Dockerized environment for 'python-api' repo to improve my ansible skills.
Clone repo.
git clone
Generate key in order to use ansible.
ssh-keygen -f ansible -q -P ""
Generate git deploy key.
ssh-keygen -f git -q -P ""
Fork python-api repo.
replacing repo by your forked repo. You should only replace GitHub username. -
as github read-only deploy key.
Start containers in the background. This command creates containers if don't exist or recreates them if
has been modified.docker-compose up -d
Access your app via http://localhost/.
Try to ping.
ansible -i hosts/all -m ping python-api
Try to deploy.
ansible-playbook -i hosts/all playbook/git.yml --tag=pull
Try to stop nginx.
ansible-playbook -i hosts/all playbook/nginx.yml --tag=stop
# List containers
docker-compose ps
# View logs
docker-compose logs
# Restart containers
docker-compose restart
# Stop containers
docker-compose stop
# Stop and remove containers.
docker-compose down
# Start a terminal session for python container
docker exec -ti pythonapi_python_1 bash
# Rebuild
docker-compose build or docker-compose up --build