+ {this.props.status.name}
{items.map((app, idx) => {
return (
+ const ns_card = await page.locator(`data-test=overview-card-${ns}`);
+ await page.click('[aria-label="Health for"]');
+ await page.click(`[data-value=${type}]`);
+ const icon = await ns_card.locator('data-test=overview-app-health');
+ await icon.hover();
+ const list = await page.locator('data-test=overview-status');
+ // Wait for the list to appear
+ await page.waitForSelector('data-test=overview-status');
+ let i = 0;
+ for (const object of Object.entries(objects)) {
+ if (i === 5) {
+ break;
+ }
+ await icon.hover({ force: true }).then(async () => {
+ await expect(list).toContainText(`${object[1].name}`);
+ });
+ i++;
+ }
+ const expected = type === 'app' ? 'application' : type;
+ await expect(
+ ns_card.locator(`data-test=overview-type-${type}`),
+ ).toContainText(`${Object.entries(objects).length} ${expected}s`);
+function filterByIstioInjectionEnabled(jsonArray: any): any {
+ return jsonArray.filter(
+ json =>
+ (json.labels && json.labels['istio-injection'] === 'enabled') ||
+ (json.name && json.name === 'istio-system'),
+ );
+const visibleNamespaces = filterByIstioInjectionEnabled(NAMESPACES);
+test.describe('Kiali page', () => {
+ let page: Page;
+ let common: Common;
+ test.describe('overview', () => {
+ test.beforeAll(async ({ browser }) => {
+ const context = await browser.newContext();
+ page = await context.newPage();
+ common = new Common(page);
+ await common.loginAsGuest();
+ });
+ test.beforeEach(async () => {
+ page.reload();
+ });
+ test('Home cluster is visible', async () => {
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=home-cluster')).toHaveText(
+ CONFIG.clusters.Kubernetes.name,
+ );
+ });
+ test('About page can be opened', async () => {
+ await page.click('data-test=help-button');
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=Kiali')).toContainText(
+ STATUS.status['Kiali version'],
+ );
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=Kiali')).toContainText(
+ STATUS.status['Kiali commit hash'],
+ );
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=Kiali container')).toContainText(
+ STATUS.status['Kiali container version'],
+ );
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=Service Mesh')).toContainText(
+ STATUS.status['Mesh name'],
+ );
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=Service Mesh')).toContainText(
+ STATUS.status['Mesh version'],
+ );
+ for (const external of STATUS.externalServices) {
+ let text;
+ if (external.version) {
+ text = external.version;
+ } else {
+ text = 'N/A';
+ }
+ await expect(page.locator(`data-test=${external.name}`)).toContainText(
+ text,
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ test('MessageCenter can be opened', async () => {
+ await page.click('data-test=message-center');
+ await expect(
+ page.locator('data-test=message-center-modal'),
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=message-center-summary')).toHaveText(
+ 'Notifications 2 Unread Messages',
+ );
+ await page.click('data-test=message-center-summary');
+ await page.locator(
+ 'data-test=message-center-messages [data-test=drawer-message]',
+ );
+ });
+ test('Detail of a message in MessageCenter can be opened', async () => {
+ await page.click('data-test=message-center');
+ await page.click('data-test=message-center-summary');
+ await page.click('data-test=show-message-detail');
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=message-detail').first()).toHaveText(
+ 'grafana URL is not set in Kiali configuration',
+ );
+ });
+ test('Detail of a message in MessageCenter can be closed', async () => {
+ await page.click('data-test=message-center');
+ await page.click('data-test=message-center-summary');
+ await page.click('data-test=show-message-detail');
+ await page.click('data-test=hide-message-detail');
+ await expect(
+ page.locator('data-test=message-detail').first(),
+ ).toBeHidden();
+ });
+ test('Messages can be marked as read', async () => {
+ await page.click('data-test=message-center');
+ await page.click('data-test=message-center-summary');
+ await page.click('data-test=mark-as-read');
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=message-center-summary')).toHaveText(
+ 'Notifications 0 Unread Messages',
+ );
+ });
+ test('Messages can be cleared', async () => {
+ await page.click('data-test=message-center');
+ await page.click('data-test=message-center-summary');
+ await page.click('data-test=clear-all');
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=message-center-summary')).toHaveText(
+ 'Notifications 0 Unread Messages',
+ );
+ await expect(
+ page.locator('data-test=message-center-messages'),
+ ).toHaveText('No Messages Available');
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=drawer-message')).toHaveCount(0);
+ });
+ test('User is visible', async () => {
+ if (CONFIG.authStrategy === 'anonymous') {
+ await expect(page.locator('data-test=user')).toHaveText(
+ 'User : anonymous',
+ );
+ }
+ // There could be an else branch with non-anonymous auth strategies, but there is not enough test data in the fixtures for this.
+ });
+ test('Check namespaces visible to Kiali', async () => {
+ await page.click('data-test=namespace-selector');
+ for (const ns of visibleNamespaces) {
+ await expect(page.locator(`ul[role="listbox"]`)).toContainText(ns.name);
+ }
+ await expect(page.locator('ul[role="listbox"] > li')).toHaveCount(
+ visibleNamespaces.length,
+ );
+ });
+ test('No namespaces are selected', async () => {
+ await page.click('data-test=namespace-selector');
+ for (const ns of visibleNamespaces) {
+ await page.click(`ul[role="listbox"] > li:has-text("${ns.name}")`);
+ }
+ for (const ns of visibleNamespaces) {
+ await expect(
+ page.locator(`data-test=overview-card-${ns.name}`),
+ ).toHaveCount(0);
+ }
+ });
+ test('All namespaces are selected', async () => {
+ for (const ns of visibleNamespaces) {
+ await expect(
+ page.locator(`data-test=overview-card-${ns.name}`),
+ ).toHaveCount(1);
+ }
+ });
+ test('Namespace card should have labels', async () => {
+ const ns = visibleNamespaces[0];
+ const ns_card = await page.locator(`data-test=overview-card-${ns.name}`);
+ const icon = await ns_card.locator('data-test=labels-info-icon');
+ await icon.hover();
+ const list = await page.locator('data-test=namespace-labels');
+ // Wait for the list to appear
+ await page.waitForSelector('data-test=namespace-labels');
+ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(ns.labels)) {
+ await icon.hover({ force: true }).then(async () => {
+ await expect(list).toContainText(`${key}=${value}`);
+ });
+ }
+ await expect(ns_card.locator('#labels_info')).toContainText(
+ `${Object.entries(ns.labels).length} labels`,
+ );
+ });
+ test('Apps should be reported in the namespace card', async () => {
+ const ns = BOOKINFO_APPS.namespace.name;
+ await checkReportedItems('app', ns, BOOKINFO_APPS.applications, page);
+ });
+ test('Services should be reported in the namespace card', async () => {
+ const ns = BOOKINFO_SERVICES.namespace.name;
+ await checkReportedItems('service', ns, BOOKINFO_SERVICES.services, page);
+ });
+ test('Workloads should be reported in the namespace card', async () => {
+ const ns = BOOKINFO_WORKLOADS.namespace.name;
+ await checkReportedItems(
+ 'workload',
+ ns,
+ page,
+ );
+ });
+ test('Healthy apps should be reported in the namespace card', async () => {
+ const ns_card = await page.locator(`data-test=overview-card-bookinfo`);
+ const icon = await ns_card.locator('data-test=overview-app-health');
+ await icon.hover();
+ await page.waitForSelector('data-test=overview-status');
+ await expect(ns_card.locator('data-test=Healthy-status')).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ test('Degraded apps should be reported in the namespace card', async () => {
+ const ns_card = await page.locator(
+ `data-test=overview-card-travel-agency`,
+ );
+ const icon = await ns_card
+ .locator('[aria-label="Overview status"]')
+ .first();
+ await icon.hover();
+ await page.waitForSelector('data-test=overview-status');
+ await expect(ns_card.locator('data-test=Degraded-status')).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ test('Failed apps should be reported in the namespace card', async () => {
+ const ns_card = await page.locator(
+ `data-test=overview-card-travel-control`,
+ );
+ const icon = await ns_card.locator('[aria-label="Overview status"]');
+ await icon.hover();
+ await page.waitForSelector('data-test=overview-status');
+ await expect(ns_card.locator('data-test=Failure-status')).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ test('Istio config with success should be reported in the namespace card', async () => {
+ const ns_card = await page.locator(
+ `data-test=overview-card-travel-agency`,
+ );
+ await expect(
+ ns_card.locator('data-test=validation-icon-correct'),
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ });
+ test('Istio config with warning should be reported in the namespace card', async () => {
+ const ns_card = await page.locator(
+ `data-test=overview-card-travel-control`,
+ );
+ await expect(
+ ns_card.locator('data-test=validation-icon-warning'),
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ });
+ test('Istio config with error should be reported in the namespace card', async () => {
+ const ns_card = await page.locator(`data-test=overview-card-bookinfo`);
+ await expect(
+ ns_card.locator('data-test=validation-icon-error'),
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ });
+ });