+ DAEDALUS Explore is an interactive dashboard tool that allows users to + simulate the health, education and economic impacts of hypothetical future + pandemic scenarios for {{ numberOfPandemics }} pandemics of varying severity in {{ numberOfCountries }} + countries. The {{ numberOfPandemics }} pandemics are informed by the characteristics of + pathogens that have caused historic pandemics. +
+The dashboard provides estimates of:
++ DAEDALUS Explore allows users to choose a country, a pandemic, and a + response amongst four options (no closures, school closures, business + closures, and elimination). Response is the mitigation that policy makers + can choose once the pandemic strikes. DAEDALUS Explore allows users to + explore the inherent trade-off between different response strategies. For + example, business closures may result in higher economic costs, but lower + deaths compared to a response that does not mandate closures. +
++ The losses associated with pandemics can be influenced by investments into + global vaccine R&D and manufacturing, and into hospital capacity. Users can + explore the impact of such investments on health, education and economic + pandemic impacts by comparing the outcomes of scenarios with different + investments. The impacts of all pandemic scenarios for the countries are + projected in terms of GDP loss (absolute, and in % of pre-pandemic GDP), + the long-term income loss caused by the interruption of education in schools, + and in terms of lost life years, valued in monetary terms. +
+ ++ DAEDALUS Explore is generated by the integrated economic-epidemiological + model DAEDALUS and uses publicly accessible data sources. For full details + on the underlying DAEDALUS model visit + GitHub + and read Haw et al (2022).1 +
++ The DAEDALUS Explore dashboard tool employs historical disease and policy + response data and is not updated in response to data generated from + real-time disease outbreaks. The dashboard is therefore not intended to be + used as a tool to predict the effects of real epidemic and pandemic + events, nor is it fitted to health/economic outcome data from previous + pandemics. +
++ Instead, by changing the dashboard’s pandemic characteristics, DAEDALUS + Explore illustrates the hypothetical societal value of differing pandemic + preparedness and response activities, and in doing so, endeavours to + supports effective future pandemic planning, preparedness and response. +
++ If you have any queries regarding DAEDALUS Explore, please contact: + daedalus.explore@imperial.ac.uk +
+ ++ The DAEDALUS Explore dashboard and the underlying DAEDALUS model were + created by ‘The Jameel Institute – Kenneth C Griffin Initiative for the + Economics of Pandemic Preparedness’ (EPPI), a partnership between the + Jameel Institute at Imperial, the Imperial College Business School, the + World Health Organization and Singapore’s Programme For Research In + Epidemic Preparedness And Response (PREPARE), National Centre for + Infectious Diseases (NCID) and Umeå University in Sweden. For more + information, visit the website of the EPPI Initiative. +
++ The EPPI Initiative gratefully acknowledges research funding from + Community Jameel and Kenneth C Griffin which enabled the development of + the DAEDALUS model and DAEDALUS Explore dashboard. +
+ ++ The DAEDALUS model code is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, + express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of + merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. +
++ In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any + claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort + or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or + the use or other dealings in the software. +
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