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138 lines (115 loc) · 5.6 KB

File metadata and controls

138 lines (115 loc) · 5.6 KB


  1. Set up basic koa passport server based on this
  2. Add tests with Jest, add edge cases and bad inputs
  3. Add MongoDB
  4. Add nice response messages response library usage, built off this
  5. Add validation Input validation using Swagger (Open API) and ajv
  6. Add facebook, github, google

then the dApp stuff:

  1. New user from facebook etc. creates libp2p ID. Create Thread on user's behalf, using ID to sign. Send userAuth object to client. Login with password also sends back userAuth
  2. New user from password same as above but privKey is encrypted with password
  3. Crypto wallets just save pubKey server side. Client side handle signiture. Server needs a signiture challenge API.

current routes autoloading thing might be overkill. list out all the routes in a file, but abstract some of the inner workings.

  1. build integration with buckets. host frontend on IPFS.

koa-passport gotcha: When using koa-passport you must be sure to both return the result of the authentication, and call authenticate with the context.

return passport.authenticate( 'local', {
    successRedirect: '/',
    failureRedirect: '/login',
    failureFlash: true
} )( ctx );

If you got at least one of below things when making google sign in...

  1. Failed to retrieve user profile Legacy People API has not been used in project... (in console)
  2. Failed to obtain access token invalid_grant... (in console)
  3. Internal server error (on browser) gotcha 2 I recommend you change dependency module "passport-google-auth" to "passport-google-oauth". Then modify parts that the module used like this. const GoogleStrategy = require("passport-google-oauth").OAuth2Strategy; and follow here


set up a jwt revoked blacklist

response reference:

name code
oK 200
created 201
accepted 202
nonAuthoritativeInformation 203
partialContent 206
multipleChoices 300
badRequest 400
unauthorized 401
paymentRequired 402
forbidden 403
notFound 404
methodNotAllowed 405
notAcceptable 406
requestTimeout 408
conflict 409
gone 410
lengthRequired 411
preconditionFailed 412
payloadTooLarge 413
requestURITooLong 414
unsupportedMediaType 415
requestedRangeNotSatisfiable 416
expectationFailed 417
imATeapot 418
misdirectedRequest 421
unprocessableEntity 422
locked 423
failedDependency 424
upgradeRequired 426
preconditionRequired 428
tooManyRequests 429
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge 431
unavailableForLegalReasons 451
internalServerError 500
notImplemented 501
badGateway 502
serviceUnavailable 503
gatewayTimeout 504
hTTPVersionNotSupported 505
variantAlsoNegotiates 506
insufficientStorage 507
loopDetected 508
notExtended 510
networkAuthenticationRequired 511
networkConnectTimeoutError 599

remove mongo db or collection with

    /* Drop the DB */
   /* Drop a collection */
mongoose.connection.collections['user'].drop(function (err) {
    console.log('collection dropped');

typescript does not play nice with the ctx.login() function, had to add this code (pulled from here) to the router to get it to recognize those types:

import Router from 'koa-router';
import { DefaultState, Context } from 'koa';
const router = new Router<DefaultState, Context>();






validation library openapi-validator-middleware ajv syntax


example list passport koa full example with testing very full example with typescript