#Unit 11 - Bootstrap
##Synopsis This unit focuses on the styling of websites using the Bootstrap framework. The student will pull from the Bootstrap framework to design websites that are modern and responsive.
##Codecademy Resources The following CodeCademy lessons correspond and will help student understand the concepts in this unit. The teacher may choose to assign these lessons if they would like.
- Make a Website - Introduction to Bootstrap
- Shutterbug Project - practice using the Boostrap grid
- Red Eye Project - practice using the Bootstrap grid
####English Standards
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Use parallel structure.
Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional, absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing or presentations.
###CSTA Standards
####CT.L2-03 Define an algorithm as a sequence of instructions that can be processed by a computer.
####CT.L2-04 Evaluate ways that different algorithms may be used to solve the same problem.