 7970, \"7979\": 7971, \"7980\": 7972, \"7981\": 7973,\u000A\"7982\": 7974, \"7983\": 7975, \"7992\": 7984, \"7993\": 7985,\u000A\"7994\": 7986, \"7995\": 7987, \"7996\": 7988, \"7997\": 7989,\u000A\"7998\": 7990, \"7999\": 7991, \"8008\": 8000, \"8009\": 8001,\u000A\"8010\": 8002, \"8011\": 8003, \"8012\": 8004, \"8013\": 8005,\u000A\"8025\": 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42601, \"42602\": 42603, \"42604\": 42605,\u000A\"42624\": 42625, \"42626\": 42627, \"42628\": 42629, \"42630\": 42631,\u000A\"42632\": 42633, \"42634\": 42635, \"42636\": 42637, \"42638\": 42639,\u000A\"42640\": 42641, \"42642\": 42643, \"42644\": 42645, \"42646\": 42647,\u000A\"42648\": 42649, \"42650\": 42651, \"42786\": 42787, \"42788\": 42789,\u000A\"42790\": 42791, \"42792\": 42793, \"42794\": 42795, \"42796\": 42797,\u000A\"42798\": 42799, \"42802\": 42803, \"42804\": 42805, \"42806\": 42807,\u000A\"42808\": 42809, \"42810\": 42811, \"42812\": 42813, \"42814\": 42815,\u000A\"42816\": 42817, \"42818\": 42819, \"42820\": 42821, \"42822\": 42823,\u000A\"42824\": 42825, \"42826\": 42827, \"42828\": 42829, \"42830\": 42831,\u000A\"42832\": 42833, \"42834\": 42835, \"42836\": 42837, \"42838\": 42839,\u000A\"42840\": 42841, \"42842\": 42843, \"42844\": 42845, \"42846\": 42847,\u000A\"42848\": 42849, \"42850\": 42851, \"42852\": 42853, \"42854\": 42855,\u000A\"42856\": 42857, \"42858\": 42859, \"42860\": 42861, \"42862\": 42863,\u000A\"42873\": 42874, \"42875\": 42876, \"42877\": 7545, \"42878\": 42879,\u000A\"42880\": 42881, \"42882\": 42883, \"42884\": 42885, \"42886\": 42887,\u000A\"42891\": 42892, \"42893\": 613, \"42896\": 42897, \"42898\": 42899,\u000A\"42902\": 42903, \"42904\": 42905, \"42906\": 42907, \"42908\": 42909,\u000A\"42910\": 42911, \"42912\": 42913, \"42914\": 42915, \"42916\": 42917,\u000A\"42918\": 42919, \"42920\": 42921, \"42922\": 614, \"42923\": 604,\u000A\"42924\": 609, \"42925\": 620, \"618\": 42926, \"42928\": 670,\u000A\"42929\": 647, \"42930\": 669, \"42931\": 43859, \"42932\": 42933,\u000A\"42934\": 42935, \"42936\": 42937, \"42938\": 42939, \"42940\": 42941,\u000A\"42942\": 42943, \"42944\": 42945, \"42946\": 42947, \"42948\": 42900,\u000A\"42949\": 642, \"42950\": 7566, \"42951\": 42952, \"42953\": 42954,\u000A\"42960\": 42961, \"42966\": 42967, \"42968\": 42969, \"42997\": 42998,\u000A\"5024\": 43888, \"5025\": 43889, \"5026\": 43890, \"5027\": 43891,\u000A\"5028\": 43892, \"5029\": 43893, \"5030\": 43894, \"5031\": 43895,\u000A\"5032\": 43896, \"5033\": 43897, \"5034\": 43898, \"5035\": 43899,\u000A\"5036\": 43900, \"5037\": 43901, \"5038\": 43902, \"5039\": 43903,\u000A\"5040\": 43904, \"5041\": 43905, \"5042\": 43906, \"5043\": 43907,\u000A\"5044\": 43908, \"5045\": 43909, \"5046\": 43910, \"5047\": 43911,\u000A\"5048\": 43912, \"5049\": 43913, \"5050\": 43914, \"5051\": 43915,\u000A\"5052\": 43916, \"5053\": 43917, \"5054\": 43918, \"5055\": 43919,\u000A\"5056\": 43920, \"5057\": 43921, \"5058\": 43922, \"5059\": 43923,\u000A\"5060\": 43924, \"5061\": 43925, \"5062\": 43926, \"5063\": 43927,\u000A\"5064\": 43928, \"5065\": 43929, \"5066\": 43930, \"5067\": 43931,\u000A\"5068\": 43932, \"5069\": 43933, \"5070\": 43934, \"5071\": 43935,\u000A\"5072\": 43936, \"5073\": 43937, \"5074\": 43938, \"5075\": 43939,\u000A\"5076\": 43940, \"5077\": 43941, \"5078\": 43942, \"5079\": 43943,\u000A\"5080\": 43944, \"5081\": 43945, \"5082\": 43946, \"5083\": 43947,\u000A\"5084\": 43948, \"5085\": 43949, \"5086\": 43950, \"5087\": 43951,\u000A\"5088\": 43952, \"5089\": 43953, \"5090\": 43954, \"5091\": 43955,\u000A\"5092\": 43956, \"5093\": 43957, \"5094\": 43958, \"5095\": 43959,\u000A\"5096\": 43960, \"5097\": 43961, \"5098\": 43962, \"5099\": 43963,\u000A\"5100\": 43964, \"5101\": 43965, \"5102\": 43966, \"5103\": 43967,\u000A\"65313\": 65345, \"65314\": 65346, \"65315\": 65347, \"65316\": 65348,\u000A\"65317\": 65349, \"65318\": 65350, \"65319\": 65351, \"65320\": 65352,\u000A\"65321\": 65353, \"65322\": 65354, \"65323\": 65355, \"65324\": 65356,\u000A\"65325\": 65357, \"65326\": 65358, \"65327\": 65359, \"65328\": 65360,\u000A\"65329\": 65361, \"65330\": 65362, \"65331\": 65363, \"65332\": 65364,\u000A\"65333\": 65365, \"65334\": 65366, \"65335\": 65367, \"65336\": 65368,\u000A\"65337\": 65369, \"65338\": 65370, \"66560\": 66600, \"66561\": 66601,\u000A\"66562\": 66602, \"66563\": 66603, \"66564\": 66604, \"66565\": 66605,\u000A\"66566\": 66606, \"66567\": 66607, \"66568\": 66608, \"66569\": 66609,\u000A\"66570\": 66610, \"66571\": 66611, \"66572\": 66612, \"66573\": 66613,\u000A\"66574\": 66614, \"66575\": 66615, \"66576\": 66616, \"66577\": 66617,\u000A\"66578\": 66618, \"66579\": 66619, \"66580\": 66620, \"66581\": 66621,\u000A\"66582\": 66622, \"66583\": 66623, \"66584\": 66624, \"66585\": 66625,\u000A\"66586\": 66626, \"66587\": 66627, \"66588\": 66628, \"66589\": 66629,\u000A\"66590\": 66630, \"66591\": 66631, \"66592\": 66632, \"66593\": 66633,\u000A\"66594\": 66634, \"66595\": 66635, \"66596\": 66636, \"66597\": 66637,\u000A\"66598\": 66638, \"66599\": 66639, \"66736\": 66776, \"66737\": 66777,\u000A\"66738\": 66778, \"66739\": 66779, \"66740\": 66780, \"66741\": 66781,\u000A\"66742\": 66782, \"66743\": 66783, \"66744\": 66784, \"66745\": 66785,\u000A\"66746\": 66786, \"66747\": 66787, \"66748\": 66788, \"66749\": 66789,\u000A\"66750\": 66790, \"66751\": 66791, \"66752\": 66792, \"66753\": 66793,\u000A\"66754\": 66794, \"66755\": 66795, \"66756\": 66796, \"66757\": 66797,\u000A\"66758\": 66798, \"66759\": 66799, \"66760\": 66800, \"66761\": 66801,\u000A\"66762\": 66802, \"66763\": 66803, \"66764\": 66804, \"66765\": 66805,\u000A\"66766\": 66806, \"66767\": 66807, \"66768\": 66808, \"66769\": 66809,\u000A\"66770\": 66810, \"66771\": 66811, \"66928\": 66967, \"66929\": 66968,\u000A\"66930\": 66969, \"66931\": 66970, \"66932\": 66971, \"66933\": 66972,\u000A\"66934\": 66973, \"66935\": 66974, \"66936\": 66975, \"66937\": 66976,\u000A\"66938\": 66977, \"66940\": 66979, \"66941\": 66980, \"66942\": 66981,\u000A\"66943\": 66982, \"66944\": 66983, \"66945\": 66984, \"66946\": 66985,\u000A\"66947\": 66986, \"66948\": 66987, \"66949\": 66988, \"66950\": 66989,\u000A\"66951\": 66990, \"66952\": 66991, \"66953\": 66992, \"66954\": 66993,\u000A\"66956\": 66995, \"66957\": 66996, \"66958\": 66997, \"66959\": 66998,\u000A\"66960\": 66999, \"66961\": 67000, \"66962\": 67001, \"66964\": 67003,\u000A\"66965\": 67004, \"68736\": 68800, \"68737\": 68801, \"68738\": 68802,\u000A\"68739\": 68803, \"68740\": 68804, \"68741\": 68805, \"68742\": 68806,\u000A\"68743\": 68807, \"68744\": 68808, \"68745\": 68809, \"68746\": 68810,\u000A\"68747\": 68811, \"68748\": 68812, \"68749\": 68813, \"68750\": 68814,\u000A\"68751\": 68815, \"68752\": 68816, \"68753\": 68817, \"68754\": 68818,\u000A\"68755\": 68819, \"68756\": 68820, \"68757\": 68821, \"68758\": 68822,\u000A\"68759\": 68823, \"68760\": 68824, \"68761\": 68825, \"68762\": 68826,\u000A\"68763\": 68827, \"68764\": 68828, \"68765\": 68829, \"68766\": 68830,\u000A\"68767\": 68831, \"68768\": 68832, \"68769\": 68833, \"68770\": 68834,\u000A\"68771\": 68835, \"68772\": 68836, \"68773\": 68837, \"68774\": 68838,\u000A\"68775\": 68839, \"68776\": 68840, \"68777\": 68841, \"68778\": 68842,\u000A\"68779\": 68843, \"68780\": 68844, \"68781\": 68845, \"68782\": 68846,\u000A\"68783\": 68847, \"68784\": 68848, \"68785\": 68849, \"68786\": 68850,\u000A\"71840\": 71872, \"71841\": 71873, \"71842\": 71874, \"71843\": 71875,\u000A\"71844\": 71876, \"71845\": 71877, \"71846\": 71878, \"71847\": 71879,\u000A\"71848\": 71880, \"71849\": 71881, \"71850\": 71882, \"71851\": 71883,\u000A\"71852\": 71884, \"71853\": 71885, \"71854\": 71886, \"71855\": 71887,\u000A\"71856\": 71888, \"71857\": 71889, \"71858\": 71890, \"71859\": 71891,\u000A\"71860\": 71892, \"71861\": 71893, \"71862\": 71894, \"71863\": 71895,\u000A\"71864\": 71896, \"71865\": 71897, \"71866\": 71898, \"71867\": 71899,\u000A\"71868\": 71900, \"71869\": 71901, \"71870\": 71902, \"71871\": 71903,\u000A\"93760\": 93792, \"93761\": 93793, \"93762\": 93794, \"93763\": 93795,\u000A\"93764\": 93796, \"93765\": 93797, \"93766\": 93798, \"93767\": 93799,\u000A\"93768\": 93800, \"93769\": 93801, \"93770\": 93802, \"93771\": 93803,\u000A\"93772\": 93804, \"93773\": 93805, \"93774\": 93806, \"93775\": 93807,\u000A\"93776\": 93808, \"93777\": 93809, \"93778\": 93810, \"93779\": 93811,\u000A\"93780\": 93812, \"93781\": 93813, \"93782\": 93814, \"93783\": 93815,\u000A\"93784\": 93816, \"93785\": 93817, \"93786\": 93818, \"93787\": 93819,\u000A\"93788\": 93820, \"93789\": 93821, \"93790\": 93822, \"93791\": 93823,\u000A\"125184\": 125218, \"125185\": 125219, \"125186\": 125220, \"125187\": 125221,\u000A\"125188\": 125222, \"125189\": 125223, \"125190\": 125224, \"125191\": 125225,\u000A\"125192\": 125226, \"125193\": 125227, \"125194\": 125228, \"125195\": 125229,\u000A\"125196\": 125230, \"125197\": 125231, \"125198\": 125232, \"125199\": 125233,\u000A\"125200\": 125234, \"125201\": 125235, \"125202\": 125236, \"125203\": 125237,\u000A\"125204\": 125238, \"125205\": 125239, \"125206\": 125240, \"125207\": 125241,\u000A\"125208\": 125242, \"125209\": 125243, \"125210\": 125244, \"125211\": 125245,\u000A\"125212\": 125246, \"125213\": 125247, \"125214\": 125248, \"125215\": 125249,\u000A\"125216\": 125250, \"125217\": 125251\u000A}")) (define (char-foldcase char) "(char-foldcase char)\u000A\u000AReturns lowercase character using the Unicode simple case-folding algorithm." (typecheck "char-foldcase" char "character") (let ((output (. *fold-case-mapping* (char->integer char)))) (if (number? output) (integer->char output) char))) diff --git a/dist/std.scm b/dist/std.scm index 34b7f22f6..1d80758bf 100644 --- a/dist/std.scm +++ b/dist/std.scm @@ -3849,9 +3849,10 @@ ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define-syntax cond-expand (syntax-rules (and or not else r7rs srfi-0 srfi-2 srfi-4 srfi-6 srfi-10 - srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-46 srfi-139 srfi-176 lips r7rs - complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios exact-complex - full-numeric-tower) + srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-28 srfi-46 srfi-69 srfi-98 srfi-111 + srfi-139 srfi-147 srfi-156 srfi-176 srfi-193 srfi-195 srfi-210 + srfi-236 lips r7rs complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios + exact-complex full-numeric-tower) ((cond-expand) (syntax-error "Unfulfilled cond-expand")) ((cond-expand (else body ...)) (begin body ...)) @@ -3881,25 +3882,45 @@ (else body ...))) ((cond-expand (r7rs body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-0 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-0 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-2 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-2 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-4 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-4 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-6 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-6 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-10 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-10 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-22 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-22 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-23 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-23 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-46 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-28 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-139 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-46 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-176 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-69 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-98 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-111 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-139 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-147 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-156 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-176 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-193 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-195 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-210 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-236 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (lips body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) @@ -3926,8 +3947,10 @@ "(features) Function returns implemented features as a list." - '(r7rs srfi-0 srfi-2 srfi-4 srfi-6 srfi-10 srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-46 srfi-139 srfi-176 lips - complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios exact-complex full-numeric-tower)) + '(r7rs srfi-0 srfi-2 srfi-4 srfi-6 srfi-10 srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-28 srfi-46 srfi-69 + srfi-98 srfi-111 srfi-139 srfi-147 srfi-156 srfi-176 srfi-193 srfi-195 + srfi-210 srfi-236 lips complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios exact-complex + full-numeric-tower)) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; the numerals can be generated using scripts/numerals.scm to get latest version diff --git a/dist/std.xcb b/dist/std.xcb index c2c4b441b..3b6f8d51e 100644 Binary files a/dist/std.xcb and b/dist/std.xcb differ diff --git a/lib/R7RS.scm b/lib/R7RS.scm index b73b347f1..de0e85794 100755 --- a/lib/R7RS.scm +++ b/lib/R7RS.scm @@ -535,9 +535,10 @@ ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define-syntax cond-expand (syntax-rules (and or not else r7rs srfi-0 srfi-2 srfi-4 srfi-6 srfi-10 - srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-46 srfi-139 srfi-176 lips r7rs - complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios exact-complex - full-numeric-tower) + srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-28 srfi-46 srfi-69 srfi-98 srfi-111 + srfi-139 srfi-147 srfi-156 srfi-176 srfi-193 srfi-195 srfi-210 + srfi-236 lips r7rs complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios + exact-complex full-numeric-tower) ((cond-expand) (syntax-error "Unfulfilled cond-expand")) ((cond-expand (else body ...)) (begin body ...)) @@ -567,25 +568,45 @@ (else body ...))) ((cond-expand (r7rs body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-0 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-0 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-2 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-2 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-4 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-4 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-6 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-6 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-10 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-10 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-22 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-22 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-23 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-23 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-46 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-28 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-139 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-46 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) - ((cond-expand (srfi-176 body ...) more-clauses ...) + ((cond-expand (srfi-69 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-98 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-111 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-139 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-147 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-156 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-176 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-193 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-195 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-210 body ...) more-clauses ...) + (begin body ...)) + ((cond-expand (srfi-236 body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) ((cond-expand (lips body ...) more-clauses ...) (begin body ...)) @@ -612,8 +633,10 @@ "(features) Function returns implemented features as a list." - '(r7rs srfi-0 srfi-2 srfi-4 srfi-6 srfi-10 srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-46 srfi-139 srfi-176 lips - complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios exact-complex full-numeric-tower)) + '(r7rs srfi-0 srfi-2 srfi-4 srfi-6 srfi-10 srfi-22 srfi-23 srfi-28 srfi-46 srfi-69 + srfi-98 srfi-111 srfi-139 srfi-147 srfi-156 srfi-176 srfi-193 srfi-195 + srfi-210 srfi-236 lips complex full-unicode ieee-float ratios exact-complex + full-numeric-tower)) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; the numerals can be generated using scripts/numerals.scm to get latest version