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Execute ORT with a Github Action

This action allows you to run ORT. The OSS Review Toolkit (ORT) aims to assist with the tasks that commonly need to be performed in the context of license compliance checks, especially for (but not limited to) Free and Open Source Software dependencies.


This action requires a java environment. (See example)


Run oss-review-toolkit to review Open Source software dependencies.


parameter description required default
ort-version sovereigncloudstack/ort docker hub tag to use. false main
analyze Set to false to disable the execution of the ORT analyze ORT Action. Default: true. false true
evaluate Set to false to disable the execution of the ORT evaluate ORT Action. Default: true. false true
report Set to false to disable the execution of the ORT report ORT Action. Default: true. false true
verbosity Verbosity level in ORT to use. Possible values: [ warn, info, performance, debug]. Default to warn. false warn
package-curations-dir Specifies path relative to the project directory for the curations directory. Used in analyze and evaluate actions. It's the --package-curations-dir option for ORT. false
rules-file Specifies path relative to the project directory for the rules of the evaluate action. It's the --rules-file option for ORT. false
license-classifications-file Specifies path relative to the project directory for the license classifications file of the evaluate action. It's the --license-classifications-file option for ORT. false
reporters List of reporters to run. Default: Excel,StaticHtml,WebApp false Excel,StaticHtml,WebApp
ort-extra-args List of extra arguments for ORT, for all commands, set before the verb (before analyze, evaluate or report). false
analyze-extra-args List of extra arguments for the analyze action. false
evaluate-extra-args List of extra arguments for the evaluate action. false
report-extra-args List of extra arguments for the report action. false


parameter description
analyzer-result output file for the analyze step
evaluation-result output file for the evaluate step
results-dir output directory for the report step


This action is an composite action.

GitHub workflow

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - uses: actions/setup-java@v1
      java-version: '11.0.1'

  - name: Analyze licensing
    id: ort-action
    uses: sovereigncloudstack/ort-action

  - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
      name: licenses
      path: ${{ steps.ort-action.outputs.results-dir }}

And a more complex example:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - uses: actions/setup-java@v1
      java-version: '11.0.1'

  - name: Analyze licensing
    id: ort-action
    uses: sovereigncloudstack/ort-action@main
      package-curations-dir: .ort-data/curations-dir/
      rules-file: .ort-data/rules.kts
      license-classifications-file: .ort-data/license-classifications.yml
      reporters: AdocTemplate,PdfTemplate,Excel,StaticHtml,WebApp
      report-extra-args: >
      ort-extra-args: -P ort.severeRuleViolationThreshold=HINT

  - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
      name: licenses
      path: ${{ steps.ort-action.outputs.results-dir }}


Docker images for OSS Review Toolkit




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