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Releases: jacquetc/skribisto


09 Oct 20:44
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v1.8.4 Pre-release
- fix version (#48)

v1.8.3: Merge branch 'develop'

09 Oct 17:32
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v1.8.2-alpha: First PR (#21)

09 Oct 15:44
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* split ;  add note's files in data ; duplicate sheet code to note code

* fix set_content() and self._tree_name in sheet_tree ; fix self.note_sheet in Database

* add data in test database

* add DbProperty, Property and DbSheetProperty classes

* adapt gui and core to properties ; copy property code to note classes

* Updated comment

* Created custom about dialog.

* core folder scraped

* connect actions in write tree

* database management cahnged; fuse gui and core folders ; adapt plugins ; add notetreedock plugin

* fix notesdock plugin ; add qml list

* add qml to notesdock ; workaround against black square of qml

* allow docks to float; update .gitignore

* add note_property_model ; add id column in properties in db

* finish write properties dock

* add set_property and get_property

* add load/save of expand states in write tree

* add QUndoCommands to models/tree_model and globla QUndoGroup ; add QundoView for test purpose

* add Write wastebin dock

* add Misc setting page and dev mode ; add QUndoCommands everywhere ; add tables 'tbl_sheet_system_property' and 'tbl_note_system_property' to db

* add

* set preferences buttons flat

* Setup documentation directory

* created docs/
* created docs/
* created plume-manual.plume

* Create

* Reduce

Strip the coding section and insert reference to

* Revert "Contributing"

* Create

Just a start. Flush it out later

* Create

I really like that [Scrivener]( ships with an interactive tutorial. I think it's awesome, in fact, and I can't see any real reason why Plume can't. These things are fantastic introductions to the software and sometimes show off some stuff you may not easily find in the user manual.

* Create

Because ... why not?

* Update and rename to

More fully explain what is happening and how to contribute.
Reference TODO files

* Create docs/user-manual/

populate with lipsum

* Create docs/tutorial/interactive-tutorial.plume


* Create docs/coding-manual/


* Delete plume-manual.plume_backup

* Delete plume-manual.plume

* add 'tests' : set Data to QObject

* put databases and tasks on separate thread ; add pytest-qt and first test successful

* add and hubs in data.

* add loop event in task , try to pause it

* begin new threaded queue

* fiw threaded queue ; add waiting for getters ; add content get/set

* add sheeet indent get/set

* add sheet_hub tasks

* use c++ plume library ; add error handler

* rename data.writeHub to data.sheetHub ; delete data package since it's C++ now ; adapt to C++ API of plume-creator-data

* adapt notePanel to new API ; populate tbl_note test project ; adapt synopsis plugin ; add support for different projects for note_list_model, note_tree_model and docks

* fix note opening

* adapt properties, sheets to new C++ data API ; update test db

* add comments to README

* add Welcome Panel

* add qml project list in Welcome Panel  ; remove plume's menu button

* add one dummy project file to test opening 2 projects ; add basic gui test (open project) ; fix notes list dock ; add current_project to cfg ; fix write_tab.ui ;

* add restore/save geometry for main_window, sub_windows and dock systems

* add project_id filter to properties

* make classes from and ; set docks' allowedAreas ; add

* change version to 1.61 ; put qml files in .qrc

* first commit; libplume-creator + c++ QtWidgets GUI

* remove tests in writingzone; try to adapt .pro to launch qml on android

* add qbs project -> OK for desktop, KO for android (qbs 1.10) -> keeping
.pro and .qbs

* add android manifest+files ; fix run on Android thanks to DummyImports.qml

* add basic qml gui ; ad uncrustify.cfg ; delete QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE value

* allow switch to qml on desktop passing --qml argument

* delete top .qmake.conf ; adapt libraries to install to the right dirs

* fix "make install" for linux

* fix ressources not installing

* changed permissions of files

* fix file permissions

* update *.ts ; add appimage files in; add automated translation

* set version and forceQML on top .qbs file

* remove the *.user files from git

* simplify translation in main.cpp ; fix plugin translation

* create test user file

* add save functions and tests ; add user settings db and tests

* add sql files for new projects ; modify .gitignore

* add function to open a new project

* create writewindow plugin for proof of concept  ; rename panel in window
; create window detachment/attachment system

* update *.qbs, adding plugins ;

* switch plugin loader to data lib; add BaseInterface plugin

* add PLMBaseWidget for plugins ; add plugin loader in writewindow plugin

* plugons metadata in .json filled ; lib version added in qbs ; plugins

* qdd welcomewindow plugin ; order left-side icons

* add testwidget plugin

* fix error when wrong path loaded; add loading test project in qml

* switch to qml ; adds kirigami and breeze-icons

* make available QWidget switch again

* switch to QML ; fix sqlite project ;

* add docks in WritePage.qml ; add ResizeHandle in WritePage.qml

* Delete plume-creator.qbs.user.7e8dfda

* Delete

* fix openEmptyProject test; remove old unused tasks classes; fix .pro for
Android ;fix .qbs; play with cmake; fix android gradlew file for unix
end of line; add dock to writePage

* add CMakeLists.txt files

* fix uncrustify.cfg ; bring back QtWidgets UI to choose between QML and
QtWidgets UI with --qml arg ; add plugins to CMakeLists.txt ;

* add state/geometry restoration on detach window action; bring back
testwidget plugin

* add core library filled with models ; create PLMSheetModel ; get
PLMSheetModel to handle multiple projects

* fix id in db in tbl_project; display project names in tree

* add proxy to sheetModel ; add editable items in tree

* add plugins enabled from settings ; add SheetTree plugin ; factorise
docks system between windows ; add data connections to sheet model ; add
save of dock state and their current widget

* fix save expand state in shhet tree ; add status button to show/hide
left side bar

* add split PLMWritingWindows; add manager to that

* save and restore writingWindows

* replace QBoxLayout by QSplitter in PLMWritingWindowManager

* save and restore QSplitter sizes

* factorise into PLMBaseSubWindow and PLMBaseSubWindowManager

* add back plmsheetlistmodel.cpp on core ; fix qml access in main.cpp;
delete plmuserfilehub.cpp cocs of merge in mai db; fill plmuserhub.cpp
with basics

* add "split vert / horiz" to SubWindow with "add" working

* open documents in SubWindow

* add exports for libraries under Windows; try to fix Plume failing to

* Add welcomewindow plugin test

* clean compile errors

* fix opening of sheet from tree; add tree context menu; split document
model in specific models

* add actions fro adding sheets and edit their titles

* add filter for deleted sheets

* add save and auto-save of textdocuments

* fix invisible subsheet while last in treeView

* add plmtextdocumentlist

* Rename PLume Creator on Skribisto

* Move content of skribisto-core lib to skribisto-data ;  fix dock header
label positions ; add settings for docks ; add statusbar

* add a setting for trying it out; fix WritePage and DockHeaderForm
layouts; remove the rotating of dock switches

* split qml files in directories

* design the TreeView items; fix the data invalidation of PLMSheetItem and

* replace SplitView by ColumnLayout to compile on Qt 5.12.5 ; fix folding/
unfolding of dock

* add fr translation to CMakeLists.txt ;

* add navigation in project tree

* add ui to WelcomePage.qml ; try out the Accessible module in
RootPage.qml ; add targeting to treeListView items ; add ScrollView
above listView ; add actions and shortcuts to treeListView ; fix

* add moveUp() and moveDown to TreeListView ; fix sortorder role update
when moving an item ; add history on TreeListView

* fix sheet proxy filter for deleted sheets ; bring back tags in Navigation

* fix sheet proxy filter for deleted sheets ; add name edit of items in

* add access to plmModels and PLMWriteDocumentListModel ; connect
openDocument signal to display sheet content

* fix exit navigation item editing when out of focus ; add breeze theme and
set a few icons ; add  projectToBeClosed signal

* update .pro files

* save cursor positions of sheets in user settings

* open last document from settings and set current item in navigation

* add right dock in Write ;

* fix WritingZone stretch layout; change minimum width of write docks

* add text width setting ; add text pint size setting ; add font family
setting ; add edit dock and edit buttons ; add wrting zone context menu

* fix textIndent and topMargin bindings ; add auto save of content ; add
renaming when triple tap on navigation item

* add wheel event in navigation list ; add recent projects in Welcome
page; update .pro files ; update gradle for Android port ; move
skrfontfamilylistmodel.cpp from data to app ; add New project page

* update sql template; create a new project; fix multiple projects view in
navigator ; add scroll zones left and right of the writing zone ; add
close project from recent projects list ;

* removes userhub

* fix translation compilation; add fifferent page ; fix layouts

* add font list ; add initial tab view system

* bring back WriteLeftDock

* add WriteOverview

* fix sheet opening from writeOverview

* add middle click opening  ; add hovering change the currentItem in

* fix shortcut key "right" triggering action in all instances of

* filter keys when editing title in treeview

* fix rename in treeview

* fix key event propagation in treeview

* enhance isThereAnyLoadedProject property ; copy and adapt qml and c++
models from Write to Notes ; add save buttons in status bar and welcome

* add Q_OBJECT to plmnotehub.h

* rename Notes to Note ; remove NotesLeftDock.qml

* add data to error ; add save, saveAs, saveAll buttons and actions ; add
save or not before quiting ; add projectChanged signal where needed

* fix bug while discarding a change before quiting ; add open an existing
.skrib file

* add backup button and action ; fix topPaperId() when table is empty ; fix
getIndent() when item is project item ; fix hasChildren() when table is
empty ; add refreshAfterDeletedStateChanged()

* fiw PLMNoteListProxyModel default filter and populate() ; add
hasChildrenLabel in treeView

* add deleted lists proxies ; add DeletedListView.qml ; rename TreeView to

* add tbl_sheet_note table for many-to-many relationship between tbl_sheet
and tbl_note ; remove b_synopsys and l_sheet_code from tbl_note ; add
management methods to plmnotehub.cpp

* add synopsysNoteId in plmsheetitem.cpp and plmsheetlistmodel.cpp

* add NotePad.qml

* rename PLMDeleted***ListProxyModel to SKRSearch***ListProxyModel ; add
NotePad methods to fetch notes and add new ones : add project selection
in Trash

* add search to NotePad

* note title change modifies title in Notepad ; search navigable in Notepad

* add notePad text loading ; add accessibility to notePad ; add saving
current text before loading another one in WritingZone ; add option of
hiding the left scroll area in WritingZone

* add closing tabs on project closing; fix filter in
skrsearchnotelistproxymodel.cpp ; fix content not loading on first tab

* switch from Qt 5.12 to 5.15 ; add optional menuBar ; add quit,open,new
actions ; add isProjectNotModifiedYet()

* menuBar: add cut/copy/paste action aware of last active focus ; fix
context menu on right-click deselecting selected text

* add ScrollView to ProjectPage ; adapt ProjectPage's GridLayout to width
; connect save settings controls

* add tag management in sheets and notes ; remove Return shortcut in
navigation ; fix columns property in editView

* add 100 000 and 200 000 chars-long texts to test project ; optimize
bindings to minimap which slowed the writing

* add round button to notes and tags to remove relationship ; switch text
to Markdown ; NotePad : forceActiveFocus on TextArea after popup closing

* upgrade DockFrame to adapt to content  ; add SplitView in all docks ; fix
restoreState of SplitView in docks ; separate dock settings  between
drawer and normal

* fix losing splitview handles when resizing

* fix losing splitview handles when resizing  ; fix tagHub()-
>getTagsByItemsId logic ; add delayed binding in DockFrame to avoid
binding loop

* add save Timer ; fill backup settings

* add way to detect backup projects ; add ProjectIsABackup role to sheet
and note models and listviews ;

* swith from QString fileNames and paths to QUrl paths ; fix backup logic;
add SKRQMLTools

* fix resizing of docks ; simplify dock folding with Drawer ; fix note
project name not displaying when it's a new project ; witch from
QStroing fileNames to URLs

* switch from defaultProjet to activeProject ; fix goUpButton disabled at
first display ; add set active project menu button in Navigation ; fix
Navigation item height changing ; add animations for goUp and goToChild

* adapt shortcuts to enabled state of pages ; disable pages but the
current page

* add context:QT.ApplicationShortcut as workaround for shortcuts not
working any longer because of the Drawers ; move edit actions in
main.qml ; Drawer.enabled follows pages enabled state

* rename DockFrame to ToolFrame

* add Dock, replacing all Drawers

* use Dock instead of Drawer, fixing the shortcut problem

* add reset dock conf setting button ; fix note tags not displaying ; add
splash screen

* forgot to add a few files

* add open paper in a new window

* allow to create new note on the fly onn NotePad

* add dynamic menus for the menuBar in WritePage and its docks ; fix a few
tab key navigation glitches in WelcomePage and children pages

* fix translation generation ; translate in French ; add accessibility to
a few items

* remove deprecated qt5_use_modules from CMakeLists ;

* fix tests, replacing paths with URLs

* fix font edit ; add main menu button instead of defect menu bar, add

* fix renaming in note navigation changing a sheet name ;  make Tab
accessible ; give shortcuts to next/previous tabs ; fix missing
openDocumentInNewWindow signal in DeletedListView.qml

* add activeFocus when changing tab ; remove focus from items in tabs

* add eu.skribisto.skribisto.yml for Flatpak ; adapt CMakeLists.txt

* update flatpak yml ; update .gitignore

* rename .desktop file

* move and rename a few icons

* fix icons

* fix icons

* fix icon name

* change mime name

* remove backup mime

* fix mime

* fix new project wizard disabled ; fix fr translations ; add Quazip in
Flatpak yml ; fix opeing a file from argument

* implement dynamic menus with all pages and docks

* uncrustify applied to all source files; written ;
release_notes updated

* add appdata.xml ; add screenshot

* fix appdata

* add "send to trash" to Notepad ; fix Trash items height ; fix docks
visible at start on compact size

* rename deleted term in trashed to avoid confusion with a true deletion ;
add setting for e-Paper's  unblinking text cursor

* create CheckableTree.qml ; add restore view with a tree-like checkable
list for when there are children

* add check behavior for RestoreListView.qml ; fix note creating a name
with a label

* add label edit from lists; add escape key in RestoreListView.qml

* add deleteDefinitively to lists ; fix layouts apparence in Welcome

* comment useless details

* fix missing sqlite3 build flag ; update sqlite3

* update install notes

* - add hunspell in flatpak
- add highlighter using Sonnet

* add red wave underline for misspelling

* little fix in highlighter

* - forbid foreach
- adapt recent projects list to URL

* - add security avoiding opening twice the same project
- fix recent projects dispararing after opening one from the list

* - test highlighter

* test highlighter

* switch to Speller

* test highlighter

* test highlighter

* test highlighter

* test highlighter

* - switch from Sonnet to Hunspell
- bug found : underline highlighting not working, bur reported at

* - remove .qm
- generate .qm at build time
- add translation switcher in settings

* - fix backup settings

* - find_library for hunspell

Co-authored-by: bardi9 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: jwvdveen <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Paraplegic Racehorse <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Paraplegic Racehorse <[email protected]>

Test Flatpak

25 Sep 10:09
Choose a tag to compare
Test Flatpak Pre-release

add eu.skribisto.skribisto.yml for Flatpak ; adapt CMakeLists.txt