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File metadata and controls

692 lines (530 loc) · 25.1 KB


shiny-pyseed is an opinionated bootstrapper for Python projects, geared towards fast single person development.


  • Poetry is used to manage dependencies and virtual environments.
  • pre-commit hooks are installed to automate housekeeping tasks (like linting and formatting).
  • Documentation is generated from docstrings using Sphinx, and spell checked with CSpell.
  • Project website is built using MkDocs, and published through GitHub Pages.
  • Releasing new versions is a one-click action.
    • Commits are required to conform to the Conventional Commits specification, so versions are updated automatically, and a changelog is generated for each release.
    • Releases are published to both GitHub and PyPI.
  • A GitHub repository for the project is created and configured.
    • Branch and tag protection rules are setup.
    • All pull requests are required to pass tests.
    • Pre-commit hooks are periodically auto-updated.



shiny-pyseed requires Python version 3.9 or above, and Poetry. It has been tested on Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu; instructions in this document will be provided for a Unix-like shell, which should work on macOS and GNU/Linux distributions.

Creating a new project

The bootstrap script, is hosted on the project website, and can be downloaded and executed in a single command like so:

curl -sSL | python3 -

Alternatively, you can download or clone the project repository and run dist/

NOTE: cannot be run from inside a virtual environment, and will exit with an error if it is.

Both of the above options will start an interactive session to configure and create a new project. The bootstrap process runs in two phases. In the first phase, a local Git repository for the project is created, dependencies are installed to a new virtual environment, and an initial commit is created. In the second (optional) phase, a GitHub repository is created for the project, API keys and secrets needed for releases are uploaded, and the project is pushed.

To bootstrap a project non-interactively (for example from a script), pass command line options to the script. For example:

curl -sSL | python3 - --path testdir/testproject

This will create a new project inside testdir/testproject using default options. Note that the second phase (GitHub repository creation) is skipped in non-interactive mode.

Workflow for bootstrapped projects

  1. Use Poetry to run commands in the project's virtual environment.

  2. Add files with doctests to DOCTEST_MODULES in tests/

  3. Follow Google's style guide for writing docstrings.

  4. Write commit messages conforming to the Conventional Commits specification, and maintain a linear commit history.

  5. Trigger the release-new-version workflow to create a new release. Alternatively, run scripts/ and push the generated commit and tag. This will trigger workflows to create a GitHub release, deploy the project website, and publish the project to PyPI. If the project was created with GitHub support disabled, use scripts/ Run scripts/ -h for options.

  6. If working on a new clone of the repository, initialize the project environment by running:

    poetry install --all-extras
    poetry run pre-commit install

Barebones mode

shiny-pyseed can also create a barebones project which does not include: documentation/website support, commit message enforcing, and GitHub workflows. Also in barebones mode, the project virtual environment is created in non-package mode.

Bootstrapping details

Project data collection

Metadata/config for the new project is collected interactively and/or from command line arguments. The bootstrap script has the following modes:

  1. Non-interactive mode: enabled if the script is called with command line arguments, but not the -i/--interactive argument. In this case, all config must be provided through command line arguments, and the --project argument, which specifies the project path, is required.
  2. Fully interactive mode: enabled if the script is called without any command line arguments.
  3. Semi-interactive mode: enabled if the script is called with the -i/--interactive argument. Any additional command line arguments will become default config values, which can be overridden interactively.

The available configurations, and the command line arguments for specifying them are:

  1. --barebones: Enable barebones mode. If enabled, some of the other arguments will be ignored, and a barebones project will be created.
  2. --project <PATH>: Path where the new project is created. This is the only required configuration.
  3. --description <DESCRIPTION>: Project description.
  4. --url <URL>: URL for project docs. This is needed by MkDocs; see It is ignored in barebones mode, which does not have MkDocs support.
  5. --pkg <PKG>: Main Python package name. The project is initialized with a single package of this name. If not specified, the final component of the project path will be used; for example if the project path is foo/bar/spam-ham, then the default main package name will be spam_ham.
  6. --no-mit: Do not include the MIT license.
  7. --authors <AUTHORS>: Project authors. The project authors must be specified as a comma separated list of names and emails in the form name <email>. For example Author One <[email protected]>, Author Two <[email protected]>. If not provided, the script will try to read the global Git config to get the user name and email, and use it as the sole author.
  8. --pym <3.MINOR.PATCH>: Minimum supported Python version. Note that this cannot be lower than 3.9.
  9. --pyM <3.MINOR.PATCH>: Maximum Python version. This only affects the versions used for running tests with GitHub actions. It has no effect in barebones mode since GitHub workflows are not included.
  10. --no-py-typed: Do not add a py.typed file to the Python package. This file indicates that a package provides type hints.
  11. --no-pc-cron: Do not add support for updating pre-commit hooks monthly through GitHub actions. Without this option, the script creates a periodic GitHub action that will run pre-commit autoupdate and create a pull request with the changes. It is ignored in barebones mode.
  12. --add-deps: Additional Python dependencies to add to the project. Dependencies should be separated by ';', and follow poetry specifications.
  13. --add-dev-deps: Same as --add-deps, except the dependencies are added to the 'dev' group.
  14. --no-github: Disable GitHub support. This will omit adding any GitHub related files to the project, and will skip GitHub setup in interactive mode. It has no effect in barebones mode.
  15. --no-doctests: Disable doctests support. This will omit adding, which contains boilerplate code for running doctests.

Project folder setup

Once project information has been collected, the new project is bootstrapped with the following operations:

  1. The project folder is created.
  2. Data files for the project are written.
  3. A Git repository is initialized.
  4. poetry install is called to create the project virtual environment, and install the project itself.
  5. Dev dependencies are added: pre-commit, ruff, mypy, sphinx, sphinx-markdown-builder, mkdocstrings, mkdocs-material, mkdocs-gen-files, mkdocs-literate-nav, mike.
  6. pre-commit hooks are installed and updated.
  7. Prettier is used to format pyproject.toml.
  8. Documentation is built.
  9. mkdocs build is called to verify that the site can be built.
  10. Initial Git commit is created.

GitHub repository setup

After the project folder has been bootstrapped, shiny-pyseed can optionally also configure a GitHub repository for the project. This is not done in non-interactive mode, and also requires some user action. The following operations are involved:

  1. The user will need to create personal access tokens for the GitHub API. For information on creating a token, see Two tokens are required:
    1. A token with 'administration:write' and 'secrets:write' permissions, used to create the GitHub repository. This token can be shared between projects, but it is highly recommended to create a separate token just for shiny-pyseed.
    2. A token with 'contents:write' permission for the project repository. This token is used for creating GitHub releases and publishing the website.
  2. The user will also need to create a PyPI access token for uploading releases to PyPI. For details, see
  3. The GitHub API is called to create a repository with the same name as the project.
  4. pyproject.toml and mkdocs.yml are updated with the repository name, and the initial commit is amended.
  5. The GitHub repository is added as a remote, and the initial commit is pushed.
  6. Branch protection rules are configured for 'master' to require pull request reviews, and have a linear commit history.
  7. Tag protection rules are setup for v* tags. This prevents non-owners from creating releases.
  8. Workflow permissions are configured, to enable pull requests from workflows.
  9. Two repository secrets are created: REPO_PAT containing the project specific GitHub API token, and PYPI_TOKEN containing the PyPI access token. Note that if GitHub repository configuration is skipped, and a repository is created manually, these secrets must be created for the release action to work.

Feature details

This section describes the full set of features in a shiny-pyseed project. For demonstration, a demo project will be used, created with default options, to a folder named testproject, which will look like this:

├── docs/
│   ├──
│   └──
├── .github/
│   └── workflows/
│       ├── check-pr.yml
│       ├── create-github-release.yml
│       ├── deploy-project-site.yml
│       ├── publish-to-pypi.yml
│       ├── release-new-version.yml
│       ├── run-tests.yml
│       └── update-pre-commit-hooks.yml
├── scripts/
│   ├──*
│   ├──*
│   ├──*
│   └──*
├── src/
│   └── testproject/
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └── py.typed
├── tests/
│   └──
│   └──
├── www/
│   ├── src/
│   │   ├── -> ../../
│   │   ├── -> ../../
│   │   └── -> ../../
│   └── theme/
│       └── overrides/
│           └── main.html
├── .commitlintrc.yaml
├── .cspell.json
├── .editorconfig
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── mkdocs.yml
├── poetry.lock
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── .prettierignore
├── .prettierrc.js
├── project-words.txt
├── pyproject.toml

We will now look into the various components.


shiny-pyseed uses Poetry to manage dependencies and virtual environments. A virtual environment is created as part of the project bootstrap process. See for details on how to manage the environment creation. Use poetry run to run commands inside the created environment.

The packages key inside pyproject.toml should contain all the packages for the project. Initially, this will contain the main package created during bootstrap. Additional packages must be added to this list.


poetry-dynamic-versioning is used to automatically manage the project version using Git tags. On build, the latest version tag will be written to src/<PACKAGE>/ The version can be accessed through __version__, i.e., you can do from <PACKAGE> import __version__.

Packaging type information

By default, shiny-pyseed adds an empty file named py.typed to the main package, which indicates that the package provides type hints. If you do not intend to support type checking, remove this file. For more, see


Ruff is used for formatting and linting Python files, and is configured through pyproject.toml. See [tool.ruff] and its sub-sections.

mypy is used for type checking. Its settings are in the [tool.mypy] section of pyproject.toml.

Prettier is used to format all non-Python files. Default settings are used, and the config file, .prettierrc.js is only used to load an additional plugin for prettifying toml files. Files to be ignored by Prettier are listed in .prettierignore. As a general rule, automatically generated files should be added here.

The Conventional Commits specification is a convention for commit messages to make them "human and machine readable". shiny-pyseed enforces this convention through Git hooks. Commit messages are checked using commitlint, and will need to adhere to the rules specified in .commitlintrc.yaml. The rules are a slightly modified version of @commitlint/config-conventional, with lines restricted to 72 characters.

CSell is used to spell check documentation (markdown files in docs/, and The config file, .cspell.json, defines a custom dictionary: project-words.txt. Words added to this file will be ignored by CSpell.


shiny-pyseed uses unittest as the testing framework; and test files should be put in the tests/ directory. If you use a different testing framework, the following files need to be modified: .pre-commit-config.yaml, .github/workflows/run-tests.yml. Look for lines with poetry run python -m unittest, and modify them as needed.


shiny-pyseed can include boilerplate code for running doctests in Files with doctests should be added to DOCTEST_MODULES. These tests will be run by unittest. Any doctests inside are also included.


shiny-pyseed provides support for docs in two formats. Offline docs in markdown, built by Sphinx, and online docs, built by MkDocs. Both formats are built automatically from docstrings in source code. So, some conventions need to be followed to ensure proper documentation generation. Docstrings should follow Google's style guide.

Here is a detailed example:


"""This is a test project."""
from ._version import __version__


"""This is the spam module."""

class Ham:
    """This is the Ham class.

        n: Number of eggs.

        >>> from testproject.spam import Ham
        >>> ham = Ham(10)
        >>> print(ham.eggs())
        10 eggs


    def __init__(self, n: int):
        self.n = n

    def eggs(self):
        """Display the number of eggs."""
        print(f"{self.n} eggs")


"""This is the foo subpackage."""

from ._bar import *

# Note: we have to explicitly define `__all__` since this package does
# not have a public interface.
__all__ = _bar.__all__  # type: ignore


# No docstring here since this is a private module. Its members are
# exposed directly through the foo package.
# `__all__` can be used to control which members are documented.

__all__ = ("baz",)

def nope():
    """This won't get documented.

    Since nope is not in `__all__`, it won't be documented.

def baz(x: int, y: str) -> str:
    """This is the baz function.

        x: A number.
        y: A string.

        A string combining the inputs.
    return f"{x} and {y}"

Offline docs

To manually generate the offline docs, run scripts/ This script should be run inside the project virtual environment. Alternatively, poetry run can be used:

poetry run scripts/

Offline docs are built using sphinx-apidoc, sphinx-build, sphinx-autodoc, napoleon, and sphinx-markdown-builder. The table of contents is written to docs/, and a separate doc file is created for each package and module.

This is what the docs will look like for the sample code above:


# testproject

- [testproject package](


# testproject package

This is a test project.

## Subpackages

- [ package](

## Submodules

- [testproject.spam module](


# testproject.spam module

This is the spam module.

### _class_ testproject.spam.Ham(n)

Bases: `object`

This is the Ham class.

- **Parameters**

  **n** (_int_) – Number of eggs.

### Examples

>>> from testproject.spam import Ham
>>> ham = Ham(10)
>>> print(ham.eggs())
10 eggs

#### eggs()

Display the number of eggs.


# package

This is the foo subpackage.

###, y)

This is the baz function.

- **Parameters**

  - **x** (_int_) – A number.
  - **y** (_str_) – A string.

- **Returns**

  A string combining the inputs.

- **Return type**


Web docs

To locally build the web docs, run mkdocs build. This will build the project site to www/_site, which can be served locally, for example, using Python's builtin HTTP server.

$ poetry run python -m http.server --directory www/_site

The site should then be accessible on localhost:8000. The site for a sample project created with shiny-pyseed can be viewed at

Site building is configured through mkdocs.yml. Source files for the documentation are generated by scripts/ This script, which is called automatically by mkdocs build, navigates the package structure and generates a source file for each package and module, listing all public members. These source files are read by mkdocstrings, which uses docstrings from the listed members to generate html files. Navigation is managed using mkdocs-literate-nav.

Material for MkDocs is used for theming, with support for auto light/dark modes.

shiny-pyseed uses the mike plugin to manage documentation versioning. Each time a new major/minor release is made, a new version of the documentation is built, and all versions can be accessed in the project site. Patch releases will update the corresponding minor version. Note that this feature is not available when building the site locally.

Pre-commit hooks

shiny-pyseed uses pre-commit to automate various tasks, using Git hooks. These hooks are installed automatically by the bootstrap script, and will run whenever a commit is made. If any of the hooks return a non-zero exit code, the commit is abandoned. Pre-commit hooks are configured in .pre-commit-config.yaml. The default configuration will:

  • detect simple mistakes like broken symlinks, trailing newlines, etc.
  • spell check the docs
  • prettify files of supported types
  • format Python files
  • lint and type check Python files
  • run tests
  • build the offline docs


shiny-pyseed comes with a simple EditorConfig configuration file (.editorconfig), that configures whitespace and line endings.

GitHub Actions

Workflows for GitHub Actions are provided in .github/workflows. Some of these workflows require secrets, which are created by the optional second phase of the bootstrap script. They will need to be created manually if this phase was skipped. This section will indicate which of the following two secrets are needed by different workflows. REPO_PAT is a GitHub access token with 'contents:write' premission for the repository, and PYPI_TOKEN is an access key for PyPI.

release-new-version.yml This is the workflow for creating a new release of the project. It needs to be triggered manually, for example using the Actions tab on GitHub. It requires the REPO_PAT secret.

This workflow will:

  • run the test workflow (run-tests.yml), and check if it passes
  • bump the version and update using scripts/, which is a wrapper around commit-and-tag-version
  • push the new commit and tag to master

The tag push in turn triggers the three post release workflows.

  1. create-github-release.yml: Creates a GitHub release using conventional-github-releaser. It requires the REPO_PAT secret.
  2. publish-to-pypi.yml: Publishes the project to PyPI, using PYPI_TOKEN.
  3. deploy-project-site.yml: Publishes the project website. It requires REPO_PAT.

check-pr.yml This workflow runs automatically on pull requests. It will call scripts/ which runs commitlint on all commits in the pull request. It will also run the test workflow.

run-tests.yml This is a template workflow called by others to run tests. It runs tests on a matrix of operating systems (ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest) and Python versions (configured during bootstrap).

update-pre-commit-hooks.yml This workflow calls pre-commit autoupdate to update hooks to their latest version. If there are any changes, it will create a pull request. By default, this workflow will run automatically every month. This can be skipped during bootstrap; alternatively, update or remove the schedule section in the workflow.