This software was created by Jeffrey Han (@itdelatrisu).
All game concepts and designs are based on work by osu! developer Dean Herbert (@ppy).
The images included in opsu! belong to their respective authors.
- XinCrin - "Fantasy's Skin"
- osu! community - "WWWskin"
- AdithyaHarun - "Metro"
- Osutronic - "Osutronic's Skin"
- Elzapatoverde - "KagePro SD v1.4"
- GraysonnG - "Baka Accurate"
- Garygoh884 - "Skylanders 1.3b"
- Misaki Louize - "Yukino II"
- Alic1a - "AL's IA -Blue-"
- Xiaounlimited - "Nexus Ivory"
- noClue - "Vocaloid Project Skin [LIGHT]"
- pictuga - "osu! web"
- sherrie__fay
- kouyang
- teinecthel
- Teddy Kelley - (main menu background)
- User icons designed by Freepik -
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy -
The following projects were referenced in the initial creation of opsu!:
- "Wojtkosu" - Wojtek Kowaluk (
- "osu-parser" - nojhamster (
- "osu! web" - pictuga (
Rainbows - Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License