From 171238a37ae758e67977349f971e39ab5a18949b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: brenofp <> Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2018 18:58:30 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] Update localization-pack-ptbr/StringTablePtBrDiagnoses.xml --- .../StringTablePtBrDiagnoses.xml | 100 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-) diff --git a/localization-pack-ptbr/StringTablePtBrDiagnoses.xml b/localization-pack-ptbr/StringTablePtBrDiagnoses.xml index 5336bae8a..6b6432233 100644 --- a/localization-pack-ptbr/StringTablePtBrDiagnoses.xml +++ b/localization-pack-ptbr/StringTablePtBrDiagnoses.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Português do Brazil - Fill your names! + Breno Fontes @@ -13,25 +13,25 @@ - DIA_PTI Pork tapeworm - DIA_PTI_DESCRIPTION Pork tapeworms (T. solium) are parasitic flatworms living in the digestive system of humans. Pigs act as intermediate hosts when they consume fodder or water contaminated with human feces. Eating undercooked pork can cause infection. - DIA_BTI Beef tapeworm - DIA_BTI_DESCRIPTION Beef tapeworms (T. saginata) are parasitic flatworms living in the digestive system of humans. Cattle act as intermediate hosts when they consume fodder or water contaminated with human feces. Eating undercooked beef can cause infection. - DIA_CKX Chickenpox - DIA_CKX_DESCRIPTION Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is a highly contagious disease caused by the initial infection with Varicella zoster virus. The disease results in a characteristic skin rash that forms small, itchy blisters, which eventually scab over. - DIA_HRZ Shingles - DIA_HRZ_DESCRIPTION Shingles is an infection caused by a reactivation of varicella-zoster virus. The disease results in a red skin rash that forms small blisters in a wide stripe following the course of a dermatome. Shingles can be extremely painful. - DIA_ONM Nail fungus - DIA_ONM_DESCRIPTION Nail fungus, also called Onychomycosis or Tinea unguium, is a fungal infection that affects fingers or toenails. - DIA_ATF Athlete’s foot - DIA_ATF_DESCRIPTION Athlete’s foot, also called Tinea pedis, is a highly contagious skin infection of the feet caused by fungi. - DIA_IDA Iron-deficiency anemia - DIA_IDA_DESCRIPTION Anemia is defined as a reduced ability of the blood to carry oxygen. This can be caused by a decrease in red blood cells or hemoglobin. Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia. - DIA_LIN Lactose intolerance - DIA_LIN_DESCRIPTION Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk products. Undigested lactose can result in bloating, diarrhea, gas or abdominal pain. - DIA_CLD Common cold - DIA_CLD_DESCRIPTION Common cold is a viral infection located to the upper respiratory system, usually the nose. - DIA_ASN Sinusitis + DIA_PTI Teníase do porco + DIA_PTI_DESCRIPTION Teníase do porco (T. solium) são vermes vivendo dentro do sistema digestivo de humanos. Porcos agem como hospedeiros intermediários, quando se alimentam de pasto ou água contaminada por fezes humanas. Comer carne de porco malcozida pode causar uma infecção. + DIA_BTI Teníase do boi + DIA_BTI_DESCRIPTION Teníase do boi (T. saginata) são vermes vivendo dentro do sistema digestivo de humanos. Bois agem como hospedeiros intermediários, quando se alimentam de pasto ou água contaminada por fezes humanas. Comer carne de boi malcozida pode causar uma infecção. + DIA_CKX Catapora + DIA_CKX_DESCRIPTION Catapora, ou varicela, é uma infecção altamente contagiosa causada pelo vírus varicela-zoster. Ela é caracterizada principalmente pelo surgimento de bolhas vermelhas na pele, que causam coceira e outros sintomas. + DIA_HRZ Cobreiro + DIA_HRZ_DESCRIPTION Cobreiro é uma infecção causada pela reativação do vírus varicela-zoster. Os principais sintomas do cobreiro são a dor e o aparecimento de bolhas pequenas e avermelhadas agrupadas em trajeto linear, numa área específica da pele. + DIA_ONM Micose de unha + DIA_ONM_DESCRIPTION Micose de unha, também chamada Onicomicose ou Tinea unguium, é uma infecção por fungos que afeta os dedos ou unhas. + DIA_ATF Pé de atleta + DIA_ATF_DESCRIPTION Pé de atleta, também chamada Tinea pedis, é uma infecção nos pés, altamente contagiosa, causada por fungo. + DIA_IDA Anemia ferropriva + DIA_IDA_DESCRIPTION Anemia é definida como a condição na qual o conteúdo de hemoglobina no sangue está abaixo do normal como resultado da carência de um ou mais nutrientes. A anemia ferropriva é a forma mais comum de anemia. + DIA_LIN Intolerância a lactose + DIA_LIN_DESCRIPTION Intolerância a lactose é a inabilidade de digestão da lactose, uma forma de açúcar, presente no leite e seus derivados. Lactose não digerida pode causar inchaço, diarreia, gases ou dor abdominal. + DIA_CLD Resfriado + DIA_CLD_DESCRIPTION O resfriado comum é uma infecção viral localizada no sistema respiratório superior, geralmente o nariz. + DIA_ASN Sinusite DIA_ASN_DESCRIPTION Sinusitis refers to inflammation of one or more sinuses. Sinusitis causes swelling and can compromise drainage of mucus or pus from the involved sinus cavity. DIA_APH Pharyngitis DIA_APH_DESCRIPTION Pharyngitis refers to inflammation of the throat and can be caused by bacteria or virus. @@ -41,23 +41,23 @@ DIA_ANV_DESCRIPTION Viral tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils and can be caused by several viral agents. DIA_LAR Laryngitis DIA_LAR_DESCRIPTION Laryngitis refers to inflammation of the voice box. It can be caused by bacteria or virus, but also because of excessive voice use. - DIA_INF Influenza - DIA_INF_DESCRIPTION Influenza, commonly known as 'the flu', is a common infectious disease caused by the influenza virus family. - DIA_BRN Bronchitis + DIA_INF Gripe + DIA_INF_DESCRIPTION A gripe é uma doença infecciosa comum causada pela família do vírus influenza. + DIA_BRN Bronquite DIA_BRN_DESCRIPTION Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lower airways called bronchi and is usually caused by virus. DIA_HFV Hay fever DIA_HFV_DESCRIPTION Hay fever, medically known as allergic rhinitis, is an inflammation in the nose caused by an allergic reaction to an allergen in the air, such as pollen. - DIA_ACD Contact dermatitis + DIA_ACD Dermatite de contato DIA_ACD_DESCRIPTION Contact dermatitis is a localized rash or irritation of the skin caused by contact to an allergen or irritant. DIA_GEW Golfer's elbow DIA_GEW_DESCRIPTION Golfer's elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis, is characterized by radiating pain from the inside of the elbow to the wrist. The condition is caused by performing repetitive movement and thus irritation of the muscles and tendons associated with said movement. - DIA_SCS Scoliosis + DIA_SCS Escoliose DIA_SCS_DESCRIPTION Scoliosis is a sideway curvature of the spine usually in a C or S shape. Scoliosis is usually painless. DIA_RYS Raynaud's syndrome DIA_RYS_DESCRIPTION Raynaud's syndrome causes numbness and coldness of hands, fingers and toes as response to cold outdoor temperatures. DIA_CFS Chronic fatigue syndrome DIA_CFS_DESCRIPTION Chronic fatigue syndrome is very complicated disease that refers to a condition of extreme fatigue that can not be explained by any underlying medical condition. - DIA_INS Insomnia + DIA_INS Insônia DIA_INS_DESCRIPTION Insomnia is defined as a subjective experience of bad sleep. This can be due to the inability to fall asleep, sleep continuously throughout the night or waking up too early. TRM_ACT Arm contusion @@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ - DIA_HEPA Hepatitis A + DIA_HEPA Hepatite A DIA_HEPA_DESCRIPTION Hepatitis refers to an infection of the liver. Hepatitis A virus spreads through feces and usually occurs in areas with poor sanitation or hygiene. - DIA_HEPB Hepatitis B + DIA_HEPB Hepatite B DIA_HEPB_DESCRIPTION Hepatitis refers to an infection of the liver. Hepatitis B virus spreads via blood, sexual contact or from mother to child. DIA_EPI Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency DIA_EPI_DESCRIPTION Pancreatic insufficiency is caused due to the damage to the gland or due to the infection. Disease affects normal absorption of nutrients in small intestine thus it is responsible for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. @@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ DIA_FOI_DESCRIPTION Fistula is an abnormal connections between two distant lining surfaces that usually connects different parts of intestines. Those abnormalities also could connect guts with skin or internal cavities, thus creating a place for infections, absceses, etc. DIA_PER Primary peritonitis DIA_PER_DESCRIPTION Primary peritonitis is a bacterial infection of the peritoneum; a membrane covering the inner abdominal wall and organs within the abdominal cavity. Bacteria are usually spread through the blood in primary peritonitis. Left untreated the disease is mostly fatal. - DIA_HEF Hepatic fibrosis + DIA_HEF Fibrose hepática DIA_HEF_DESCRIPTION Hepatic fibrosis represents an accumulation of scar liver tissue that results from damage to the liver. It could be an inflammation or another liver disease caused by viruses, bacterias, malnutrition or alcohol abuse etc. If left untreated it causes cirrhosis. - DIA_CIR Cirrhosis + DIA_CIR Cirrose DIA_CIR_DESCRIPTION Cirrhosis describes a condition where the liver is malfunctioning due to long-term damage; normal liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue. - DIA_CLT Gallstones + DIA_CLT Pedra na vesícula DIA_CLT_DESCRIPTION Gallstones, also called cholelithiasis, are concretions usually made from bilirubin, bile acids and calcium formed in the gall bladder. Gallstones usually do not cause symptoms, however if they get stuck in the bile ducts or adjacent structures, they can be extremely painful. DIA_CLS Cholecystitis DIA_CLS_DESCRIPTION Cholecystitis is an inflammatory disease of the gallbladder usually due to blockage of the cystic duct by a gallstone. @@ -135,11 +135,11 @@ DIA_TIN_DESCRIPTION Interstitial nephritis is an inflammation of the interstitial tissue of the kidneys. It can be caused by an infection or as an adverse reaction to medication. DIA_PNS Pyelonephritis DIA_PNS_DESCRIPTION Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the kidney, usually due to ascending bacteria spreading up through the urinary tract. - DIA_ARF Acute renal failure + DIA_ARF Insuficiência renal aguda DIA_ARF_DESCRIPTION Acute renal failure refers to an abrupt loss of kidney function, effectively seizing the ability to filter the blood and produce urine. The causes can be many, but are usually due to extensive tissue damage or decreased kidney blood flow. - DIA_CKD Chronic kidney disease + DIA_CKD Doença renal crônica DIA_CKD_DESCRIPTION Chronic kidney disease refers to a gradual loss of kidney function. The most common cause is untreated diabetes mellitus. - DIA_COK Kidney stones + DIA_COK Pedras nos rins DIA_COK_DESCRIPTION Kidney stones, also known as urolithiasis, are usually concretions of calcium. Even though the stones usually pass on their own through the urinary tract, it is an extremely painful condition. DIA_COU Calculus of ureter DIA_COU_DESCRIPTION Stones formed in kidneys usually traveling to kidney tubes and ureters. If they obstruct ureter or just passing through it, they causing unpleasant symptoms. @@ -164,11 +164,11 @@ TRM_PCB_DESCRIPTION Minor pancreatic contusion without ductal injury with presence of hematoma. It is caused by direct impact without skin laceration. TRM_PLB Pancreas laceration - blunt TRM_PLB_DESCRIPTION Major pancreatic laceration also with duct injury caused by direct impact injury, without open wound in the abdomen. - TRM_PCP Pancreas laceration + TRM_PCP Laceração do pâncreas TRM_PCP_DESCRIPTION Massive disruption of pancreatic head caused by penetrating injury to the upper abdomen. TRM_KLP Renal laceration TRM_KLP_DESCRIPTION Major damage to renal parenchyma with presence of retroperitoneal hematoma and open wound in the back. - TRM_KCB Renal contusion + TRM_KCB Contusão renal TRM_KCB_DESCRIPTION Bruising to kidney with or without non-expanding subcapsular hematoma. @@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ DIA_TYF_DESCRIPTION Typhoid fever is bacterial disease and spreads through contaminated water and food. Also it is contagious. In industrialized countries it is rare. DIA_SLM Salmonellosis DIA_SLM_DESCRIPTION Salmonella infection is one one of the common bacterial infection that affects human intestinal tract. Human gets infected through contaminated water or food. - DIA_AMB Amoebiasis + DIA_AMB Amebíase DIA_AMB_DESCRIPTION Amoebiasis is caused by Entamoeba histolytica, the infection spreads through water or food contaminated by feces. - DIA_GRD Giardiasis + DIA_GRD Giardíase DIA_GRD_DESCRIPTION Giardia infection is one of the most common waterborne intestinal infections. Giardias can be transmitted also through personal contact or through food. DIA_TBC Tuberculosis of lung DIA_TBC_DESCRIPTION Tuberculosis of the lungs is highly contagious disease caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis affecting principally lungs, but can affect also another organs. - DIA_TUL Tularaemia + DIA_TUL Tularemia DIA_TUL_DESCRIPTION Tulareemia is an infectious disease that affects mainly skin, eyes, lymph nodes and lungs. It is caused by the bacteria known as Francisella tularensis. Tulareamia is highly contagious, potentially fatal, but can be treated effectively. DIA_PNA Pulmonary anthrax DIA_PNA_DESCRIPTION Anthrax is serious infection caused by the bacterium known as Bacillus anthracis. It is spread through the spores, which are usually by animal origin. Contact is made typically by breathing, eating or through the skin lesion. @@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ DIA_PMI_DESCRIPTION Pulmonary mycobacterial infection of nontuberculous type is caused by mycobacterium and it is relatively common. Often occuring in patients with depressed imunity or with preexisting pulmonary disease, but also in healthy patients. DIA_PTS Pertussis DIA_PTS_DESCRIPTION Pertussis also known as Whooping Cough is highly contagious respiratory disease. It is caused by bacteria known as Bordetella pertussis. Before development of a vaccine, pertussis was considered a childhood disease. Now it affects people whose immunity has decreased. - DIA_LEG Legionnaires disease + DIA_LEG Doença dos legionários DIA_LEG_DESCRIPTION Legionnaires disease is caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila. The disease is severe form of pneumonia, transmitting through person to person. Untreated Legionnaires diseases has fatal consequences. - DIA_TPF Typhus fever + DIA_TPF Tifo DIA_TPF_DESCRIPTION It is important not to be confused with Typhoid fever. Typhus is caused by the bacteria Rickettsia Typhi, transmitted through various types of fleas. Typhus has been decscribed since 1528. It has sudden onset of various symptoms comparable to flu. DIA_IMN Infectious mononucleosis DIA_IMN_DESCRIPTION Infectious mononucleosis is usually caused by EBV - Epstein-Barr Virus, people usually get infected in the childhood and when they grow up, symptoms will present. There is no vaccine for the disease. In 1920's it was described as "the kissing disease". @@ -250,21 +250,21 @@ DIA_MUM_DESCRIPTION Mumps also known as Parotitis, is an inflammatory, infectious disease affecting parotid glands (on one or on the both sides of the human face). Inflammation is caused by bacterial or viral agents. Best prevention is vaccination. DIA_PNM Pneumonia DIA_PNM_DESCRIPTION Pneumonia is an infection of the air sacs in the lungs. Pneumonia ranges from mild to life threatening. - DIA_BPN Bronchopneumonia + DIA_BPN Broncopneumonia DIA_BPN_DESCRIPTION Bronchopneumonia is disease from the lung category infections, it is also known as lobular pneumonia. It affects the lungs and bronchi. - DIA_BES Bronchiectasis + DIA_BES Bronquiectasia DIA_BES_DESCRIPTION Bronchiectasis refers to condition where the large airways in the lungs are damaged. DIA_SCB Simple chronic bronchitis DIA_SCB_DESCRIPTION Chronic bronchitis refers to productive long-lasting cough along with constant irritation of the bronchial lining. - DIA_EMP Emphysema + DIA_EMP Enfisema DIA_EMP_DESCRIPTION Emphysema refers to a condition when the alveoli - the air sacs - are damaged or destroyed, causing shortness of breath, even in states of relaxation. - DIA_CPD COPD + DIA_CPD DPOC DIA_CPD_DESCRIPTION Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airways from the lungs. DIA_ASM Asthma DIA_ASM_DESCRIPTION Asthma refers to a condition where airways narrow, swell and produce extra mucus. It is a chronic respiratory disease and symptoms may vary from person to person. - DIA_PMX Pneumothorax + DIA_PMX Pneumotórax DIA_PMX_DESCRIPTION Collapsed lung also called pneumothorax occurs when air escapes lung filling the space between lung and chest wall, preventing expansion of the affected lung. - DIA_CEL Cellulitis + DIA_CEL Celulite infecciosa DIA_CEL_DESCRIPTION Cellulitis is one of the common bacterial skin infections caused mostly by streptococci and staphylococci. DIA_ADS Atopic dermatitis DIA_ADS_DESCRIPTION Atopic dermatitis or eczema refers to a condition that makes skin reddish and itchy. It is chronic skin disease. @@ -414,11 +414,11 @@ DIA_TAA_DESCRIPTION Thoracic aortic aneurysm refers to condition when there is weakened area in the upper part of aorta. There is high risk of rupture. DIA_PEM Pulmonary embolism DIA_PEM_DESCRIPTION Pulmonary embolism refers to a blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries. - DIA_ECT Endocarditis + DIA_ECT Endocardite DIA_ECT_DESCRIPTION Endocarditis is an infection of the inner lining of the heart's chambers and valves. DIA_PCT Pericarditis DIA_PCT_DESCRIPTION Pericarditis refers to condition when thin membrane surrounding the heart is irritated and swelling. - DIA_INM Myocarditis + DIA_INM Miocardite DIA_INM_DESCRIPTION Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle - myocardium affecting heart's electrical system thus creating arrhythmia - irregular and abnormal heart rhytms. DIA_CAR Cardiac arrest DIA_CAR_DESCRIPTION Cardiac arrest refers to sudden loss of blood flow resulting from heart failure. @@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ DIA_CLH_DESCRIPTION Cluster headaches are extremely painful headaches that occur only on one side of the head. DIA_HRP Hypertensive retinopathy DIA_HRP_DESCRIPTION Hypertensive retinopathy is certain damage to the retina’s blood vessels due to the high blood pressure. - DIA_UVE Uveitis + DIA_UVE Uveíte DIA_UVE_DESCRIPTION Uveitis refers to inflammation of the part of the eye called the uvea. The uvea includes the iris and some adjacent structures. DIA_SCL Scleritis DIA_SCL_DESCRIPTION Scleritis refers to inflammation of the sclera of the eye.