Let's say I'm using Astro to publish posts via markdown. One of the best ways
to do that is as a Content Collection. The posts will live in src/content
probably under a posts
directory. Plus a config file will define the
collection and specify validations for the frontmatter.
// src/content/config.ts
import { defineCollection, z } from 'astro:content';
const postsCollection = defineCollection({
schema: z.object({
title: z.string(),
description: z.string(),
tags: z.array(z.string())
export const collections = {
'posts': postsCollection,
When I first add this to my project and get the collection, it won't know what the types are.
import { getCollection } from "astro:content";
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const blogEntries = await getCollection("posts");
// ^^^ any
return blogEntries.map((entry) => ({
params: { slug: entry.slug },
props: { entry },
I can tell Astro to generate a fresh set of types for things like content
collections by running the astro sync
$ npm run astro sync
This updates auto-generated files under the .astro
directory which get pulled
in to your project's env.d.ts
All of these types will also be synced anytime I run astro dev
, astro build
, or astro check