diff --git a/content/docs/command-reference/remote/add.md b/content/docs/command-reference/remote/add.md
index 3809609ba3..7c14204b38 100644
--- a/content/docs/command-reference/remote/add.md
+++ b/content/docs/command-reference/remote/add.md
@@ -141,103 +141,13 @@ The following are the supported types of storage protocols and platforms.
### Self-hosted / On-premises
-### SSH
-$ dvc remote add -d myremote ssh://user@example.com/path
-> See `dvc remote modify` for a full list of SSH parameters.
-⚠️ DVC requires both SSH and SFTP access to work with remote SSH locations.
-Check that you can connect both ways with tools like `ssh` and `sftp`
-> Note that the server's SFTP root might differ from its physical root (`/`).
-### HDFS
-⚠️ Using HDFS with a Hadoop cluster might require additional setup. Our
-assumption is that the client is set up to use it. Specifically, [`libhdfs`]
-should be installed.
- https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/LibHdfs.html
-💡 Using an HDFS cluster as remote storage is also supported via the WebHDFS
-API. Read more about it by expanding the WebHDFS section below.
-$ dvc remote add -d myremote hdfs://user@example.com/path
-> See `dvc remote modify` for a full list of HDFS parameters.
-### WebHDFS
-⚠️ Using WebHDFS requires to enable REST API access in the cluster: set the
-config property `dfs.webhdfs.enabled` to `true` in `hdfs-site.xml`.
-If your cluster is secured, then WebHDFS is commonly used with Kerberos and
-HTTPS. To enable these for the DVC remote, set `use_https` and `kerberos` to
-$ dvc remote add -d myremote webhdfs://example.com/path
-$ dvc remote modify myremote use_https true
-$ dvc remote modify myremote kerberos true
-$ dvc remote modify --local myremote token SOME_BASE64_ENCODED_TOKEN
-💡 You may want to run `kinit` before using the remote to make sure you have an
-active kerberos session.
-> `token` contains sensitive user info. Therefore, it's safer to add it with the
-> `--local` option, so it's written to a Git-ignored config file.
-> See `dvc remote modify` for a full list of WebHDFS parameters.
-### HTTP
-$ dvc remote add -d myremote https://example.com/path
-> See `dvc remote modify` for a full list of HTTP parameters.
-### WebDAV
-$ dvc remote add -d myremote \
- webdavs://example.com/owncloud/remote.php/dav
-If your remote is located in a subfolder of your WebDAV server e.g.
-`files/myuser`, this path may be appended to the base URL:
-$ dvc remote add -d myremote \
- webdavs://example.com/owncloud/remote.php/dav/files/myuser
-> See `dvc remote modify` for a full list of WebDAV parameters.
+- [SSH]; Like `scp`
+- [HDFS] & [WebHDFS]
+- [HTTP]
+- [WebDAV]
+[ssh]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/ssh
+[hdfs]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/hdfs
+[webhdfs]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/hdfs#webhdfs
+[http]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/http
+[webdav]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/webdav
diff --git a/content/docs/command-reference/remote/modify.md b/content/docs/command-reference/remote/modify.md
index 46b1185259..e3b3fe97d3 100644
--- a/content/docs/command-reference/remote/modify.md
+++ b/content/docs/command-reference/remote/modify.md
@@ -151,451 +151,16 @@ details in the pages linked below.
### Self-hosted / On-premises
-### SSH
-> If any values given to the parameters below contain sensitive user info, add
-> them with the `--local` option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config
-> file.
-- `url` - remote location, in a regular
- [SSH format](https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-salowey-secsh-uri-00.html#sshsyntax).
- Note that this can already include the `user` parameter, embedded into the
- URL:
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote url \
- ssh://user@example.com:1234/path
- ```
- ⚠️ DVC requires both SSH and SFTP access to work with remote SSH locations.
- Please check that you are able to connect both ways with tools like `ssh` and
- `sftp` (GNU/Linux).
- > Note that your server's SFTP root might differ from its physical root (`/`).
-- `user` - user name to access the remote:
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser
- ```
- The order in which DVC picks the user name:
- 1. `user` parameter set with this command (found in `.dvc/config`);
- 2. User defined in the URL (e.g. `ssh://user@example.com/path`);
- 3. User defined in the SSH config file (e.g. `~/.ssh/config`) for this host
- (URL);
- 4. Current system user
-- `port` - port to access the remote.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote port 2222
- ```
- The order in which DVC decide the port number:
- 1. `port` parameter set with this command (found in `.dvc/config`);
- 2. Port defined in the URL (e.g. `ssh://example.com:1234/path`);
- 3. Port defined in the SSH config file (e.g. `~/.ssh/config`) for this host
- (URL);
- 4. Default SSH port 22
-- `keyfile` - path to private key to access the remote.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote keyfile /path/to/keyfile
- ```
-- `password` - a password to access the remote
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote password mypassword
- ```
-- `ask_password` - ask for a password to access the remote.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote ask_password true
- ```
-- `passphrase` - a private key passphrase to access the remote
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote passphrase mypassphrase
- ```
-- `ask_passphrase` - ask for a private key passphrase to access the remote.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote ask_passphrase true
- ```
-- `gss_auth` - use Generic Security Services authentication if available on host
- (for example,
- [with kerberos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_Security_Services_Application_Program_Interface#Relationship_to_Kerberos)).
- Using this param requires `paramiko[gssapi]`, which is currently only
- supported by our pip package, and could be installed with
- `pip install 'dvc[ssh_gssapi]'`. Other packages (Conda, Windows, and macOS
- PKG) do not support it.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote gss_auth true
- ```
-- `allow_agent` - whether to use [SSH agents](https://www.ssh.com/ssh/agent)
- (`true` by default). Setting this to `false` is useful when `ssh-agent` is
- causing problems, such as a "No existing session" error:
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote allow_agent false
- ```
-### HDFS
-Using an HDFS cluster as remote storage is also supported via the WebHDFS API.
-Read more about it [here].
-[here]: /doc/command-reference/remote/add#webhdfs
-If any values given to the parameters below contain sensitive user info, add
-them with the `--local` option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config file.
-- `url` - remote location:
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote url hdfs://user@example.com/path
- ```
-- `user` - user name to access the remote.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser
- ```
-- `kerb_ticket` - path to the Kerberos ticket cache for Kerberos-secured HDFS
- clusters
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote \
- kerb_ticket /path/to/ticket/cache
- ```
-### WebHDFS
-WebHDFS serves as an alternative for using the same remote storage supported by
-HDFS. Read more about it [here].
-If any values given to the parameters below contain sensitive user info, add
-them with the `--local` option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config file.
-- `url` - remote location:
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote url webhdfs://user@example.com/path
- ```
- > Do not provide a `user` in the URL with `kerberos` or `token`
- > authentication.
-- `user` - user name to access the remote. Do not set this with `kerberos` or
- `token` authentication.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser
- ```
-- `kerberos` - enable Kerberos authentication (`false` by default):
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote kerberos true
- ```
-- `kerberos_principal` - [Kerberos principal] to use, in case you have multiple
- ones (for example service accounts). Only used if `kerberos` is `true`.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote kerberos_principal myprincipal
- ```
- [kerberos principal]:
- https://web.mit.edu/kerberos/krb5-1.5/krb5-1.5.4/doc/krb5-user/What-is-a-Kerberos-Principal_003f.html
-- `proxy_to` - Hadoop [superuser] to proxy as. _Proxy user_ feature must be
- enabled on the cluster, and the user must have the correct access rights. If
- the cluster is secured, Kerberos must be enabled (set `kerberos` to `true`)
- for this to work. This parameter is incompatible with `token`.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote proxy_to myuser
- ```
- [superuser]:
- https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/Superusers.html
-- `use_https` - enables SWebHdfs. Note that DVC still expects the protocol in
- `url` to be `webhdfs://`, and will fail if `swebhdfs://` is used.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote use_https true
- ```
- [swebhdfs]:
- https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r3.1.0/api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/SWebHdfs.html
-- `ssl_verify` - whether to verify SSL requests. Defaults to `true` when
- `use_https` is enabled, `false` otherwise.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote ssl_verify false
- ```
-- `token` - Hadoop [delegation token] (as returned by the [WebHDFS API]). If the
- cluster is secured, Kerberos must be enabled (set `kerberos` to `true`) for
- this to work. This parameter is incompatible with providing a `user` and with
- `proxy_to`.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote token "mysecret"
- ```
- [delegation token]:
- https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/hadoop-aws/tools/hadoop-aws/delegation_tokens.html
- [webhdfs api]:
- https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/WebHDFS.html#Delegation_Token_Operations
-### HTTP
-> If any values given to the parameters below contain sensitive user info, add
-> them with the `--local` option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config
-> file.
-- `url` - remote location:
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote url https://example.com/path
- ```
- > The URL can include a query string, which will be preserved (e.g.
- > `example.com?loc=path%2Fto%2Fdir`)
-- `auth` - authentication method to use when accessing the remote. The accepted
- values are:
- - `basic` -
- [basic authentication scheme](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7617). `user`
- and `password` (or `ask_password`) parameters should also be configured.
- - `digest` (**removed** in 2.7.1) -
- [digest Access Authentication Scheme](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7616).
- `user` and `password` (or `ask_password`) parameters should also be
- configured.
- - `custom` - an additional HTTP header field will be set for all HTTP requests
- to the remote in the form: `custom_auth_header: password`.
- `custom_auth_header` and `password` (or `ask_password`) parameters should
- also be configured.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote auth basic
- ```
-- `method` - override the
- [HTTP method](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods) to
- use for file uploads (e.g. `PUT` should be used for
- [Artifactory](https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Artifactory+REST+API)).
- By default, `POST` is used.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote method PUT
- ```
-- `custom_auth_header` - HTTP header field name to use when the `auth` parameter
- is set to `custom`.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote \
- custom_auth_header 'My-Header'
- ```
-- `user` - user name to use when the `auth` parameter is set to `basic`.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser
- ```
- The order in which DVC picks the user name:
- 1. `user` parameter set with this command (found in `.dvc/config`);
- 2. User defined in the URL (e.g. `http://user@example.com/path`);
-- `password` - password to use for any `auth` method.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote password mypassword
- ```
-- `ask_password` - ask each time for the password to use for any `auth` method.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote ask_password true
- ```
- > Note that the `password` parameter takes precedence over `ask_password`. If
- > `password` is specified, DVC will not prompt the user to enter a password
- > for this remote.
-- `ssl_verify` - whether or not to verify SSL certificates, or a path to a
- custom CA bundle to do so (`true` by default).
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote ssl_verify false
- # or
- $ dvc remote modify myremote ssl_verify path/to/ca_bundle.pem
- ```
-- `read_timeout` - set the time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown
- when attempting to read a portion of data from a connection (60 by default).
- Let's set it to 5 minutes for example:
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote read_timeout 300
- ```
-- `connect_timeout` - set the time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown
- when attempting to make a connection (60 by default). Let's set it to 5
- minutes for example:
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote connect_timeout 300
- ```
-### WebDAV
-> If any values given to the parameters below contain sensitive user info, add
-> them with the `--local` option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config
-> file.
-- `url` - remote location:
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote url \
- webdavs://example.com/nextcloud/remote.php/dav/files/myuser/
- ```
-- `token` - token for WebDAV server, can be empty in case of using
- `user/password` authentication.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote token 'mytoken'
- ```
-- `user` - user name for WebDAV server, can be empty in case of using `token`
- authentication.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser
- ```
- The order in which DVC searches for user name is:
- 1. `user` parameter set with this command (found in `.dvc/config`);
- 2. User defined in the URL (e.g. `webdavs://user@example.com/endpoint/path`)
-- `custom_auth_header` - HTTP header field name to use for authentication. Value
- is set via `password`.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote \
- custom_auth_header 'My-Header'
- ```
-- `password` - password for WebDAV server, combined either with `user` or
- `custom_auth_header`. Leave empty for `token` authentication.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote password mypassword
- ```
- Auth based on `user` or `custom_auth_header` (with `password`) is incompatible
- with `token` auth.
-- `ask_password` - ask each time for the password to use for `user/password`
- authentication. This has no effect if `password` or `token` are set.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote ask_password true
- ```
-- `ssl_verify` - whether or not to verify SSL certificates, or a path to a
- custom CA bundle to do so (`true` by default).
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote ssl_verify false
- # or
- $ dvc remote modify myremote ssl_verify path/to/ca_bundle.pem
- ```
-- `cert_path` - path to certificate used for WebDAV server authentication, if
- you need to use local client side certificates.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote cert_path /path/to/cert
- ```
-- `key_path` - path to private key to use to access a remote. Only has an effect
- in combination with `cert_path`.
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify --local myremote key_path /path/to/key
- ```
- > Note that the certificate in `cert_path` might already contain the private
- > key.
-- `timeout` - connection timeout (in seconds) for WebDAV server (default: 30).
- ```cli
- $ dvc remote modify myremote timeout 120
- ```
+- [SSH]; Like `scp`
+- [HDFS] & [WebHDFS]
+- [HTTP]
+- [WebDAV]
+[ssh]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/ssh
+[hdfs]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/hdfs
+[webhdfs]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/hdfs#webhdfs
+[http]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/http
+[webdav]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/webdav
## Example: Some Azure authentication methods
diff --git a/content/docs/sidebar.json b/content/docs/sidebar.json
index 2da2f720a4..9f5d06aa6f 100644
--- a/content/docs/sidebar.json
+++ b/content/docs/sidebar.json
@@ -132,7 +132,26 @@
- "aliyun-oss"
+ {
+ "label": "Aliyun OSS",
+ "slug": "aliyun-oss"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "SSH",
+ "slug": "ssh"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "HDFS & WebHDFS",
+ "slug": "hdfs"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "HTTP",
+ "slug": "http"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "WebDAV",
+ "slug": "webdav"
+ }
diff --git a/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/hdfs.md b/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/hdfs.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..940a772c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/hdfs.md
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+Start with `dvc remote add` to define the remote:
+$ dvc remote add -d myremote hdfs://user@example.com:path
+⚠️ Using HDFS with a Hadoop cluster might require additional setup. Our
+assumption is that the client is set up to use it. Specifically, [`libhdfs`]
+should be installed.
+ https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/LibHdfs.html
+[webhdfs api]: #webhdfs
+## HDFS configuration parameters
+If any values given to the parameters below contain sensitive user info, add
+them with the `--local` option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config file.
+- `url` - remote location:
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote url hdfs://user@example.com/path
+ ```
+- `user` - user name to access the remote.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser
+ ```
+- `kerb_ticket` - path to the Kerberos ticket cache for Kerberos-secured HDFS
+ clusters
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote \
+ kerb_ticket /path/to/ticket/cache
+ ```
+## WebHDFS
+Using an HDFS cluster as remote storage is also supported via the WebHDFS API.
+If your cluster is secured, then WebHDFS is commonly used with Kerberos and
+HTTPS. To enable these for the DVC remote, set `use_https` and `kerberos` to
+$ dvc remote add -d myremote webhdfs://example.com/path
+$ dvc remote modify myremote use_https true
+$ dvc remote modify myremote kerberos true
+$ dvc remote modify --local myremote token SOME_BASE64_ENCODED_TOKEN
+⚠️ Using WebHDFS requires to enable REST API access in the cluster: set the
+config property `dfs.webhdfs.enabled` to `true` in `hdfs-site.xml`.
+💡 You may want to run `kinit` before using the remote to make sure you have an
+active kerberos session.
+## WebHDFS configuration parameters
+If any values given to the parameters below contain sensitive user info, add
+them with the `--local` option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config file.
+- `url` - remote location:
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote url webhdfs://user@example.com/path
+ ```
+ > Do not provide a `user` in the URL with `kerberos` or `token`
+ > authentication.
+- `user` - user name to access the remote. Do not set this with `kerberos` or
+ `token` authentication.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser
+ ```
+- `kerberos` - enable Kerberos authentication (`false` by default):
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote kerberos true
+ ```
+- `kerberos_principal` - [Kerberos principal] to use, in case you have multiple
+ ones (for example service accounts). Only used if `kerberos` is `true`.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote kerberos_principal myprincipal
+ ```
+ [kerberos principal]:
+ https://web.mit.edu/kerberos/krb5-1.5/krb5-1.5.4/doc/krb5-user/What-is-a-Kerberos-Principal_003f.html
+- `proxy_to` - Hadoop [superuser] to proxy as. _Proxy user_ feature must be
+ enabled on the cluster, and the user must have the correct access rights. If
+ the cluster is secured, Kerberos must be enabled (set `kerberos` to `true`)
+ for this to work. This parameter is incompatible with `token`.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote proxy_to myuser
+ ```
+ [superuser]:
+ https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/Superusers.html
+- `use_https` - enables SWebHdfs. Note that DVC still expects the protocol in
+ `url` to be `webhdfs://`, and will fail if `swebhdfs://` is used.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote use_https true
+ ```
+ [swebhdfs]:
+ https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r3.1.0/api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/SWebHdfs.html
+- `ssl_verify` - whether to verify SSL requests. Defaults to `true` when
+ `use_https` is enabled, `false` otherwise.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote ssl_verify false
+ ```
+- `token` - Hadoop [delegation token] (as returned by the [WebHDFS API]). If the
+ cluster is secured, Kerberos must be enabled (set `kerberos` to `true`) for
+ this to work. This parameter is incompatible with providing a `user` and with
+ `proxy_to`.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote token "mysecret"
+ ```
+ [delegation token]:
+ https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/hadoop-aws/tools/hadoop-aws/delegation_tokens.html
+ [webhdfs api]:
+ https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/WebHDFS.html#Delegation_Token_Operations
diff --git a/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/http.md b/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/http.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..503f6ec376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/http.md
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+Start with `dvc remote add` to define the remote:
+$ dvc remote add -d myremote https://example.com/path
+## Configuration parameters
+If any values given to the parameters below contain sensitive user info, add
+them with the `--local` option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config file.
+- `url` - remote location:
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote url https://example.com/path
+ ```
+ > The URL can include a query string, which will be preserved (e.g.
+ > `example.com?loc=path%2Fto%2Fdir`)
+- `auth` - authentication method to use when accessing the remote. The accepted
+ values are:
+ - `basic` -
+ [basic authentication scheme](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7617). `user`
+ and `password` (or `ask_password`) parameters should also be configured.
+ - `digest` (**removed** in 2.7.1) -
+ [digest Access Authentication Scheme](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7616).
+ `user` and `password` (or `ask_password`) parameters should also be
+ configured.
+ - `custom` - an additional HTTP header field will be set for all HTTP requests
+ to the remote in the form: `custom_auth_header: password`.
+ `custom_auth_header` and `password` (or `ask_password`) parameters should
+ also be configured.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote auth basic
+ ```
+- `method` - override the
+ [HTTP method](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods) to
+ use for file uploads (e.g. `PUT` should be used for
+ [Artifactory](https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Artifactory+REST+API)).
+ By default, `POST` is used.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote method PUT
+ ```
+- `custom_auth_header` - HTTP header field name to use when the `auth` parameter
+ is set to `custom`.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote \
+ custom_auth_header 'My-Header'
+ ```
+- `user` - user name to use when the `auth` parameter is set to `basic`.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser
+ ```
+ The order in which DVC picks the user name:
+ 1. `user` parameter set with this command (found in `.dvc/config`);
+ 2. User defined in the URL (e.g. `http://user@example.com/path`);
+- `password` - password to use for any `auth` method.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote password mypassword
+ ```
+- `ask_password` - ask each time for the password to use for any `auth` method.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote ask_password true
+ ```
+ > Note that the `password` parameter takes precedence over `ask_password`. If
+ > `password` is specified, DVC will not prompt the user to enter a password
+ > for this remote.
+- `ssl_verify` - whether or not to verify SSL certificates, or a path to a
+ custom CA bundle to do so (`true` by default).
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote ssl_verify false
+ # or
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote ssl_verify path/to/ca_bundle.pem
+ ```
+- `read_timeout` - set the time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown
+ when attempting to read a portion of data from a connection (60 by default).
+ Let's set it to 5 minutes for example:
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote read_timeout 300
+ ```
+- `connect_timeout` - set the time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown
+ when attempting to make a connection (60 by default). Let's set it to 5
+ minutes for example:
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote connect_timeout 300
+ ```
diff --git a/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/index.md b/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/index.md
index 5dd29a99a5..67f5f01129 100644
--- a/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/index.md
+++ b/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/index.md
@@ -112,16 +112,16 @@ team.
### Self-hosted / On-premises
-- [SSH servers]; Like `scp`
+- [SSH]; Like `scp`
- [HDFS] & [WebHDFS]
- [HTTP]
- [WebDAV]
-[ssh servers]: /doc/command-reference/remote/modify#ssh
-[hdfs]: /doc/command-reference/remote/modify#hdfs
-[webhdfs]: /doc/command-reference/remote/modify#webhdfs
-[http]: /doc/command-reference/remote/modify#http
-[webdav]: /doc/command-reference/remote/modify#webdav
+[ssh]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/ssh
+[hdfs]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/hdfs
+[webhdfs]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/hdfs#webhdfs
+[http]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/http
+[webdav]: /doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/webdav
## File systems (local remotes)
diff --git a/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/ssh.md b/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/ssh.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32855b2d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/ssh.md
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# SSH
+Start with `dvc remote add` to define the remote:
+$ dvc remote add -d myremote ssh://user@example.com/path
+⚠️ DVC requires both SSH and SFTP access to work with remote SSH locations.
+Check that you can connect both ways with tools like `ssh` and `sftp`
+> Note that the server's SFTP root might differ from its physical root (`/`).
+## Configuration parameters
+> If any values given to the parameters below contain sensitive user info, add
+> them with the `--local` option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config
+> file.
+- `url` - remote location, in a regular
+ [SSH format](https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-salowey-secsh-uri-00.html#sshsyntax).
+ Note that this can already include the `user` parameter, embedded into the
+ URL:
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote url \
+ ssh://user@example.com:1234/path
+ ```
+ ⚠️ DVC requires both SSH and SFTP access to work with remote SSH locations.
+ Please check that you are able to connect both ways with tools like `ssh` and
+ `sftp` (GNU/Linux).
+ > Note that your server's SFTP root might differ from its physical root (`/`).
+- `user` - user name to access the remote:
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser
+ ```
+ The order in which DVC picks the user name:
+ 1. `user` parameter set with this command (found in `.dvc/config`);
+ 2. User defined in the URL (e.g. `ssh://user@example.com/path`);
+ 3. User defined in the SSH config file (e.g. `~/.ssh/config`) for this host
+ (URL);
+ 4. Current system user
+- `port` - port to access the remote.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote port 2222
+ ```
+ The order in which DVC decide the port number:
+ 1. `port` parameter set with this command (found in `.dvc/config`);
+ 2. Port defined in the URL (e.g. `ssh://example.com:1234/path`);
+ 3. Port defined in the SSH config file (e.g. `~/.ssh/config`) for this host
+ (URL);
+ 4. Default SSH port 22
+- `keyfile` - path to private key to access the remote.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote keyfile /path/to/keyfile
+ ```
+- `password` - a password to access the remote
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote password mypassword
+ ```
+- `ask_password` - ask for a password to access the remote.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote ask_password true
+ ```
+- `passphrase` - a private key passphrase to access the remote
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote passphrase mypassphrase
+ ```
+- `ask_passphrase` - ask for a private key passphrase to access the remote.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote ask_passphrase true
+ ```
+- `gss_auth` - use Generic Security Services authentication if available on host
+ (for example,
+ [with kerberos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_Security_Services_Application_Program_Interface#Relationship_to_Kerberos)).
+ Using this param requires `paramiko[gssapi]`, which is currently only
+ supported by our pip package, and could be installed with
+ `pip install 'dvc[ssh_gssapi]'`. Other packages (Conda, Windows, and macOS
+ PKG) do not support it.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote gss_auth true
+ ```
+- `allow_agent` - whether to use [SSH agents](https://www.ssh.com/ssh/agent)
+ (`true` by default). Setting this to `false` is useful when `ssh-agent` is
+ causing problems, such as a "No existing session" error:
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote allow_agent false
+ ```
diff --git a/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/webdav.md b/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/webdav.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72d4472fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/webdav.md
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# WebDAV
+Start with `dvc remote add` to define the remote:
+$ dvc remote add -d myremote \
+ webdavs://example.com/owncloud/remote.php/dav
+If your remote is located in a subfolder of your WebDAV server e.g.
+`files/myuser`, this path may be appended to the base URL:
+$ dvc remote add -d myremote \
+ webdavs://example.com/owncloud/remote.php/dav/files/myuser
+## Configuration parameters
+If any values given to the parameters below contain sensitive user info, add
+them with the `--local` option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config file.
+- `url` - remote location:
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote url \
+ webdavs://example.com/nextcloud/remote.php/dav/files/myuser/
+ ```
+- `token` - token for WebDAV server, can be empty in case of using
+ `user/password` authentication.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote token 'mytoken'
+ ```
+- `user` - user name for WebDAV server, can be empty in case of using `token`
+ authentication.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser
+ ```
+ The order in which DVC searches for user name is:
+ 1. `user` parameter set with this command (found in `.dvc/config`);
+ 2. User defined in the URL (e.g. `webdavs://user@example.com/endpoint/path`)
+- `custom_auth_header` - HTTP header field name to use for authentication. Value
+ is set via `password`.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote \
+ custom_auth_header 'My-Header'
+ ```
+- `password` - password for WebDAV server, combined either with `user` or
+ `custom_auth_header`. Leave empty for `token` authentication.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote password mypassword
+ ```
+ Auth based on `user` or `custom_auth_header` (with `password`) is incompatible
+ with `token` auth.
+- `ask_password` - ask each time for the password to use for `user/password`
+ authentication. This has no effect if `password` or `token` are set.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote ask_password true
+ ```
+- `ssl_verify` - whether or not to verify SSL certificates, or a path to a
+ custom CA bundle to do so (`true` by default).
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote ssl_verify false
+ # or
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote ssl_verify path/to/ca_bundle.pem
+ ```
+- `cert_path` - path to certificate used for WebDAV server authentication, if
+ you need to use local client side certificates.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote cert_path /path/to/cert
+ ```
+- `key_path` - path to private key to use to access a remote. Only has an effect
+ in combination with `cert_path`.
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify --local myremote key_path /path/to/key
+ ```
+ > Note that the certificate in `cert_path` might already contain the private
+ > key.
+- `timeout` - connection timeout (in seconds) for WebDAV server (default: 30).
+ ```cli
+ $ dvc remote modify myremote timeout 120
+ ```