Can generate various overview plots for the plant and parameters provided from the export of the FlowerCare app by Xiaomi/HHCC.
filename (str) – Either directly a filename (without file extention) or a directory, where the csv files are located. In case of a folder, the csv file with the most recent “date modified” is used. On second loading, a pickeld version of the data is loaded.
ignorePickled (bool) – By defualt, the pkl files are used, set to True, to do reparse the .csv files.
list_of_plants – a list with the names of all plants
minMax – For plotting we need to know the global min and max values per plotted value and per aggregation. [“daily”,”L”,”sum”,”amax”] gives you the maximum values that will ever be plotted for plots that show daily data for the sum of light.
param – A dict for each parameter (E, L, S, T) to define ‘color’ for the plots and ‘label’ for the data.
df – the actual pandas dataframe, containing the data.
Generates one comprehensive plot for all plants and the four parameters light, temperature, nutrition and light over time. For further available settings, see pyHHCC.plot_onePlant_oneParam()
- but some might be defined along the call stack.
store (bool, optional) – True to store the plot. Defaults to False. See
for further details. -
landscape (bool, optional) – True to plot the plants as colums and the params as columns. False to plot transposed. Defaults to True.
Generates one plot of the four parameters light, temperature, nutrition and light over time. For further available settings, see pyHHCC.plot_onePlant_oneParam()
- but some might be defined along the call stack.
plant (str, optional) – The plant that shall be plotted, defaults to the first plant.
store (bool, optional) – True to store the plot. Defaults to False. See
for further details. -
landscape (bool, optional) – True to provide a 2x2 plot. False to plot the parameters in one row. Defaults to True.
Calls pyHHCC.plot_onePlant()
for all available plants. For further available settings, see pyHHCC.plot_onePlant_oneParam()
- but some might be defined along the call stack.
store (bool, optional) – True to store the plot. Defaults to False. See
for further details.
Plots dta from one plant and the passed parameter.
ax ( – The axis to draw the plot to.
plant (str) – Name of the plant (for names, check
) -
param (str) – Which of the four parameter to plot: T, E, S, L.
When this function is called as part of pyHHCC.plot_onePlant()
, pyHHCC.plot_onePlant_batch()
or pyHHCC.plot_allPlants()
, the following optional parameters can be set and pass though till this function.
light_as_integral (bool, optional, passthrough) – True to show the light as integral over one day, in this case, aggFunc and aggSpan are overwritten locally. Defaults to false.
time_delta (str, optional) – Defines the timespan of the plots from today backwards. The passed argument is processed using pd.to_timedelta, defaults to 90 days.
ylims_global (bool, optional) – True to scale the y axis per parameter equally over all plants. False to scale each plot individually. Defaults to True.
smoothingWnd (float, optional) – optional, the window with for smoothing. Default for parameters E, S, T is 48h. L is not soothed by default. For individual adjustments, set smoothingWnd_E, smoothingWnd_S, smoothingWnd_L and/or smoothingWnd_T
alphaOriginal (float, optional) – optional, 0.3 by default to suplress the visibility of unsmoothed data.
alphaSmoothed (float, optional) – optional, 1.0 by default to highlight the plot of smoothed data.
The following parameters are typically pre set by the superseeding functions above.
aggFunc (str, optional) –
aggSpan (str, optional) –
label_short (bool, optional) – True to shorten the labels. False to use the long labels. Defaults to False.
hide_ticks (bool, optional) – True to all x and y labels and ticks from the plot. False to show. Defaults to False. Can be refined using hide_xTicks or hide_yTicks.
time_labels (str, optional) – “month” to show month on the major ticks and days as minor ticks.
Stores the current figure.
store (bool) – True to store the plot. Defaults to False.
outputdir (str, optional) – The output directory for the plots, which can be generated. Defautls to “plots/”
dpi (int, optional) – The dpi of the plot, defaults to 300
override_name (str, optional) – Overwrites the default naming with this name.
Renames the plants based on the passed dict.
rules (dict, optional) – a dict with the original and new names. If nothing is passed, the existing names are cropped after the first round bracket.