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ideas for the future, possible extensions, etc. - please open an issue, to add more ideas. Thanks a lot.

Anything here is going to happen probably ONLY IF there is feedback, attention, donations, etc. ...


more columns

  • mortality - but for that I need one more dataset. Not available at the moment. Does the RKI provide time series of that? Please find out thanks.
  • total number of days when incidence was above 500/week/million ?
  • error / confidence intervall for the calculated R_eff
    • How to do that? Suggestions please. (For the currently used Reff_4_7(daily) code, see this tweet )
    • My current averaging window size is 7 days. What about this: I could do smoothing by 3 and 5 and 7 and 9 and 11 days, and calculate the 4-days-difference quotient for each of those. That would give 5 different estimates for R_eff (which however are increasingly less "fresh / uptodate"). Perhaps that could help to assess the accuracy of the estimate? Opinions please. Thanks.
  • reproduction number experiments:
    • Reff_7_4(cumulative) additional to (or instead of) Reff_4_7(daily)
      • because the latter has overlapping smoothing windows = so it UNDER-estimates the true Reff !
    • but first try out other variants, and study the differences in smaller districts
  • current 7-days-incidence-versus-prevalence to cancel out the population completely --> that might be called "transmission rate" ?

existing columns - modifications / extensions

  • coloring of the prevalence column
  • perhaps instead of expectation day show "how man days ago was expectation day", i.e. max(i) - expectationday[i] ?

more tables

  • wider table = will show better the gradient in expectationdays of max-min = 26 days
  • 7-days-incidence-per-million above/below 500, binary observable and without smoothing. Number in cell: weekly-incidence
    • same for 300 and 350
  • "top 10" (or rather "bottom 10") for ALL of the measures. Quick overview where are all the "red districts". No need for table sorting. But only show worst cases.

more rows - Bundesland

  • show also the districts 50km AROUND that Bundesland (below the table at the top, but still linked to other Bundesland pages?)

plots charts graphics

more charts

Bundesländer (states):

  • all 16 R plots in one picture
  • all 16 prevalence plots in one picture
  • all 16 incidence plots in one picture


  • not absolute but relative case numbers (i.e. divided by population), and: same y-axis range for all 16 plots; helps to better compare the regions in Germany

Kreise (districts):

  • all districts' neighbours R plots all in one table
  • districts: extend districts = aggregate the numbers of a district with all its neighbouring districts <=50km = new plot
  • plot DailyDeaths-versus-TotalDeaths AND DailyCases-versus-totalCases (i.e. incidence versus prevalence, as the population cancels itself), see and the source code repo
  • progression of the expectationday over time

existing plots

  • in Kreise plots, also show the expectationday green bar of Bundesland and of Germany. And in Bundesland also show the Germany expectationday.


more pages


  • some kind of navigation pane, perhaps floating on the page?
  • interlink all the existing pages

more datasets

usability design UX

more comfort

  • also show the aggregating measures (e.g. R_4_7, 14-days-incidence, ...) at each districts plot.
    • Idea: Perhaps just repeat the table, but only that one line?
      • Or perhaps even including all 50km-neighbouring areas perhaps?

styling, design, responsive

  • refactor all used colors into a config file
  • create a more beautiful colorscheme
  • in plots all fonts bigger
  • amazing tables JS modifier script: suggested here


  • consistency British English <-> American English
    • I am not an expert in that, please YOU make a list of such inconsistencies. OR: fork the repo, directly correct typos, and pull request. Thanks.
  • translations into other languages, e.g. German
    • as many people speak English well enough (and e.g. only 2.9% humans speak German), this would happen only if there is good funding for that. See about.html#support.

code repo collaboration manuals

code safety & beauty

  • use 'datacolumns' everywhere (instead of dropping some columns and hoping the remainder is what was expected). Search for TODO.
  • 'dates' can be generated easily from 'datacolumns' so drop from all function interfaces; instead generate locally
  • refactor & beautify "expectationday table" generation code, so it can be recycled by others more easily, and becomes more versatile, and recyclable
  • comments and explanations for each Python function (usually I do that but this time it was really fast prototyping; of course will do proper documentation BUT ONLY IF there's feedback & retweeting & public attention; why bother otherwise if I am the only code user --> in short: you please promote this project, thanks.). Once that's done, submit the project to

documentation, explanation

  • Explain how the table coloring is created, more verbose. That the averaging leads to edge days uncolored.
  • move the useful synthetic data {dummykreis, dummyland} out of the dataset into a documentation page


  • Germany map with colored districts.
    • interesting suggestion: colorcoded Voronoi diagram of district centers
  • same as 294/401 table scraping get_wikipedia_landkreise_table() also for Liste_der_kreisfreien_Städte_in_Deutschland
  • a daily report generated automatically, with the current hotspots, and their measures? Perhaps also as spoken language file?

automation, flow control

  • (generous) timeout for downloading the googlesheet - try again an hour later? Early evening it was stuck for many minutes - at night time, it went well again.


  • all done

how to support the project

  • all done


what I moved from the above to here:

  • more columns: incidence - but must be smoothed over the past 5-7 days because of the strong weekend effects
  • more columns: R
  • more analysis options for tables: sort tables by column headers (there is a javascript for that)
  • more charts: "Was noch ganz toll wäre: eine Linien-Grafik die den Verlauf der täglichen Neuinfektionen für jedes Bundesland zeigt- also mit 16 Kurven."
  • link from Deutschland.html to bundeslaender_plots.html - solved now by integrating the whole table into Deutschland.html instead.
  • the googlesheet table (momentary mortality / prevalence) = links from each row to each Landkreis in cov19de
  • logging: remove base path from files in log
  • integration: link to TU Dortmund project at each district
  • integration: Wikipedia pages for most districts. missing probably only "kreisfreie städte"?
  • more comfort: fix the table header row - thanks for idea to heise forum
  • responsive: more responsive design for phone browsers, or small screens. perhaps wrap all tables in an iframe which limits the width, so that plots get full screen width?
  • how to support the project: other than cryptocurrencies --> now: github sponsors with creditcard & paypal
  • existing plots: PREVIOUSLY: the green bar is only marking a specific DAY, but the HEIGHT of the bar is unused - it could represent something, e.g. the max value of the 1 week average. Or what else ... any suggestions? If there is no good idea, better turn the bar into a large DOT - because one user got confused that the green bar also has a height. NOW: green triangle pointing down at the "expectation day"

Much more was done, see e.g. history.txt and repo commits.

Other sites, projects, APIs

Worldwide data - Python coronavirus-tracker-api

curl | json_pp | grep Germany --after-context 20 --before-context 20
curl | json_pp