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Spring Cloud Config Client for Google Cloud Runtime Configurator API


  1. Install the Google Cloud SDK. You can do so with the following command:
  curl | bash
  1. Create, enable billing on a project on the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Enable the Runtime Config API
  3. Set the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT or GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variable.
    export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=my-project-id
  1. (Local testing only) Using the Runtime Configurator in your application requires that GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable be set to point to an authorized service account credentials file. More instructions on creating the credentials file here.


   cd rcloadenv
   mvn clean install


  1. Create a configuration using the Google Cloud SDK. The configuration name should be in the format application.id_profile, for example : myapp_prod

    gcloud beta runtime-config configs create myapp_prod

Then set the variables you wish to load. Variable names will be transformed from lowercase to uppercase, separated by underscores.

  gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set \
    queue_size 25 \
    --config-name myapp_prod
  gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set \
    feature_x_enabled true \
    --config-name myapp_prod
  1. In your Spring Boot application directory (see the sample application here), add the following line to src/main/resources/META-INF/spring.factories :
  1. Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
  1. Set an and profile(default = default) in your src/main/resources/
  1. Add Spring style configuration variables, see
  private int queueSize;

  private boolean isFeatureXEnabled;
  1. (Optional Step) Spring Boot Actuator provides support to have configuration parameters be reloadable with the POST /refresh endpoint. Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:

Then, add @RefreshScope to your configuration class to have parameters be reloadable at runtime. Update a property with gcloud and then call the /refresh endpoint:

   gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set \
     queue_size 200 \
     --config-name myapp_prod
   curl -XPOST
