Grunt task for build and package jasper application
This plugin requires Grunt.
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-jasper --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named jasper
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
jasper: {
options: {
target: {
package: false
Type: String
Default value: `index.html'
Path to the single page, that will be modified during build process. Page must contain and areas
Type: String
Default value: `app'
Path to application root. Task will search areas, components, etc.. in this folder.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
If true task will package your application to 'options.packageOutput' path;
Type: String
Default value: 'dist'
Specifying destination of application package
Type: Array
Default value: []
Specifying array of scripts, base dependencies of application like: angularjs, jasperjs, jquery, lodash, etc... (place in the options.singlePage)
Type: String
Default value: ''
Specifying startup script path, which bootstrap the application.
Type: Array|Object
Default value: []
Specifying array of stylesheet, which need to be referenced to the page before component's styles. You can specify here any css framework style (Twitter bootstrap) or normalize styles. If you want to split your css style into multiple file while packaging setup this property as config object:
jasper: {
options: {
baseCss: {
'all.min.css': [
//all component's style will be in the last target
Type: String
Default value: []
Specifying application configuration JSON file. Properties from this configuration file will registered as 'values', during task execution.
type: 'Boolean' Default value: false
If true task will append MD5 hash of content of application scripts, during package process to avoid client cache. 'scripts/_base.min.js' --> 'scripts/base.min.js?v=c5fa12138e2da9ddb6023f11533777c0'
type: 'Boolean' Default value: false
Is jDebug enabled. If enabled task will reference to index page jDebugSrc script if options.package == false.
type: 'String' Default value: 'node_modules/jdebug/lib/jdebug.js'
Specifies a path to jDebug client side library.
In this example, the options are used to build and package jasper application. Two target are used: for development process (debug) and package (release).
jasper: {
options: {
singlePage: 'index.html',
appPath: 'app',
values: 'path/to/values.json',
packageOutput: 'dist',
bootstrapScripts: [
baseCss: [
defaultRoutePath: '/'
debug: {
package: false
release: {
options: {
package: true,
fileVersion: true
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
(Nothing yet)
Licensed under the MIT license.