A supercheap Arduino-based 2-wheel robot for robot workshop purposes. A collaboration by various Bristol Hackspace members. Designed by Richard Sewell.
- Images and video
- Detailed construction instructions (written for Bristol Mini Maker Faire)
- Bill of materials (October 2016)
- Guide to running a Shonkbot workshop
Use the usual Arduino IDE: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
If you have a Mac, you need drivers for the Arduino clones (CH340G) http://kiguino.moos.io/2014/12/31/how-to-use-arduino-nano-mini-pro-with-CH340G-on-mac-osx-yosemite.html -> http://kiguino.moos.io/downloads/CH341SER_MAC.ZIP
You need this particular library for the stepper motors: http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/AccelStepper/ http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/AccelStepper/AccelStepper-1.47.zip
A common problem is that the micro USB cable you use to upload the code to the Arduino MUST be a data cable not just a power cable. If you do the steps below and don't find a serial port, that may be the issue.
- clone the Shonkbot code from github
- open shonkbot/shonkbot_detector/shonkbot_detector.ino in the Arduino IDE
- download the AccelStepper library (zip) and import the library into the IDE
- select "arduino nano" for your board in the IDE
- you may need to select Processor: APMega328P **(old bootloader)
- plug the Arduino into the computer using a mini USB data cable
- locate the serial port. If you're using the Arduino clones we gave you, on a Mac you'll need to download drivers. Windows and Linux may just work; On some versions of Windows you may have to explicitly allow the system to install the drivers.
- open shonkbot_detector/shonkbot_detector.ino in the IDE
- upload changes to the code to the board using the IDE