Sunshine UI is a component library on top of Svelte and Tailwind CSS, beautiful like sunshine ...
To get you started
$ npm install sunshine-ui or yarn add sunshine-ui
Then import css style and each component
import 'sunshine-ui/dist/index.css'
import { Avatar, Select } from 'sunshine-ui'
For icons, need to copy 'sunshine-ui/dist/heroicons.svg' to your public path, (same as index.html); then could use all the svg icons from ( as following:
<Icon icon="outline--sun" class="tw-w-8 tw-h-8 tw-text-pink-40"></Icon>
<Icon icon="solid--sun" class="tw-text-theme-60"></Icon>
<Icon icon="outline--moon" style="width: 8px; height: 20px"></Icon>
<Icon icon="solid--moon"></Icon>
SVG Sprite, the heroicons.svg is a svg sprite, which means would need to load the whole sprite even only used one icon, if matters could try (
- Avatar
- Card
- Input
- Radio
- Select
- Icon