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File metadata and controls

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REP: 126 Title: New root element "setup-file" for rosinstall files Author: Tully Foote, Thibault Kruse Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 10-Feb-2012 Post-History: 20-Feb-2012

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. Background
  3. Specification
  4. Motivation
  5. Rationale
  6. Concerns
  7. ReferenceImplementation
  8. References
  9. Copyright


This REP suggests a new elements to extend the functionality of .rosinstall files, "setup-file". "setup-file" would indicate a path to a shell script to source in the file.

Note: the elements specified in this REP will only affect the tools used together with rosbuild packages: namely rosinstall and rosws. Newer tools like wstool intended to be used with catkin packages are not affected by these elements and will ignore them.


The rosinstall tool [1] maintains a sorted set of folders, based on a .rosinstall file which states all local folders, and for each possibly a version control system (vcs) used for that folder and the uri of a remote repo.

An example of such a .rosinstall file in electric looks like this:

# .rosinstall in ros env
- other: {local-name: /opt/ros/electric/ros}
- other: {local-name: /opt/ros/electric/stacks}
- svn: {local-name: some/local/path, uri: some/uri, version: 123}

The syntax is in yaml, the file is a yaml list, with each element having a tag name in (other, svn, hg, git, bzr), a local name, a uri when tag name is an SCM, and optionally a version specifier.

The tool can initially checkout local folders, update to the latest changes, or to a specific version.

rosinstall also generates a set of files for shell initialization, defining a working environment. Those are, setup.bash, setup.zsh. The essential one is, which in electric may look like this:

# in ros env
# distro-dependent lines
export ROS_ROOT=/opt/ros/electric/ros
export PATH=$ROS_ROOT/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$ROS_ROOT/core/roslib/src:$PYTHONPATH
if [ ! "$ROS_MASTER_URI" ] ; then export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 ; fi
# lines depending on all of .rosinstall
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=some/local/path:/opt/ros/electric/stacks

rosinstall allows to have several separate working environments with different environment variables, and that by the sets those variables.

The prior to fuerte is entirely generated from the .rosinstall, using heuristic rules to determine a location of a ros distro among the elements of the .rosinstall, and setting environment variables accordingly.

It is noteworthy for the following that while each for ros environment set variables PATH, PYTHONPATH and ROS_MASTER_URI on its own, they were necessarily set the same way when going against the same ROS distro.

Also, for each entry in the .rosinstall, there is a resulting entry in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH with the 'local-name' value of the entry.

The is never read by rosinstall, it is overwritten every time rosinstall successfully runs, it thus can so far not store information between runs of rosinstall.

rosinstall works like this: it reads a given .rosinstall if there is any, merges it with any supplied command line arguments, then writes a new .rosinstall and new files.

The current rosinstall command line interface (CLI) syntax is as follows:


This is the same for setting up a new environment, as well as updating or changing it.

The [ROSINSTALL FILES OR DIRECTORIES]* arguments can each be

  • a local file
  • a local directory containing a .rosinstall file
  • a remote file uri

With the first invocation of rosinstall in the INSTALL_PATH, one of the arguments must include the path to a ros installation, else rosinstall will fail with an error.

Note that the order of the arguments is the inverse order in which they will be appended to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, which for overlaying packages means that packages in locations of later arguments will overlay packages in locations of earlier arguments.

An important use-case for rosinstall is that a user may work on several ROS distros, and frequently switch between distros and environments. rosinstall generated setup files aim to enable a quick transistion between environments (and distros) by sourcing a given


By default fuerte will create a .rosinstall file in /opt/ros/fuerte with contents similar to this:

- setup-file:
    local-name: /opt/ros/fuerte/
- other:
    local-name: /opt/ros/fuerte/share/ros

A user can then create a local ros environment using the command:

$ rosinstall ~/fuerte foo /opt/ros/fuerte bar

And as a consequence, the generated local .rosinstall will look like this:

- other: {local-name: bar}
- other: {local-name: /opt/ros/fuerte/share/ros}
- setup-file: {local-name: /opt/ros/fuerte/}
- other: {local-name: foo}

And the local will look like this:

. /opt/ros/fuerte/
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=bar:...:/opt/ros/fuerte/share/ros:foo


Changes to the ROS build system in fuerte cause the current rosinstall approach to fail [2].

The as presented above is a self-contained script. This causes several problems in fuerte, where more environment variables have to be set up by several scripts maintained by default in /opt/ros/fuerte/etc/catkin/profile.d, but which could be placed in different locations, and rosinstall should be agnostic of that.

The better way to go seems to let rosinstall only modify the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH variable, while letting the installation process of ros generate and maintain a which sets the variables for this distro.

The .rosinstall of a rosinstall environment then needs to point to the distro's, such that the generated local can first source that one, then amend the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

The generated within a rosinstall environment in fuerte should ideally look like this:

# in ros env
. <path/to/distro/>
# lines depending on all of .rosinstall
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=some/local/path:/opt/ros/electric/stacks

As can be seen in comparison to the in electric above, the part that depends on the distro could now replaced by sourcing the of the distro.

The problem arising now is to identify in general where the distro to include is located. rosinstall currently only stores information in its .rosinstall, which is currently limited to essentially storing the path to a set of local folders all of which currently are inserted into the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

The distro is also not consistently located relative to any of the folders included in the .rosinstall.

So there currently is no way consistent with the current rosinstall capabilities to gather and store the location of the distro's to use.

This REP declares therefore a necessary amendment to rosinstall to get and to store the location of a distro file to be used for generation of environment files.


The design needs to provide a solution for two requirements, finding out the intended distro folder the user wants to use for his environment, and storing that information for future invocations of rosinstall.

Alternatives for getting the location of distro

In the future the needs to be found independently of the location of the ros stack.

  1. Extend the syntax/semantics of the rosinstall command
  1. first argument (on first invocation) needs to point to ros installation
  2. ros installation given with --option
  3. first "init" invocation only allows one argument
  4. special command, e.g. rosinstall-init, rosinstall init ...
  5. first of the folders (of first invocation) containing any assumed to be "the one"
  1. Extend the syntax of the .rosinstall files to provide the location of the rosinstall
  1. new root element "setup-file" similar to elements "other"
  2. "other" element flagged to indicate the folder of a file / a file to source
  3. "other" element pointing to a file means "source it"
  1. Extend rosinstall's reasoning capabilities about ros distros
  1. reliable detection of a 'distro folder' by means of cue files (has .rosinstall, and, an additional file or special strings in the ones there)

Alternatives for storing the location of distro

Rosinstall needs to remember the location of a between invocations

  1. Find a way to store that piece of information in a .rosinstall file
  1. new root element "setup-file" similar to elements "other"
  2. "other" element flagged to indicate the folder of a file / a file to source
  3. "other" element pointing to a file means "source it"
  1. Store that information in some other file
  1. new file sourced by default, e.g.
  2. new file containing just the location of the to source
  3. the (either in parseable format, or as a rosinstall-private env var)

Other Alternatives

    1. rosinstall does not manage distro, user has to first source distro, then local

Reviewing the alternatives, it was decided that certain requirements should not be violated by the design.

R1: The rosinstall syntax and semantics should not change, in particular rosinstall should allow creating a local environment with the same command and options as before, and it should allow passing the distro folder as any of the arguments. This requirement is supposed to prevent users having to adapt to new syntax/semantics. (This discards all Alternatives A.)

R2: rosinstall should not depend on a particular new layout of the ros distribution. Instead is shall fully depend on the ros distro providing information for rosinstall at is has done so up to now. The reason is that this causes the least effort to maintain several ROS distros. (this discards option C., as the existing layout of ros distributions do not permit to identify them as distro folders reliably).

R3: All the environment information should be visible in a single .rosinstall file, and should be easily visible in that file. The reason is to keep rosinstall a "simple" tool, whose actions can be understood in terms of a single file. (This discards Options E.)

R4: User experience should not change (This discards Options F.)

Options C. and D. are equivalent, and it was decided to go for C.1. == D.1., meaning a new "setup-files" root element used both for getting the location of the setup file from a remote .rosinstall file as well as storing the information in a local .rosinstall file. C.2. and C.3. seemed to lack in transparency.


Backwards Compatibility

As rosinstall is released independently of the ROS distros. It is required that rosinstall continue working for other supported ROS distros while they remain supported. This is discussed in REP 3 [3]

To maintain backwards compatibility while older ROS distributions are still supported rosinstall will continue to append to / declare the following variables:

export ROS_ROOT=/opt/ros/electric/ros
export PATH=$ROS_ROOT/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$ROS_ROOT/core/roslib/src:$PYTHONPATH
if [ ! "$ROS_MASTER_URI" ] ; then export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 ; fi

The backwards compatibility causes local variables to contain empty paths. These lines:

export PATH=$ROS_ROOT/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$ROS_ROOT/core/roslib/src:$PYTHONPATH

both add elements to PATH and PYTHONPATH which do not exist in fuerte, but would exist in earlier distros.

rosinstall can remove these lines as soon as electric is not supported anymore. An alternative is to detect the distro version (or the absence of a setup-file element), and not generate these lines when not needed. That decision is outside the scope of this REP.

Future safety

The feature is created for no other use-case than to support the new layout used in fuerte, it should not be used for anything else. In future releases of ros, the layout is expected to change again, so the feature might be removed again.

Also, a vision for rosinstall is to move away from being a ROS specific tool. As an abstraction it is a tool for operating on several local VCS repositories with a single command (multi-VCS), as well as a maintainer of a subset of local folders, roughly similar to an Eclipse workspace. The addition of a setup-file element does not fit into either category, and may hinder clean evolution of rosinstall.


The system of sourcing files from locations given in remote rosinstall files can be abused, however we assume that the user must only use rosinstall to pull resources from trusted sources, else there are other obvious ways to introduce malicious code via rosinstall, so the concern is deemed irrelevant.

Source installs of ROS

Prior to fuerte, it was possible to build against ros modules which were not "installed" in any linux sense.

Beginning with fuerte, building modules migrates to allowing build only against installed ROS stacks and packages.

So from fuerte on, rosinstall only needs to support setting up environments against an installed ROS distro.


Should a user over time accumulate several setup-file entries in his rosinstall, the user will have to deal with the surprising effects this may cause by himself.

Command line support

The "setup-file" element will not be supported by the ROS command line interface, as the only use-case it exists for is finding and storing the location of the distro folder. Users should be discouraged from using the new element for any other purpose.

Reference implementation

A reference implementation is the last version of rosinstall in the source repository. [4]


[1]rosinstall (
[2]Discussion of PATH problem (
[3]ROS REP 3 (
[4]Rosinstall source (


This document has been placed in the public domain.