List of available reputation systems and aggregation algorithms
Year | Short name | Full Paper title |
Research | ||
2000 | Histos | Collaborative reputation mechanisms for electronic marketplaces |
2000 | Sporas | Collaborative reputation mechanisms for electronic marketplaces |
2001 | Regret | REGRET: reputation in gregarious societies |
2001 | P-Grid | P-Grid: a self-organizing structured P2P system |
2002 | Beta | The Beta Reputation System |
2002 | Confidant | Performance analysis of the CONFIDANT protocol |
2002 | XRep | A reputation-based approach for choosing reliable resources in peer-to-peer networks |
2003 | EigenTrust | The Eigentrust algorithm for reputation management in P2P networks |
2003 | Gupta et al. | A reputation system for peer-to-peer networks |
2003 | TrustMe | TrustMe: anonymous management of trust relationships in decentralized P2P systems |
2003 | PeerTrust | PeerTrust: supporting reputation-based trust for peer-to-peer electronic communities |
2004 | Ismail et al. | An Efficient Off-Line Reputation Scheme Using Articulated Certificates |
2004 | Pride | Pride: peer-to-peer reputation infrastructure for decentralized environments |
2005 | TrustGuard | TrustGuard: countering vulnerabilities in reputation management for decentralized overlay networks |
2005 | FuzzyTrust | Trusted P2P Transactions with Fuzzy Reputation Aggregation |
2005 | Travos | A Probabilistic Trust Model for Handling Inaccurate Reputation Sources |
2007 | PowerTrust | PowerTrust: A Robust and Scalable Reputation System for Trusted Peer-to-Peer Computing |
2008 | Gal-Oz et al. | A Robust and Knot-Aware Trust-Based Reputation Model |
2009 | Conner et al. | A trust management framework for service-oriented environments |
2009 | H-Trust | H-Trust: A Group Trust Management System for Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grid |
2009 | RateWeb | RATEWeb: Reputation Assessment for Trust Establishment among Web services |
2009 | Tong and Zhang | Group Trust and Group Reputation |
2010 | DHTrust | DHTrust: A Robust and Distributed Reputation System for Trusted Peer-to-Peer Networks |
2011 | R2Trust | R2Trust, a reputation and risk based trust management framework for large-scale, fully decentralized overlay networks |
2014 | ReDS | ReDS: A Framework for Reputation-Enhanced DHTs |
2013 | GRAft | Policy Derived Access Rights in the Social Cloud |
2014 | PerContRep | PerContRep: a practical reputation system for pervasive content services |
Commercial | ||
- | Advogato | |
- | Amazon | |
- | Couchsurfing | |
- | Digg | |
- | eBay | |
- | ePinions | |
- | MTurk | |
- | PageRank | |
- | ||
- | SlashDot | |
- | Stackoverflow | |
- | TrustedSource | |
- | Trustribe | |
- | Turkopticon | |
- | Yelp |