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288 lines (222 loc) · 11.7 KB

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288 lines (222 loc) · 11.7 KB



  • Highcharter now uses HighchartsJS 10.2.0.

highcharter 0.9.4


  • Highcharter now uses HighchartsJS 9.3.1.
  • Support highcharts gantt extension (#287).
  • Adding missed language options in getOption("highcharter.lang").
  • Adding hcpxy_add_series, hcpxy_remove_series, hcpxy_update, hcpxy_update_series, hcpxy_add_point, hcpxy_remove_point and hcpxy_loading.
  • Adding hcpxy_set_date and hcpxy_redraw thanks to @PaulC91.
  • Adding hc_loading for use with hcpxy_loading.
  • Adding hcpxy_update_point due @zevross (
  • Update jQuery from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1. This solve the problem in flexdashboard menu when the size of viewport is small (like tables o phones).
  • Adding new data mountains_panorama.
  • Update pokemon data.


  • Fix url in documentations via devtools::check_rhub().
  • Removing knitr.figure = FALSE option in sizingPolicy = htmlwidgets::sizingPolicy to fix #703


  • Back to previous definition in inst/htmlwidegts/highchart.js. From factory: function(el, width, height) { ... to renderValue: function(el, x, instance) { ... due this way the widget resize to use the space in flexdashboards (WIP).

highcharter 0.8.2


  • Highcharter now uses HighchartsJS 8.1.2
  • Adding data helpers to make easy certain type of charts: data_to_boxplot, data_to_hierarchical and data_to_sankey. Thanks to @wwwjk366.
  • Adding list to hchart supported classes to work with the new data helpers.
  • Adding hc_theme_sparkline_vb, hc_theme_hcrt themes.
  • boost module is FALSE by default.
  • Modifying highcharts_demo(), adding caption and credit texts.
  • All vignettes were moved from the package to favor to avoid CRAN check NOTE and warning. The content was moved to the new website of the package.
  • htmlwdgtgrid.css were removed from the yaml of highcart hchart widgets to avoid problems with others css frameworks when highcarter is used with shiny. Now hw_grid add htmlwdgtgrid.css automatically. Additionally hw_grid gain new parameters: 1) add_htmlgrid_css To add or not htmlgrid.css and 2) browsable -set as TRUE the default value- so now there is no need to use htmltools::browsable #622
  • Adding new hc_add_yAxis. Thanks to @nordicgit70.
  • Added option to switch to rjson::toJSON for better plotting performance. To use execute options(highcharter.rjon =TRUE). See #613. Thanks to @nordicgit70.


  • Removing deprecated messages by dplyr #633 #637 thanks to @hdrab127.


  • hc_add_dependency_fa, fa_icon, fa_icon_mark, please use fontawesome package See examples in the new website.
  • hciconarray, please use now type = "item"
  • hcspark, please use hc_theme_sparkline
  • hctreeemaps, hctreeemaps2, please use data_to_hierarchical.

highcharter 0.8.1


  • Highcharter now uses HighchartsJS 8 (8.1.0).
  • Highcharter now uses jquery v3.5.0; previously used is v1.11.1
  • Updates deprecated dplyr functions (@hdrab127, #637)
  • Fix warnings for numeric vectors with multiple classes (@nuno-agostinho, #635)

highcharter 0.7.2


  • Highcharter now uses HighchartsJS 7 (7.2.0) thanks to Daniel Possenriede (#552).

highcharter 0.7.1


  • Adding hc_theme_bloom based on Bloomberg Graphics.
  • Removed shortcut functions: hcts, hcbar, hcpie, hchist, hcdensity.
  • Removing whisker package dependency (#415).
  • Bullet chart is supported. Added bullet.js module to highchart.yalm (#482).
  • Add parameter quiet to download_map_data. Thanks to @DavidBreuer (#450).

highcharter 0.7.0


  • highchart function don't load plugins as default. Now there is hc_add_plugin to load as required (#258).
  • Fontawesome is not loaded as default. Now there is a hc_add_depency_fa function helper to load as required (#257).

New Features

  • Highcharter now uses HighchartsJS 7 (7.0.1)
  • divBackgroundImage works with themes (#278).
  • New function hctreemap2 (#110).
  • New function hc_responsive to configure responsive features(#305).
  • New function tooltip_chart to create minicharts in tooltips (#343).
  • New function hc_boost function to configure boost module options module/boost.js (#382).
  • New function hchart_ which uses standar evaluation (#170).
  • New function hcaes_string (#248).
  • New function hcparcord. Inspired and copy from (#167).
  • New functions hc_add_series.lm and hc_add_series.loess (#271).
  • New function/theme Super Heroes (#286).
  • New function/theme hc_theme_ggplot2 to honoring one of the best packages (#260).
  • Added multicolor plugin (#251).
  • Added regression plugin (#262).

Bug Fixes

  • Adding encoding = "UTF-8" in download_map_data to read characters properly (#359).
  • Fixed Error in mutate_impl in hcboxplot (#323).
  • Fixed export_hc(..., as = "is") does not format javascript correctly (#398).
  • Added the MIME type to show fonts correctly (#308).
  • Fixed vignettes titles #244).
  • Fixed bug due conflict between highcharts v5 and draggable-points plugin (#273).
  • maxSize uses the default highchartsJS value (#272).
  • and forces to be data frame to avoid problems with the data.table class (#263).
  • Fixed bug in hc_add_series_df when the data frame comes with a column named "series" (#241).
  • hchart don't override/change default highchartsJS options (#302).

Api Changes

  • Remove deprecated list.parse functions (#259).
  • hc_exported was reworked (#247).

highcharter 0.5.0

Breaking changes

  • now gains a new mapping argument using hcaes function to define the aesthetics. After hchart(df, "line", x = xvar, yvar, group = othervar) now: hchart(df, "line", hcaes(x = xvar, yvar, color = othervar), ...) and therefore ... are used like other highcharter functions for give highcharts arguments to the series. See charting data frames vignette.

New Funcionalities

  • hc_add_series is a generic generic function (#213).
  • New hcmap function to chart maps (#218). And use remote sources (#215).
  • New charting data frames vignette ( (#220).
  • New charting maps vignette ( (#218).
  • debug as an option instead of argument. Example options(highcharter.debug = TRUE) (#216).
  • Upgrade to highcharts V5 (#154) (#208).
  • Added helpers & shortcuts for tooltip: sort and table (#206).
  • Added export-csv plugin to export chart data to CSV, XLS, HTML or JS array (#178).
  • Added Grouped Categories plugin (#172) (#193).
  • Added Tooltip delay plugin (#181).
  • Added is.highchart according with Best practices in (#179).
  • New themes: theme_firefox (#191), theme_tufte (#190). hc_theme_elementary (#184).
  • doesn't override the color if the column var have a hexadecimal color format (#148).
  • Added hc_size function to change width and height (#146).
  • Add more data for nice examples: vaccines, weather radials, pkmn (#145).


  • renaming hcwaffle to hciconarray. The hcwaffle do not make a waffle! (#242).
  • removing colorize_vector function (#237).
  • viridisLite moved from imports to suggests (#236).

Bug fixes

  • Fix map using mapbubble (#209).
  • hc_add_series_map don't remove additional data (#188) (#189).
  • hc_annotations accept multiple arguments (#171).
  • Adding specific version of tibble (#159).
  • allow change stops in hc_colorAxis (#147).


  • Remove underscore as dependencies (#214) (#210).

highcharter 0.4.0

New Funcionalities

  • Include elementId to createWidget. Add the hc_elementId() to modify this paramter after the creation of the highchart object (#140).
  • hchart support data frames a la ggplot2::qplot (#136).
  • hchart support Principal Components objects princomp and prcomp charting a biplot. Thanks to @nuno-agostinho (#128 #123).
  • hchartsupport matrix objects charting a heatmap (hchart.matrix) (#86).
  • hchart support phylo objects (#64).
  • New hcboxplot, hcwaffle, hcbar, hcpie, hchist, hcdensity, hcts function to get quick some style of charts. Thanks to @nuo-agostinho. hc_add_series_density implementation (#99 #70).
  • New hc_add_series_bwp to chart box and whisker plots (#81).
  • New hc_add_series_list to add list of series (#68).
  • New hc_add_series_df_old (!!) shortcut of hc_add_series(data = list.parse3(df)) (#76).
  • Added hc_theme_sparkline (#132).
  • Added function to create dataClasses and stops arguments in hc_colorAxis (#120).
  • Validate length of data = 1 and apply the list function (#119 #188 #65 #71).
  • Added colorize function so colorize_vector will be deprecate in the next release (#75).
  • Adding hc_add_series_df similar to (#114 #115).
  • Annotation funcionalities hc_annotations (#103).
  • Added cross as marker symbol (#96).
  • New hc_yAxis_multiples to add automatically arbitraty number of y axis (#90 #79).
  • New hc_grid to create a grid of highchart objects, inspired from mjs_grid (#67 #66).
  • Add motion plugin (#62).


  • Upgrading to highcharts 4.2.4 (#72).
  • Options were separated into, highcharter.lang and highcharter.chart instead of having all in one big list (#77 #52).
  • list.parse2 and list.parse3 deperacted and renaming to list_parse2 and list_parse3.
  • hc_add_series_scatter is more flexible and general (#54 #58)

Bug fixes

  • .hc_get_fonts now handle fonts names with multiple spaces (#107).
  • hchart.character now display empty levels (#101).
  • datetime_to_timestampdon't break in certain cases (#97).


  • At startup a message display mentioning that highchart, highstock and highmaps are not free for commercial and Governmental use.


  • Adding underscore dependency (previously was removed. Solves #28)

highcharter 0.3.0

  • Igraph support to hchart (#61)
  • New function export_hc. Take a highchart object and write a js file with the options (#60).
  • New function tooltip_table. Helper to create table based in tags from htmltoolspackage #59).
  • New function hc_colors. Function for the colors option in highcharts api (#57).
  • Adding funnel.js and gauge-solid.js to dependency for create funnel charts and charts like apple watch (#56).
  • The hc_themes_... functions gains a ... parameter to add styles to the current invoked theme (#53).
  • More themes: flat, flatdark, smpl, ft (financial times) (#49).
  • Don't run error (\dontrun{}) to avoid quantmod package example in flags function

highcharter 0.2.0

  • Implemenation of highcharts with boost module highchart2() (#43). This include highcharts.js, exporting.js and boost-module.js.
  • Highstock implementation/support (#10)
  • Highmaps implementation/support (#25)
  • Adding themes (#35): 538, economist, dotabuff, google, theme null (#19)
  • Plugins: Add font awesome integration (#45), fill-pattern (#31), draggable-points (#28)
  • New hchart function. Generic function to chart acf, forecast, ts, stl, xts, ohlc objects (#2) (#27)
  • In highmaps prevent scrolling when cursor is over the map (#38)
  • Import %>% (#15)
  • Heigth scale in the container in rstudio IDE (#14)
  • Avoid duplicate css calls (#6)
  • Add uscountygeojson, usgeojson, worldgeojson, unemployment data

highcharter 0.1.0

  • Data: city temp. favorite bars, favorite pies.
  • Shortcuts to plot scatters, bar, pies, treemaps and time series
  • Adding theme and options HC funcionalities