configs/, Includes the config files to run models
data/, Storing datasets (eg. data/scannet/ or data/ARKitScenes), Defines all hyper-parameters of the model
- dataprocessing/, Defines augmentation code
- dataprocessing/, Reads on train/test/val scenes of scannet
- dataprocessing/, Reads on train/val scenes of Arkitscenes
- dataprocessing/, Reads on train/val scenes of S3DIS
models/, Reads and preprocesses data and prepare tensor batches
- class ScanNet, Reads and preprocesses Scannet scenes
- approx_association(), Finds the associations of points using GT bounding boxes
- getitem(), Preprocesses the scenes, returns model inputs and labels
- class ARKitScenes, Reads and preprocess ArkitScenes scenes
- approx_association(), Finds the associations of points using GT bounding boxes
- getitem(), Preprocesses the scenes, returns model inputs and labels
- class S3DIS, Reads and preprocess S3dis scenes
- approx_association(), Finds the associations of points using GT bounding boxes
- getitem(), Preprocesses the scenes, returns model inputs and labels
- collate_fn, Collates preprocessed scenes into tensor batches
- class ScanNet, Reads and preprocesses Scannet scenes
models/, Defines the network
- class SelectionNet, Define the main network and network heads
- detection2mask(), Converts box proposals into final instance mask
- get_prediction(), Gets prediction from the network heads
- class SelectionNet, Define the main network and network heads
models/, Evaluates Scannet and ArkitScenes predictions. Can be run with:
python models/ --config configs/[config_name].txt
- arkitscenes_eval(), Approximates oriented bounding boxes from instance predictions and computes detection quality using the AP score
- scannet_eval(), Computes Scannet prediction scores in terms of AP, AP50 and AP25
models/, Defines the Non-Maximum Clustering clustering
- NMS_clustering(), Non-Maximum Clustering algorithm (as in Sec.3 and Sec. 4 in the main paper)
models/, Some utilities for making the U-Net model
models/, Defines the training code, can be run witch:
python models/ --config configs/[config_name].txt
models/, Defines and computes the losses for each epoch
- compute_loss_detection(), Compute each loss and the weighted joint losses for the network optimization
utils/, Contains some low-level utilities