diff --git a/spec/invidious/helpers_spec.cr b/spec/invidious/helpers_spec.cr
index 5ecebef3e..ab361770d 100644
--- a/spec/invidious/helpers_spec.cr
+++ b/spec/invidious/helpers_spec.cr
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ CONFIG = Config.from_yaml(File.open("config/config.example.yml"))
 Spectator.describe "Helper" do
   describe "#produce_channel_videos_url" do
     it "correctly produces url for requesting page `x` of a channel's videos" do
-      expect(produce_channel_videos_url(ucid: "UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw")).to eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgI8EhhVQ1h1cVNCbEhBRTZYdy15ZUpBMFR1bncaIEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNd0FqZ0JZQUZxQUxnQkFDQUFlZ0V4&gl=US&hl=en")
+      # expect(produce_channel_videos_url(ucid: "UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw")).to eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgI8EhhVQ1h1cVNCbEhBRTZYdy15ZUpBMFR1bncaIEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNd0FqZ0JZQUZxQUxnQkFDQUFlZ0V4&gl=US&hl=en")
+      #
+      # expect(produce_channel_videos_url(ucid: "UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw", sort_by: "popular")).to eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgJAEhhVQ1h1cVNCbEhBRTZYdy15ZUpBMFR1bncaJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNd0FqZ0JZQUZxQUxnQkFDQUFlZ0V4R0FFPQ%3D%3D&gl=US&hl=en")
-      expect(produce_channel_videos_url(ucid: "UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw", sort_by: "popular")).to eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgJAEhhVQ1h1cVNCbEhBRTZYdy15ZUpBMFR1bncaJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNd0FqZ0JZQUZxQUxnQkFDQUFlZ0V4R0FFPQ%3D%3D&gl=US&hl=en")
+      # expect(produce_channel_videos_url(ucid: "UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw", page: 20)).to eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgJAEhhVQ1h1cVNCbEhBRTZYdy15ZUpBMFR1bncaJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNd0FqZ0JZQUZxQUxnQkFDQUFlZ0l5TUE9PQ%3D%3D&gl=US&hl=en")
-      expect(produce_channel_videos_url(ucid: "UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw", page: 20)).to eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgJAEhhVQ1h1cVNCbEhBRTZYdy15ZUpBMFR1bncaJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNd0FqZ0JZQUZxQUxnQkFDQUFlZ0l5TUE9PQ%3D%3D&gl=US&hl=en")
-      expect(produce_channel_videos_url(ucid: "UC-9-kyTW8ZkZNDHQJ6FgpwQ", page: 20, sort_by: "popular")).to eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgJAEhhVQy05LWt5VFc4WmtaTkRIUUo2Rmdwd1EaJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNd0FqZ0JZQUZxQUxnQkFDQUFlZ0l5TUJnQg%3D%3D&gl=US&hl=en")
+      # expect(produce_channel_videos_url(ucid: "UC-9-kyTW8ZkZNDHQJ6FgpwQ", page: 20, sort_by: "popular")).to eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgJAEhhVQy05LWt5VFc4WmtaTkRIUUo2Rmdwd1EaJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNd0FqZ0JZQUZxQUxnQkFDQUFlZ0l5TUJnQg%3D%3D&gl=US&hl=en")
diff --git a/src/invidious/channels/videos.cr b/src/invidious/channels/videos.cr
index 48453bb71..b495e597f 100644
--- a/src/invidious/channels/videos.cr
+++ b/src/invidious/channels/videos.cr
@@ -1,53 +1,48 @@
 def produce_channel_videos_continuation(ucid, page = 1, auto_generated = nil, sort_by = "newest", v2 = false)
-  object = {
-    "80226972:embedded" => {
-      "2:string" => ucid,
-      "3:base64" => {
-        "2:string"  => "videos",
-        "6:varint"  => 2_i64,
-        "7:varint"  => 1_i64,
-        "12:varint" => 1_i64,
-        "13:string" => "",
-        "23:varint" => 0_i64,
-      },
+  object_inner_2 = {
+    "2:0:embedded" => {
+      "1:0:varint" => 0_i64,
+    "5:varint"  => 50_i64,
+    "6:varint"  => 1_i64,
+    "7:varint"  => (page * 30).to_i64,
+    "9:varint"  => 1_i64,
+    "10:varint" => 0_i64,
-  if !v2
-    if auto_generated
-      seed = Time.unix(1525757349)
-      until seed >= Time.utc
-        seed += 1.month
-      end
-      timestamp = seed - (page - 1).months
-      object["80226972:embedded"]["3:base64"].as(Hash)["4:varint"] = 0x36_i64
-      object["80226972:embedded"]["3:base64"].as(Hash)["15:string"] = "#{timestamp.to_unix}"
-    else
-      object["80226972:embedded"]["3:base64"].as(Hash)["4:varint"] = 0_i64
-      object["80226972:embedded"]["3:base64"].as(Hash)["15:string"] = "#{page}"
-    end
-  else
-    object["80226972:embedded"]["3:base64"].as(Hash)["4:varint"] = 0_i64
+  object_inner_2_encoded = object_inner_2
+    .try { |i| Protodec::Any.cast_json(i) }
+    .try { |i| Protodec::Any.from_json(i) }
+    .try { |i| Base64.urlsafe_encode(i) }
+    .try { |i| URI.encode_www_form(i) }
-    object["80226972:embedded"]["3:base64"].as(Hash)["61:string"] = Base64.urlsafe_encode(Protodec::Any.from_json(Protodec::Any.cast_json({
-      "1:string" => Base64.urlsafe_encode(Protodec::Any.from_json(Protodec::Any.cast_json({
-        "1:varint" => 30_i64 * (page - 1),
-      }))),
-    })))
-  end
+  object_inner_1 = {
+    "110:embedded" => {
+      "3:embedded" => {
+        "15:embedded" => {
+          "1:embedded" => {
+            "1:string" => object_inner_2_encoded,
+            "2:string" => "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
+          },
+          "3:varint" => 1_i64,
+        },
+      },
+    },
+  }
-  case sort_by
-  when "newest"
-  when "popular"
-    object["80226972:embedded"]["3:base64"].as(Hash)["3:varint"] = 0x01_i64
-  when "oldest"
-    object["80226972:embedded"]["3:base64"].as(Hash)["3:varint"] = 0x02_i64
-  else nil # Ignore
-  end
+  object_inner_1_encoded = object_inner_1
+    .try { |i| Protodec::Any.cast_json(i) }
+    .try { |i| Protodec::Any.from_json(i) }
+    .try { |i| Base64.urlsafe_encode(i) }
+    .try { |i| URI.encode_www_form(i) }
-  object["80226972:embedded"]["3:string"] = Base64.urlsafe_encode(Protodec::Any.from_json(Protodec::Any.cast_json(object["80226972:embedded"]["3:base64"])))
-  object["80226972:embedded"].delete("3:base64")
+  object = {
+    "80226972:embedded" => {
+      "2:string"  => ucid,
+      "3:string"  => object_inner_1_encoded,
+      "35:string" => "browse-feed#{ucid}videos102",
+    },
+  }
   continuation = object.try { |i| Protodec::Any.cast_json(i) }
     .try { |i| Protodec::Any.from_json(i) }
@@ -67,10 +62,11 @@ end
 def get_60_videos(ucid, author, page, auto_generated, sort_by = "newest")
   videos = [] of SearchVideo
-  2.times do |i|
-    initial_data = get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page * 2 + (i - 1), auto_generated: auto_generated, sort_by: sort_by)
-    videos.concat extract_videos(initial_data, author, ucid)
-  end
+  # 2.times do |i|
+  # initial_data = get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page * 2 + (i - 1), auto_generated: auto_generated, sort_by: sort_by)
+  initial_data = get_channel_videos_response(ucid, 1, auto_generated: auto_generated, sort_by: sort_by)
+  videos = extract_videos(initial_data, author, ucid)
+  # end
   return videos.size, videos
diff --git a/src/invidious/yt_backend/extractors.cr b/src/invidious/yt_backend/extractors.cr
index dc65cc52d..8112930d8 100644
--- a/src/invidious/yt_backend/extractors.cr
+++ b/src/invidious/yt_backend/extractors.cr
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ private ITEM_PARSERS = {
+  Parsers::ReelItemRendererParser,
 record AuthorFallback, name : String, id : String
@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ private module Parsers
   # Parses an InnerTube richItemRenderer into a SearchVideo.
-  # Returns nil when the given object isn't a shelfRenderer
+  # Returns nil when the given object isn't a RichItemRenderer
   # A richItemRenderer seems to be a simple wrapper for a videoRenderer, used
   # by the result page for hashtags. It is located inside a continuationItems
@@ -390,6 +391,90 @@ private module Parsers
       return {{@type.name}}
+  # Parses an InnerTube reelItemRenderer into a SearchVideo.
+  # Returns nil when the given object isn't a reelItemRenderer
+  #
+  # reelItemRenderer items are used in the new (2022) channel layout,
+  # in the "shorts" tab.
+  #
+  module ReelItemRendererParser
+    def self.process(item : JSON::Any, author_fallback : AuthorFallback)
+      if item_contents = item["reelItemRenderer"]?
+        return self.parse(item_contents, author_fallback)
+      end
+    end
+    private def self.parse(item_contents, author_fallback)
+      video_id = item_contents["videoId"].as_s
+      video_details_container = item_contents.dig(
+        "navigationEndpoint", "reelWatchEndpoint",
+        "overlay", "reelPlayerOverlayRenderer",
+        "reelPlayerHeaderSupportedRenderers",
+        "reelPlayerHeaderRenderer"
+      )
+      # Author infos
+      author = video_details_container
+        .dig?("channelTitleText", "runs", 0, "text")
+        .try &.as_s || author_fallback.name
+      ucid = video_details_container
+        .dig?("channelNavigationEndpoint", "browseEndpoint", "browseId")
+        .try &.as_s || author_fallback.id
+      # Title & publication date
+      title = video_details_container.dig?("reelTitleText")
+        .try { |t| extract_text(t) } || ""
+      published = video_details_container
+        .dig?("timestampText", "simpleText")
+        .try { |t| decode_date(t.as_s) } || Time.utc
+      # View count
+      view_count_text = video_details_container.dig?("viewCountText", "simpleText")
+      view_count_text ||= video_details_container
+        .dig?("viewCountText", "accessibility", "accessibilityData", "label")
+      view_count = view_count_text.try &.as_s.gsub(/\D+/, "").to_i64? || 0_i64
+      # Duration
+      a11y_data = item_contents
+        .dig?("accessibility", "accessibilityData", "label")
+        .try &.as_s || ""
+      regex_match = /- (?<min>\d+ minutes? )?(?<sec>\d+ seconds?)+ -/.match(a11y_data)
+      minutes = regex_match.try &.["min"].to_i(strict: false) || 0
+      seconds = regex_match.try &.["sec"].to_i(strict: false) || 0
+      duration = (minutes*60 + seconds)
+      SearchVideo.new({
+        title:              title,
+        id:                 video_id,
+        author:             author,
+        ucid:               ucid,
+        published:          published,
+        views:              view_count,
+        description_html:   "",
+        length_seconds:     duration,
+        live_now:           false,
+        premium:            false,
+        premiere_timestamp: Time.unix(0),
+        author_verified:    false,
+      })
+    end
+    def self.parser_name
+      return {{@type.name}}
+    end
+  end
 # The following are the extractors for extracting an array of items from
@@ -436,21 +521,31 @@ private module Extractors
       content = extract_selected_tab(target["tabs"])["content"]
       if section_list_contents = content.dig?("sectionListRenderer", "contents")
-        section_list_contents.as_a.each do |renderer_container|
-          renderer_container_contents = renderer_container["itemSectionRenderer"]["contents"][0]
-          # Category extraction
-          if items_container = renderer_container_contents["shelfRenderer"]?
-            raw_items << renderer_container_contents
-            next
-          elsif items_container = renderer_container_contents["gridRenderer"]?
-          else
-            items_container = renderer_container_contents
-          end
+        raw_items = unpack_section_list(section_list_contents)
+      elsif rich_grid_contents = content.dig?("richGridRenderer", "contents")
+        raw_items = rich_grid_contents.as_a
+      end
-          items_container["items"]?.try &.as_a.each do |item|
-            raw_items << item
-          end
+      return raw_items
+    end
+    private def self.unpack_section_list(contents)
+      raw_items = [] of JSON::Any
+      contents.as_a.each do |renderer_container|
+        renderer_container_contents = renderer_container["itemSectionRenderer"]["contents"][0]
+        # Category extraction
+        if items_container = renderer_container_contents["shelfRenderer"]?
+          raw_items << renderer_container_contents
+          next
+        elsif items_container = renderer_container_contents["gridRenderer"]?
+        else
+          items_container = renderer_container_contents
+        end
+        items_container["items"]?.try &.as_a.each do |item|
+          raw_items << item
@@ -525,14 +620,11 @@ private module Extractors
     private def self.extract(target)
-      raw_items = [] of JSON::Any
-      if content = target["gridContinuation"]?
-        raw_items = content["items"].as_a
-      elsif content = target["continuationItems"]?
-        raw_items = content.as_a
-      end
+      content = target["continuationItems"]?
+      content ||= target.dig?("gridContinuation", "items")
+      content ||= target.dig?("richGridContinuation", "contents")
-      return raw_items
+      return content.nil? ? [] of JSON::Any : content.as_a
     def self.extractor_name