Local development has to be done in the forked repo of cluster-api-provider-bringyourownhost. Here are some examples of meaningful branch names
- add-host-reservation-logic
- update-readme
- fix-byomachine-controller-flakes
- refactor-agent-unit-tests
If you are pairing on a PR, make sure to use git-duet
To learn more about how to write a good commit message, refer to this article - How to write a Git commit message
At the minimum,
- the first line of the message should be concise and clear on the intent (this becomes the title of your PR)
- write (at least) another couple of lines explaining why the commit is necessary or what is the reasoning behind certain code logic
- all PRs should be raised against the main branch of cluster-api-provider-bringyourownhost
All contributors to this project must have a signed Contributor License Agreement ("CLA") on file with us. The CLA grants us the permissions we need to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project; you or your employer retain the copyright to your contribution. Before a PR can pass all required checks, our CLA action will prompt you to accept the agreement. Head over to https://cla.vmware.com/ to see your current agreement(s) on file or to sign a new one.
We generally only need you (or your employer) to sign our CLA once and once signed, you should be able to submit contributions to any VMware project.
Note: if you would like to submit an "obvious fix" for something like a typo, formatting issue or spelling mistake, you may not need to sign the CLA.
We encourage code reviews by non-maintainers as well. If you are lacking context, please ask the author to better explain the change in the description.
Look for things like
- Is the code well-designed? Is it consistent with Cluster API contract?
- Are there ways to write simpler code? If so, please suggest
- Is the code well covered by unit / integration / e2e tests?
- Does the naming convention (variables / functions / types / methods) make sense?
- Are there enough comments? Note that comments should explain why rather than what