If you want to develop extensions for pekmez.js
make sure that you have nodeJS
, coffee-script
, mocha
, sinon
, domino
and should
$ brew install nodejs
$ npm install -g coffee-script mocha should sinon domino
Assuming you have the correct NPM setup.. If not, do something like this:
echo 'export NODE_PATH="'$(npm root -g)'"' >> ~/.bashrc
To execute unit tests:
$ mocha
To use pekmez.js
with your web site, include your diagram scripts within the script tags and define a placeholder like below:
<script href="pekmez.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/pekmez" data-type="network">
A -> LB;
B -> LB;
<div id="diagram-1"></div>