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Where to find the docs

The GPJax documentation can be found here:

How to build the docs

  1. Ensure you have installed the requirements using poetry install in the root directory.
  2. Make sure pandoc is installed
  3. Run the command poetry run mkdocs serve in the root directory.

The documentation will then be served at an IP address printed, which can then be opened in a browser of you choice e.g. Serving on

How to write code documentation

Our documentation is generated using MkDocs. This automatically creates online documentation from docstrings, with full support for Markdown. Longer tutorial-style notebooks are also converted to webpages by MkDocs, with these notebooks being stored in the docs/examples directory. If you write a new notebook and wish to add it to the documentation website, add it to the nav section of the mkdocs.yml file found in the root directory.

Below we provide some guidelines for writing docstrings.

How much information to put in a docstring

A docstring should be informative. If in doubt, then it is best to add more information to a docstring than less. Many users will skim documentation, so please ensure the opening sentence or two of a docstring contains the core information. Adding examples and mathematical descriptions to documentation is highly desirable.

We are making an active effort within GPJax to improve our documentation. If you spot any areas where there is missing information within the existing documentation, then please either raise an issue or create a pull request.

An example docstring

An example docstring that adheres the principles of GPJax is given below. The docstring contains a simple, snappy introduction with links to auxiliary components. More detail is then provided in the form of a mathematical description and a code example. The docstring is concluded with a description of the objects attributes with corresponding types.

from gpjax.gps import AbstractPrior
from gpjax.mean_functions import AbstractMeanFunction
from gpjax.kernels import AbstractKernel
from typing import Optional

class Prior(AbstractPrior):
    r"""A Gaussian process prior object.

    The GP is parameterised by a
    and [kernel]( function.

    A Gaussian process prior parameterised by a mean function $`m(\cdot)`$ and a kernel
    function $`k(\cdot, \cdot)`$ is given by
    $`p(f(\cdot)) = \mathcal{GP}(m(\cdot), k(\cdot, \cdot))`$.

    To invoke a `Prior` distribution, a kernel and mean function must be specified.

        >>> import gpjax as gpx
        >>> meanf = gpx.mean_functions.Zero()
        >>> kernel = gpx.kernels.RBF()
        >>> prior = gpx.Prior(mean_function=meanf, kernel = kernel)

        kernel (Kernel): The kernel function used to parameterise the prior.
        mean_function (MeanFunction): The mean function used to parameterise the prior. Defaults to zero.
        name (str): The name of the GP prior. Defaults to "GP prior".

    kernel: AbstractKernel
    mean_function: AbstractMeanFunction
    name: Optional[str] = "GP prior"

Documentation syntax

We adopt the following convention when documenting objects:

  • Class attributes should be specified using the Attributes: tag.
  • Method argument should be specified using the Args: tags.
  • Values returned by a method should be specified using the Returns: tag.
  • All attributes, arguments and returned values should have types.

!!! attention "Note"

Inline math in docstrings needs to be rendered within both `$` and `` symbols to be correctly rendered by MkDocs. For instance, where one would typically write `$k(x,y)$` in standard LaTeX, in docstrings you are required to write ``$`k(x,y)`$`` in order for the math to be correctly rendered by MkDocs.