An experimental erlang nif that leverages the aws c++ sdk for service discovery.
This library provides functions aws_serv_disc:list_instances/1,2,3
, an example is below:
Eshell V10.2.4 (abort with ^G)
1> aws_serv_disc:list_instances("srv-asfgdasfds21").
{ok,#{"Instances" =>
[#{"Attributes" =>
#{"AVAILABILITY_ZONE" => "us-west-1c",
"AWS_INSTANCE_PORT" => "32768",
"EC2_INSTANCE_ID" => "i-01275c4793319ee89",
"ECS_CLUSTER_NAME" => "ClusterStack-Cluster",
"ECS_SERVICE_NAME" => "erlang-service",
"ECS_TASK_DEFINITION_FAMILY" => "erlang-service",
"REGION" => "us-west-1"},
"Id" => "ccabd341-6b1e-4a84-99d3-a0f4c3fbbce5"}],
"NextToken" => undefined}}
This library has only been tested on ubuntu 16.04.
{deps, [
{git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}
NOTE: the aws c++ sdk must be installed on the target machine. It must be compiled as static libraries for the code to work as is:
is licensed under the MIT licence. See the LICENSE file for details.