A Guid value-type that converts to and from 26-char alphabetic strings - like ShortGuid, but better.
Good for URLs!
MiniGuid.ToString() | Guid.ToString() |
xEykoBBxSwSuDJBZEzNOSFFIMU | 6fa7b0bf-6577-4e99-8f73-f64e867fe236 |
EutvfDtJywUKveRWSFBbsCHpyL | f65227f5-c563-4a9c-9170-67f619702fc5 |
BukxYWEvDMreXSDoaLSzRDRhkH | 437915dd-e9d5-48a2-b3ae-015995f56751 |
COKwlTfEmgwuRGyfyNMtuPIlNb | b46509e2-61be-45ad-8305-c1cd3a244b39 |
QxLKubVCxzzuTSKvxxizlZfyyg | 054aca55-befc-4673-b095-bdd195ccb8c6 |
using MiniGuids;
var miniGuid = MiniGuid.NewGuid();
//implicit conversions (and vice-versa too)
string someString = miniGuid;
Guid someGuid = miniGuid;
//explicit stringifying and parsing
var str = miniGuid.ToString();
var sameMiniGuid = MiniGuid.Parse(str);
//works out-of-the-box with Json.NET, MVC, etc. via TypeConverters
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { miniGuid }); //{ "miniGuid": "aaaaaBBBBBcccccDDDDDeeeeeF" }
It's all about readability: ShortGuid compresses to 22 chars by also including numbers and two special characters (_
and -
) - this leads to complicated-looking identifiers like _-9g5YdI9A27c_a-2FC00ebQ2
MiniGuid in comparison always outputs a blob of letters - all in the same character class, and without strange pepperings of underscores etc. It's a trade-off - four more characters, but more regular and digestable: QxLKubVCxzzuTSKvxxizlZfyyg
Also (not insignificantly) MiniGuid is nicely hosted on GitHub, nicely packaged with implicit conversions etc, and (drumroll) compatible with .NET Standard.