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James Watson edited this page Jul 29, 2015 · 11 revisions

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VOACAPl User's Guide

As voacapl is port of VOACAP, much of the information here is applicable to VOACAP as well.

Input Cards

The formatting of the input deck is critical to the operation of voacap and many 'bugs' can be traced to malformed deck. This section defines the formatting of the input deck. ANTENNA This card is used to define the characteristics of the transmit and receive antennas and is formatted as follows;

ANTENNA       1    1    2   30     0.000[harris/[email protected]   ]  0.0    0.4000
ANTENNA       2    2    2   30     0.000[harris/1950BD10.anw  ] 23.2    0.0000

This is read by voacapl with the following line; 1510 FORMAT(10X,4I5,f10.3,1x,a21,1x,f5.1,f10.4) READ(INPUT,1510) IAT,iantr,minfreq,maxfreq,designfreq(iantr),antfile(iantr),beammain(iantr),pwrkw(iantr)

|IAT | Antenna Type (1 = Transmit, 2 = Receive) | |iantr | interger value to identfy antenna | |minfreq | Minimun frequency of operation | |maxfreq | maximum frequency of operation | |designfreq | Antenna design frequency | |antfile | Filepath to the relevent antenna file (relative to the itshfbc directory | |beammain | Bearing | |pwerkw | Power (kW) |

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