If you're on a Mac using Homebrew to install various tools and utilities, there may come a time when you want a listing of what is installed.
Run this command:
$ brew bundle dump
It may take 10 or so seconds. When it is done, you'll have a Brewfile
in your
current directory.
Open it up and you'll see a bunch of lines like the following:
tap "heroku/brew"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/services"
tap "mongodb/brew"
tap "planetscale/tap"
tap "stripe/stripe-cli"
brew "asdf"
brew "bat"
brew "direnv"
brew "entr"
brew "exa"
brew "fd"
brew "ffmpeg"
brew "fx"
brew "fzf"
brew "gcc"
brew "gh"
brew "planetscale/tap/pscale"
brew "stripe/stripe-cli/stripe"
cask "1password-cli"
vscode "ms-playwright.playwright"
vscode "ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare"
vscode "prisma.prisma"
Notice there are tap
, brew
, cask
, and even vscode
This is a file you could export and then run on a 'new' machine to install all the programs you're used to having available on your current machine.