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File metadata and controls

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Here you can find some useful information to deploy the program

What is this documentation for?

  • Creating a Squirrel Release
  • Share the Releases
  • Manually updating with squirrel

Creating a Squirrel Release

For creating a new release a few steps are necessary:

  • first you have to make sure that your solution contains now errors & warnings
  • then build your application by using the Release option
  • then we have to create a nuget package:
    • open the Nuget Package Explorer
    • select File -> New
    • edit the package metadata by adding the name, version and other and make sure there are no dependencies listed.
    • To the Package contents section add a Lib folder
    • inside this folder add a .net v4.5 folder
    • then right click on this folder and select Add existing File ...
    • now you select all files inside the /bin/Release folder except: *.pdb, .vshost.exe
    • then go to ** File -> Save Metadata As...** and save the .nuspec file
  • after this step insert the following command inside the cmd: nuget.exe pack James..nuspec this step will create you the nuget package. This step will generate you a James..nupkg
  • The final step is to create the Squirrel release.
    • open the Package Manager Console inside the VS.
    • Run the following command: Squirrel --releasify .\James..nupkg. This will create you the Release folder including the following files: setup.exe, the delta files, the nuget packages as well as the RELEASES file.
  • After you created the new release version the whole Release folder should be synced with the webspace's Release folder.

Share the Releases

For sharing the releases a normal nginx is used. To run independently from the host docker is used. For the Webserver the offical nginx image is used: Docker Hub.

On your host you should have a folder with this file tree:

   - changelog.txt
   - auto generated Squirrel files.

To start the container simple run the following command in the parent directory of from the Release:

docker run --name JamesReleasesNginx -v ~/James/Releases:/usr/share/nginx/html/Releases:ro -d -p 80:80 nginx

This command will run a new container with the name JamesReleasesNginx and the mounted directory Releases as a deamon container. In addition the the hosts 80 port will be forwarded inside the container.

Now it's possible to fetch the data from the server by using the http protocol. For example:

curl <host>/Releases/changelog.txt

will fetch you the changelog.

Manually updating with squirrel

With Squirrel it's possible to update manually by using the following command:

Update.exe --update <host>\Releases