From 48cfde85723abef9579dc5347dac3a8087d90067 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adam Driscoll Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 11:18:14 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Adding button help --- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 70 ++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index a764e445..0c5d7480 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- # New-UDButton ## SYNOPSIS -{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} +Creates a new button. ## SYNTAX @@ -19,21 +19,59 @@ New-UDButton [[-Id] ] [[-Text] ] [[-OnClick] ] [-Floatin ``` ## DESCRIPTION -{{ Fill in the Description }} +Creates a new button. Buttons come in different shapes and sizes and can be configured to execute scripts when clicked. ## EXAMPLES -### Example 1 +### Raised Button ```powershell -PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} +New-UDButton -Text "Button" ``` -{{ Add example description here }} +Creates a basic, raised button. + +### Button with Icon +```powershell +New-UDButton -Text "Button" -Icon cloud +``` + +Creates a basic, raised button with an icon. + +### Button Colors +```powershell +New-UDButton -Text "Button" -BackgroundColor "red" -FontColor "white" +``` + +Creates a red button with white text. + +### Floating +```powershell +New-UDButton -Floating -Icon plus +``` + +Creates a circular, floating button with a plus icon. + +### Floating +```powershell +New-UDButton -Flat -Text "Button" +``` + +Creates a flat button + +### OnClick Event Handler +```powershell +New-UDButton -Text "Button" -OnClick { + Show-UDToast -Message "Ouch!" +} +``` + +Creats a button that shows a toast message when clicked. + ## PARAMETERS ### -BackgroundColor -{{ Fill BackgroundColor Description }} +Background color of the button. ```yaml Type: DashboardColor @@ -48,7 +86,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Disabled -{{ Fill Disabled Description }} +Creates a disabled button. ```yaml Type: SwitchParameter @@ -63,7 +101,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Flat -{{ Fill Flat Description }} +Creates a flat button without shadows. ```yaml Type: SwitchParameter @@ -78,7 +116,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Floating -{{ Fill Floating Description }} +Creates a circular, floating button. ```yaml Type: SwitchParameter @@ -93,7 +131,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -FontColor -{{ Fill FontColor Description }} +Font color of the button. This also changes the icon color. ```yaml Type: DashboardColor @@ -108,7 +146,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Icon -{{ Fill Icon Description }} +The icon for this button. ```yaml Type: FontAwesomeIcons @@ -124,7 +162,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -IconAlignment -{{ Fill IconAlignment Description }} +The icon alignment. ```yaml Type: String @@ -140,7 +178,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Id -{{ Fill Id Description }} +The ID of the component. ```yaml Type: String @@ -155,7 +193,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -OnClick -{{ Fill OnClick Description }} +An event handler that is called when the button is clicked. This can be either a ScriptBlock or a UDEndpoint. ```yaml Type: Object @@ -170,7 +208,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Text -{{ Fill Text Description }} +The test to display on the button. ```yaml Type: Object From 3faccd3074448282af0396704d48be5fc146f380 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adam Driscoll Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2019 21:37:28 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Updating some help files. --- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 4 +- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 31 +++++- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 25 +++-- .../Help/ | 28 +++--- .../Help/ | 6 +- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 10 +- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 6 +- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 10 +- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 64 ++++++++++--- .../Help/ | 45 +++++---- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 6 +- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 4 +- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 4 +- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 11 +-- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 8 +- .../Help/ | 14 +-- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 15 +-- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 4 +- src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ | 94 ------------------- src/build.ps1 | 2 +- src/poshud/dashboard.ps1 | 22 ++++- 21 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 210 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 0c5d7480..7490cfed 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ New-UDButton -Floating -Icon plus Creates a circular, floating button with a plus icon. -### Floating +### Flat ```powershell New-UDButton -Flat -Text "Button" ``` @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ The icon for this button. Type: FontAwesomeIcons Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: -Accepted values: None, ad, address_book, address_card, adjust, air_freshener, align_center, align_justify, align_left, align_right, allergies, ambulance, american_sign_language_interpreting, anchor, angle_double_down, angle_double_left, angle_double_right, angle_double_up, angle_down, angle_left, angle_right, angle_up, angry, ankh, apple_alt, archive, archway, arrow_alt_circle_down, arrow_alt_circle_left, arrow_alt_circle_right, arrow_alt_circle_up, arrow_circle_down, arrow_circle_left, arrow_circle_right, arrow_circle_up, arrow_down, arrow_left, arrow_right, arrows_alt, arrows_alt_h, arrows_alt_v, arrow_up, assistive_listening_systems, asterisk, at, atlas, atom, audio_description, award, baby, baby_carriage, backspace, backward, balance_scale, ban, band_aid, barcode, bars, baseball_ball, basketball_ball, bath, battery_empty, battery_full, battery_half, battery_quarter, battery_three_quarters, bed, beer, bell, bell_slash, bezier_curve, bible, bicycle, binoculars, biohazard, birthday_cake, blender, blender_phone, blind, blog, bold, bolt, bomb, bone, bong, book, book_dead, bookmark, book_open, book_reader, bowling_ball, box, boxes, box_open, braille, brain, briefcase, briefcase_medical, broadcast_tower, broom, brush, bug, building, bullhorn, bullseye, burn, bus, bus_alt, business_time, calculator, calendar, calendar_alt, calendar_check, calendar_day, calendar_minus, calendar_plus, calendar_times, calendar_week, camera, camera_retro, campground, candy_cane, cannabis, capsules, car, car_alt, car_battery, car_crash, caret_down, caret_left, caret_right, caret_square_down, caret_square_left, caret_square_right, caret_square_up, caret_up, carrot, car_side, cart_arrow_down, cart_plus, cash_register, cat, certificate, chair, chalkboard, chalkboard_teacher, charging_station, chart_area, chart_bar, chart_line, chart_pie, check, check_circle, check_double, check_square, chess, chess_bishop, chess_board, chess_king, chess_knight, chess_pawn, chess_queen, chess_rook, chevron_circle_down, chevron_circle_left, chevron_circle_right, chevron_circle_up, chevron_down, chevron_left, chevron_right, chevron_up, child, church, circle, circle_notch, city, clipboard, clipboard_check, clipboard_list, clock, clone, closed_captioning, cloud, cloud_download_alt, cloud_meatball, cloud_moon, cloud_moon_rain, cloud_rain, cloud_showers_heavy, cloud_sun, cloud_sun_rain, cloud_upload_alt, cocktail, code, code_branch, coffee, cog, cogs, coins, columns, comment, comment_alt, comment_dollar, comment_dots, comments, comments_dollar, comment_slash, compact_disc, compass, compress, compress_arrows_alt, concierge_bell, cookie, cookie_bite, copy, copyright, couch, credit_card, crop, crop_alt, cross, crosshairs, crow, crown, cube, cubes, cut, database, deaf, democrat, desktop, dharmachakra, diagnoses, dice, dice_d20, dice_d6, dice_five, dice_four, dice_one, dice_six, dice_three, dice_two, digital_tachograph, directions, divide, dizzy, dna, dog, dollar_sign, dolly, dolly_flatbed, donate, door_closed, door_open, dot_circle, dove, download, drafting_compass, dragon, draw_polygon, drum, drum_steelpan, drumstick_bite, dumbbell, dumpster, dumpster_fire, dungeon, edit, eject, ellipsis_h, ellipsis_v, envelope, envelope_open, envelope_open_text, envelope_square, equals, eraser, ethernet, euro_sign, exchange_alt, exclamation, exclamation_circle, exclamation_triangle, expand, expand_arrows_alt, external_link_alt, external_link_square_alt, eye, eye_dropper, eye_slash, fast_backward, fast_forward, fax, feather, feather_alt, female, fighter_jet, file, file_alt, file_archive, file_audio, file_code, file_contract, file_csv, file_download, file_excel, file_export, file_image, file_import, file_invoice, file_invoice_dollar, file_medical, file_medical_alt, file_pdf, file_powerpoint, file_prescription, file_signature, file_upload, file_video, file_word, fill, fill_drip, film, filter, fingerprint, fire, fire_alt, fire_extinguisher, first_aid, fish, fist_raised, flag, flag_checkered, flag_usa, flask, flushed, folder, folder_minus, folder_open, folder_plus, font, font_awesome_logo_full, football_ball, forward, frog, frown, frown_open, funnel_dollar, futbol, gamepad, gas_pump, gavel, gem, genderless, ghost, gift, gifts, glass_cheers, glasses, glass_martini, glass_martini_alt, glass_whiskey, globe, globe_africa, globe_americas, globe_asia, globe_europe, golf_ball, gopuram, graduation_cap, greater_than, greater_than_equal, grimace, grin, grin_alt, grin_beam, grin_beam_sweat, grin_hearts, grin_squint, grin_squint_tears, grin_stars, grin_tears, grin_tongue, grin_tongue_squint, grin_tongue_wink, grin_wink, grip_horizontal, grip_lines, grip_lines_vertical, grip_vertical, guitar, hammer, hamsa, hand_holding, hand_holding_heart, hand_holding_usd, hand_lizard, hand_paper, hand_peace, hand_point_down, hand_pointer, hand_point_left, hand_point_right, hand_point_up, hand_rock, hands, hand_scissors, handshake, hands_helping, hand_spock, hanukiah, hashtag, hat_wizard, haykal, hdd, heading, headphones, headphones_alt, headset, heart, heartbeat, heart_broken, helicopter, highlighter, hiking, hippo, history, hockey_puck, holly_berry, home, horse, horse_head, hospital, hospital_alt, hospital_symbol, hotel, hot_tub, hourglass, hourglass_end, hourglass_half, hourglass_start, house_damage, hryvnia, h_square, icicles, i_cursor, id_badge, id_card, id_card_alt, igloo, image, images, inbox, indent, industry, infinity, info, info_circle, italic, jedi, joint, journal_whills, kaaba, key, keyboard, khanda, kiss, kiss_beam, kiss_wink_heart, kiwi_bird, landmark, language, laptop, laptop_code, laugh, laugh_beam, laugh_squint, laugh_wink, layer_group, leaf, lemon, less_than, less_than_equal, level_down_alt, level_up_alt, life_ring, lightbulb, link, lira_sign, list, list_alt, list_ol, list_ul, location_arrow, _lock, lock_open, long_arrow_alt_down, long_arrow_alt_left, long_arrow_alt_right, long_arrow_alt_up, low_vision, luggage_cart, magic, magnet, mail_bulk, male, map, map_marked, map_marked_alt, map_marker, map_marker_alt, map_pin, map_signs, marker, mars, mars_double, mars_stroke, mars_stroke_h, mars_stroke_v, mask, medal, medkit, meh, meh_blank, meh_rolling_eyes, memory, menorah, mercury, meteor, microchip, microphone, microphone_alt, microphone_alt_slash, microphone_slash, microscope, minus, minus_circle, minus_square, mitten, mobile, mobile_alt, money_bill, money_bill_alt, money_bill_wave, money_bill_wave_alt, money_check, money_check_alt, monument, moon, mortar_pestle, mosque, motorcycle, mountain, mouse_pointer, mug_hot, music, network_wired, neuter, newspaper, not_equal, notes_medical, object_group, object_ungroup, oil_can, om, otter, outdent, paint_brush, paint_roller, palette, pallet, paperclip, paper_plane, parachute_box, paragraph, parking, passport, pastafarianism, paste, pause, pause_circle, paw, peace, pen, pen_alt, pencil_alt, pencil_ruler, pen_fancy, pen_nib, pen_square, people_carry, percent, percentage, person_booth, phone, phone_slash, phone_square, phone_volume, piggy_bank, pills, place_of_worship, plane, plane_arrival, plane_departure, play, play_circle, plug, plus, plus_circle, plus_square, podcast, poll, poll_h, poo, poop, poo_storm, portrait, pound_sign, power_off, pray, praying_hands, prescription, prescription_bottle, prescription_bottle_alt, print, procedures, project_diagram, puzzle_piece, qrcode, question, question_circle, quidditch, quote_left, quote_right, quran, radiation, radiation_alt, rainbow, random, receipt, recycle, redo, redo_alt, registered, reply, reply_all, republican, restroom, retweet, ribbon, ring, road, robot, rocket, route, rss, rss_square, ruble_sign, ruler, ruler_combined, ruler_horizontal, ruler_vertical, running, rupee_sign, sad_cry, sad_tear, satellite, satellite_dish, save, school, screwdriver, scroll, sd_card, search, search_dollar, search_location, search_minus, search_plus, seedling, server, shapes, share, share_alt, share_alt_square, share_square, shekel_sign, shield_alt, ship, shipping_fast, shoe_prints, shopping_bag, shopping_basket, shopping_cart, shower, shuttle_van, sign, signal, signature, sign_in_alt, sign_language, sign_out_alt, sim_card, sitemap, skating, skiing, skiing_nordic, skull, skull_crossbones, slash, sleigh, sliders_h, smile, smile_beam, smile_wink, smog, smoking, smoking_ban, sms, snowboarding, snowflake, snowman, snowplow, socks, solar_panel, sort, sort_alpha_down, sort_alpha_up, sort_amount_down, sort_amount_up, sort_down, sort_numeric_down, sort_numeric_up, sort_up, spa, space_shuttle, spider, spinner, splotch, spray_can, square, square_full, square_root_alt, stamp, star, star_and_crescent, star_half, star_half_alt, star_of_david, star_of_life, step_backward, step_forward, stethoscope, sticky_note, stop, stop_circle, stopwatch, store, store_alt, stream, street_view, strikethrough, stroopwafel, subscript, subway, suitcase, suitcase_rolling, sun, superscript, surprise, swatchbook, swimmer, swimming_pool, synagogue, sync, sync_alt, syringe, table, tablet, tablet_alt, table_tennis, tablets, tachometer_alt, tag, tags, tape, tasks, taxi, teeth, teeth_open, temperature_high, temperature_low, tenge, terminal, text_height, text_width, th, theater_masks, thermometer, thermometer_empty, thermometer_full, thermometer_half, thermometer_quarter, thermometer_three_quarters, th_large, th_list, thumbs_down, thumbs_up, thumbtack, ticket_alt, times, times_circle, tint, tint_slash, tired, toggle_off, toggle_on, toilet, toilet_paper, toolbox, tools, tooth, torah, torii_gate, tractor, trademark, traffic_light, train, tram, transgender, transgender_alt, trash, trash_alt, tree, trophy, truck, truck_loading, truck_monster, truck_moving, truck_pickup, tshirt, tty, tv, umbrella, umbrella_beach, underline, undo, undo_alt, universal_access, university, unlink, unlock, unlock_alt, upload, user, user_alt, user_alt_slash, user_astronaut, user_check, user_circle, user_clock, user_cog, user_edit, user_friends, user_graduate, user_injured, user_lock, user_md, user_minus, user_ninja, user_plus, users, users_cog, user_secret, user_shield, user_slash, user_tag, user_tie, user_times, utensils, utensil_spoon, vector_square, venus, venus_double, venus_mars, vial, vials, video, video_slash, vihara, volleyball_ball, volume_down, volume_mute, volume_off, volume_up, vote_yea, vr_cardboard, walking, wallet, warehouse, water, weight, weight_hanging, wheelchair, wifi, wind, window_close, window_maximize, window_minimize, window_restore, wine_bottle, wine_glass, wine_glass_alt, won_sign, wrench, x_ray, yen_sign, yin_yang, _500px, accessible_icon, accusoft, acquisitions_incorporated, adn, adobe, adversal, affiliatetheme, algolia, alipay, amazon, amazon_pay, amilia, android, angellist, angrycreative, angular, apper, apple, apple_pay, app_store, app_store_ios, artstation, asymmetrik, atlassian, audible, autoprefixer, avianex, aviato, aws, bandcamp, behance, behance_square, bimobject, bitbucket, bitcoin, bity, blackberry, black_tie, blogger, blogger_b, bluetooth, bluetooth_b, btc, buromobelexperte, buysellads, canadian_maple_leaf, cc_amazon_pay, cc_amex, cc_apple_pay, cc_diners_club, cc_discover, cc_jcb, cc_mastercard, cc_paypal, cc_stripe, cc_visa, centercode, centos, chrome, cloudscale, cloudsmith, cloudversify, codepen, codiepie, confluence, connectdevelop, contao, cpanel, creative_commons, creative_commons_by, creative_commons_nc, creative_commons_nc_eu, creative_commons_nc_jp, creative_commons_nd, creative_commons_pd, creative_commons_pd_alt, creative_commons_remix, creative_commons_sa, creative_commons_sampling, creative_commons_sampling_plus, creative_commons_share, creative_commons_zero, critical_role, css3, css3_alt, cuttlefish, d_and_d, d_and_d_beyond, dashcube, delicious, deploydog, deskpro, dev, deviantart, dhl, diaspora, digg, digital_ocean, discord, discourse, dochub, docker, draft2digital, dribbble, dribbble_square, dropbox, drupal, dyalog, earlybirds, ebay, edge, elementor, ello, ember, empire, envira, erlang, ethereum, etsy, expeditedssl, facebook, facebook_f, facebook_messenger, facebook_square, fantasy_flight_games, fedex, fedora, figma, firefox, firstdraft, first_order, first_order_alt, flickr, flipboard, fly, font_awesome, font_awesome_alt, font_awesome_flag, fonticons, fonticons_fi, fort_awesome, fort_awesome_alt, forumbee, foursquare, freebsd, free_code_camp, fulcrum, galactic_republic, galactic_senate, get_pocket, gg, gg_circle, git, github, github_alt, github_square, gitkraken, gitlab, git_square, gitter, glide, glide_g, gofore, goodreads, goodreads_g, google, google_drive, google_play, google_plus, google_plus_g, google_plus_square, google_wallet, gratipay, grav, gripfire, grunt, gulp, hacker_news, hacker_news_square, hackerrank, hips, hire_a_helper, hooli, hornbill, hotjar, houzz, html5, hubspot, imdb, instagram, intercom, internet_explorer, invision, ioxhost, itunes, itunes_note, java, jedi_order, jenkins, jira, joget, joomla, js, jsfiddle, js_square, kaggle, keybase, keycdn, kickstarter, kickstarter_k, korvue, laravel, lastfm, lastfm_square, leanpub, less, line, linkedin, linkedin_in, linode, linux, lyft, magento, mailchimp, mandalorian, markdown, mastodon, maxcdn, medapps, medium, medium_m, medrt, meetup, megaport, mendeley, microsoft, mix, mixcloud, mizuni, modx, monero, napster, neos, nimblr, nintendo_switch, node, node_js, npm, ns8, nutritionix, odnoklassniki, odnoklassniki_square, old_republic, opencart, openid, opera, optin_monster, osi, page4, pagelines, palfed, patreon, paypal, penny_arcade, periscope, phabricator, phoenix_framework, phoenix_squadron, php, pied_piper, pied_piper_alt, pied_piper_hat, pied_piper_pp, pinterest, pinterest_p, pinterest_square, playstation, product_hunt, pushed, python, qq, quinscape, quora, raspberry_pi, ravelry, react, reacteurope, readme, rebel, reddit, reddit_alien, reddit_square, redhat, red_river, renren, replyd, researchgate, resolving, rev, rocketchat, rockrms, r_project, safari, sass, schlix, scribd, searchengin, sellcast, sellsy, servicestack, shirtsinbulk, shopware, simplybuilt, sistrix, sith, sketch, skyatlas, skype, slack, slack_hash, slideshare, snapchat, snapchat_ghost, snapchat_square, soundcloud, sourcetree, speakap, spotify, squarespace, stack_exchange, stack_overflow, staylinked, steam, steam_square, steam_symbol, sticker_mule, strava, stripe, stripe_s, studiovinari, stumbleupon, stumbleupon_circle, superpowers, supple, suse, teamspeak, telegram, telegram_plane, tencent_weibo, themeco, themeisle, the_red_yeti, think_peaks, trade_federation, trello, tripadvisor, tumblr, tumblr_square, twitch, twitter, twitter_square, typo3, uber, ubuntu, uikit, uniregistry, untappd, ups, usb, usps, ussunnah, vaadin, viacoin, viadeo, viadeo_square, viber, vimeo, vimeo_square, vimeo_v, vine, vk, vnv, vuejs, weebly, weibo, weixin, whatsapp, whatsapp_square, whmcs, wikipedia_w, windows, wix, wizards_of_the_coast, wolf_pack_battalion, wordpress, wordpress_simple, wpbeginner, wpexplorer, wpforms, wpressr, xbox, xing, xing_square, yahoo, yandex, yandex_international, yarn, y_combinator, yelp, yoast, youtube, youtube_square, zhihu, address_book_o, address_card_o, vcard_o, vcard, signing, asl_interpreting, arrow_circle_o_down, arrow_circle_o_left, arrow_circle_o_right, arrow_circle_o_up, arrows, arrows_h, arrows_v, reorder, navicon, bathtub, s15, battery_0, battery, battery_4, battery_2, battery_1, battery_3, bell_o, bell_slash_o, flash, bookmark_o, building_o, calendar_o, calendar_check_o, calendar_minus_o, calendar_plus_o, calendar_times_o, automobile, caret_square_o_down, caret_square_o_left, caret_square_o_right, toggle_down, toggle_left, toggle_right, caret_square_o_up, toggle_up, area_chart, bar_chart_o, bar_chart, line_chart, pie_chart, check_circle_o, check_square_o, circle_o, circle_thin, circle_o_notch, clock_o, cloud_download, cloud_upload, code_fork, gear, gears, comment_o, commenting, commenting_o, comments_o, files_o, credit_card_alt, cc, scissors, deafness, hard_of_hearing, usd, dollar, dot_circle_o, envelope_o, envelope_open_o, euro, eur, exchange, warning, external_link_square, external_link, eyedropper, file_o, file_text_o, file_text, file_zip_o, file_archive_o, file_audio_o, file_sound_o, file_code_o, file_excel_o, file_photo_o, file_picture_o, file_image_o, file_pdf_o, file_powerpoint_o, file_movie_o, file_video_o, file_word_o, flag_o, folder_o, folder_open_o, frown_o, futbol_o, soccer_ball_o, legal, diamond, mortar_board, hand_lizard_o, hand_paper_o, hand_stop_o, hand_peace_o, hand_o_down, hand_pointer_o, hand_o_left, hand_o_right, hand_o_up, hand_rock_o, hand_grab_o, hand_scissors_o, handshake_o, hand_spock_o, hdd_o, header, heart_o, hospital_o, hourglass_o, hourglass_1, hourglass_2, hourglass_3, drivers_license_o, drivers_license, id_card_o, photo, picture_o, keyboard_o, lemon_o, level_down, level_up, life_bouy, life_buoy, support, life_saver, lightbulb_o, chain, turkish_lira, _try, long_arrow_down, long_arrow_left, long_arrow_right, long_arrow_up, map_o, meh_o, minus_square_o, money, moon_o, newspaper_o, dedent, send, paper_plane_o, send_o, pause_circle_o, pencil_square, pencil_square_o, pencil, mobile_phone, volume_control_phone, bank, plus_square_o, play_circle_o, gbp, question_circle_o, rotate_right, repeat, mail_reply, mail_reply_all, feed, rouble, ruble, rub, inr, rupee, floppy_o, mail_forward, share_square_o, ils, shekel, sheqel, shield, sign_in, sign_out, sliders, smile_o, snowflake_o, unsorted, sort_alpha_asc, sort_alpha_desc, sort_amount_asc, sort_amount_desc, sort_asc, sort_numeric_asc, sort_numeric_desc, sort_desc, square_o, star_o, star_half_empty, star_half_o, star_half_full, sticky_note_o, stop_circle_o, sun_o, refresh, tachometer, dashboard, cab, thermometer_0, thermometer_4, thermometer_2, thermometer_1, thermometer_3, thumb_tack, thumbs_o_down, thumbs_o_up, ticket, times_rectangle, remove, times_rectangle_o, times_circle_o, intersex, trash_o, television, rotate_left, institution, chain_broken, user_o, user_circle_o, group, cutlery, spoon, wheelchair_alt, window_close_o, close, glass, won, krw, cny, jpy, yen, rmb, bitbucket_square, ge, facebook_official, fa, google_plus_official, google_plus_circle, gittip, linkedin_square, ra, resistance, eercast, yc, y_combinator_square, yc_square, youtube_play +Accepted values: Required: False Position: 3 diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 7ea7806b..c8993f64 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -43,13 +43,36 @@ Creates a new Material Design card. Provides a way to show information and links ## EXAMPLES -### Example 1 +### Basic Card ``` -PS C:\> New-UDCard -Title "Details" -Text "These are some details about my dashboard" -Links @(New-UDLink -Url -Text "Google a little more info") +New-UDCard -Title "Details" -Text "These are some details about my dashboard" -Links @(New-UDLink -Url -Text "Google a little more info") ``` Creates a new card with a title, some text and a link. +### Image Card +``` +New-UDCard -Title 'Card Title' -Image (New-UDImage -Url '') -Content { + 'I am a very simple card. I am good at containing small bits of information. I am convenient because I require little markup to use effectively.' +} -Links @( + New-UDLink -Text 'This is a link' -Url '#!' + New-UDLink -Text 'This is a link' -Url '#!' +) -Size 'small' +``` + +Creates a card with an image. + +### Reveal Card +``` +New-UDCard -Title 'Card Title' -Image (New-UDImage -Url '' -Attributes @{className = 'activator'}) -Content { + 'Here is some basic text' +} -Reveal { + "Here is some more information about this product that is only revealed once clicked on." +} -RevealTitle 'Reveal Title' -Size 'small' +``` + +Creates a card that you can click to reveal more information. + ## PARAMETERS ### -BackgroundColor @@ -302,7 +325,7 @@ A watermark for the card. Type: FontAwesomeIcons Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: -Accepted values: None, _500px, address_book, address_book_o, address_card, address_card_o, adjust, adn, align_center, align_justify, align_left, align_right, amazon, ambulance, american_sign_language_interpreting, anchor, android, angellist, angle_double_down, angle_double_left, angle_double_right, angle_double_up, angle_down, angle_left, angle_right, angle_up, apple, archive, area_chart, arrow_circle_down, arrow_circle_left, arrow_circle_o_down, arrow_circle_o_left, arrow_circle_o_right, arrow_circle_o_up, arrow_circle_right, arrow_circle_up, arrow_down, arrow_left, arrow_right, arrow_up, arrows, arrows_alt, arrows_h, arrows_v, asl_interpreting, assistive_listening_systems, asterisk, at, audio_description, automobile, backward, balance_scale, ban, bandcamp, bank, bar_chart, bar_chart_o, barcode, bars, bath, bathtub, battery, battery_0, battery_1, battery_2, battery_3, battery_4, battery_empty, battery_full, battery_half, battery_quarter, battery_three_quarters, bed, beer, behance, behance_square, bell, bell_o, bell_slash, bell_slash_o, bicycle, binoculars, birthday_cake, bitbucket, bitbucket_square, bitcoin, black_tie, blind, bluetooth, bluetooth_b, bold, bolt, bomb, book, bookmark, bookmark_o, braille, briefcase, btc, bug, building, building_o, bullhorn, bullseye, bus, buysellads, cab, calculator, calendar, calendar_check_o, calendar_minus_o, calendar_o, calendar_plus_o, calendar_times_o, camera, camera_retro, car, caret_down, caret_left, caret_right, caret_square_o_down, caret_square_o_left, caret_square_o_right, caret_square_o_up, caret_up, cart_arrow_down, cart_plus, cc, cc_amex, cc_diners_club, cc_discover, cc_jcb, cc_mastercard, cc_paypal, cc_stripe, cc_visa, certificate, chain, chain_broken, check, check_circle, check_circle_o, check_square, check_square_o, chevron_circle_down, chevron_circle_left, chevron_circle_right, chevron_circle_up, chevron_down, chevron_left, chevron_right, chevron_up, child, chrome, circle, circle_o, circle_o_notch, circle_thin, clipboard, clock_o, clone, close, cloud, cloud_download, cloud_upload, cny, code, code_fork, codepen, codiepie, coffee, cog, cogs, columns, comment, comment_o, commenting, commenting_o, comments, comments_o, compass, compress, connectdevelop, contao, copy, copyright, creative_commons, credit_card, credit_card_alt, crop, crosshairs, css3, cube, cubes, cut, cutlery, dashboard, dashcube, database, deaf, deafness, dedent, delicious, desktop, deviantart, diamond, digg, dollar, dot_circle_o, download, dribbble, drivers_license, drivers_license_o, dropbox, drupal, edge, edit, eercast, eject, ellipsis_h, ellipsis_v, empire, envelope, envelope_o, envelope_open, envelope_open_o, envelope_square, envira, eraser, etsy, eur, euro, exchange, exclamation, exclamation_circle, exclamation_triangle, expand, expeditedssl, external_link, external_link_square, eye, eye_slash, eyedropper, fa, facebook, facebook_f, facebook_official, facebook_square, fast_backward, fast_forward, fax, feed, female, fighter_jet, file, file_archive_o, file_audio_o, file_code_o, file_excel_o, file_image_o, file_movie_o, file_o, file_pdf_o, file_photo_o, file_picture_o, file_powerpoint_o, file_sound_o, file_text, file_text_o, file_video_o, file_word_o, file_zip_o, files_o, film, filter, fire, fire_extinguisher, firefox, first_order, flag, flag_checkered, flag_o, flash, flask, flickr, floppy_o, folder, folder_o, folder_open, folder_open_o, font, font_awesome, fonticons, fort_awesome, forumbee, forward, foursquare, free_code_camp, frown_o, futbol_o, gamepad, gavel, gbp, ge, gear, gears, genderless, get_pocket, gg, gg_circle, gift, git, git_square, github, github_alt, github_square, gitlab, gittip, glass, glide, glide_g, globe, google, google_plus, google_plus_circle, google_plus_official, google_plus_square, google_wallet, graduation_cap, gratipay, grav, group, h_square, hacker_news, hand_grab_o, hand_lizard_o, hand_o_down, hand_o_left, hand_o_right, hand_o_up, hand_paper_o, hand_peace_o, hand_pointer_o, hand_rock_o, hand_scissors_o, hand_spock_o, hand_stop_o, handshake_o, hard_of_hearing, hashtag, hdd_o, header, headphones, heart, heart_o, heartbeat, history, home, hospital_o, hotel, hourglass, hourglass_1, hourglass_2, hourglass_3, hourglass_end, hourglass_half, hourglass_o, hourglass_start, houzz, html5, i_cursor, id_badge, id_card, id_card_o, ils, image, imdb, inbox, indent, industry, info, info_circle, inr, instagram, institution, internet_explorer, intersex, ioxhost, italic, joomla, jpy, jsfiddle, key, keyboard_o, krw, language, laptop, lastfm, lastfm_square, leaf, leanpub, legal, lemon_o, level_down, level_up, life_bouy, life_buoy, life_ring, life_saver, lightbulb_o, line_chart, link, linkedin, linkedin_square, linode, linux, list, list_alt, list_ol, list_ul, location_arrow, _lock, long_arrow_down, long_arrow_left, long_arrow_right, long_arrow_up, low_vision, magic, magnet, mail_forward, mail_reply, mail_reply_all, male, map, map_marker, map_o, map_pin, map_signs, mars, mars_double, mars_stroke, mars_stroke_h, mars_stroke_v, maxcdn, meanpath, medium, medkit, meetup, meh_o, mercury, microchip, microphone, microphone_slash, minus, minus_circle, minus_square, minus_square_o, mixcloud, mobile, mobile_phone, modx, money, moon_o, mortar_board, motorcycle, mouse_pointer, music, navicon, neuter, newspaper_o, object_group, object_ungroup, odnoklassniki, odnoklassniki_square, opencart, openid, opera, optin_monster, outdent, pagelines, paint_brush, paper_plane, paper_plane_o, paperclip, paragraph, paste, pause, pause_circle, pause_circle_o, paw, paypal, pencil, pencil_square, pencil_square_o, percent, phone, phone_square, photo, picture_o, pie_chart, pied_piper, pied_piper_alt, pied_piper_pp, pinterest, pinterest_p, pinterest_square, plane, play, play_circle, play_circle_o, plug, plus, plus_circle, plus_square, plus_square_o, podcast, power_off, print, product_hunt, puzzle_piece, qq, qrcode, question, question_circle, question_circle_o, quora, quote_left, quote_right, ra, random, ravelry, rebel, recycle, reddit, reddit_alien, reddit_square, refresh, registered, remove, renren, reorder, repeat, reply, reply_all, resistance, retweet, rmb, road, rocket, rotate_left, rotate_right, rouble, rss, rss_square, rub, ruble, rupee, s15, safari, save, scissors, scribd, search, search_minus, search_plus, sellsy, send, send_o, server, share, share_alt, share_alt_square, share_square, share_square_o, shekel, sheqel, shield, ship, shirtsinbulk, shopping_bag, shopping_basket, shopping_cart, shower, sign_in, sign_language, sign_out, signal, signing, simplybuilt, sitemap, skyatlas, skype, slack, sliders, slideshare, smile_o, snapchat, snapchat_ghost, snapchat_square, snowflake_o, soccer_ball_o, sort, sort_alpha_asc, sort_alpha_desc, sort_amount_asc, sort_amount_desc, sort_asc, sort_desc, sort_down, sort_numeric_asc, sort_numeric_desc, sort_up, soundcloud, space_shuttle, spinner, spoon, spotify, square, square_o, stack_exchange, stack_overflow, star, star_half, star_half_empty, star_half_full, star_half_o, star_o, steam, steam_square, step_backward, step_forward, stethoscope, sticky_note, sticky_note_o, stop, stop_circle, stop_circle_o, street_view, strikethrough, stumbleupon, stumbleupon_circle, subscript, subway, suitcase, sun_o, superpowers, superscript, support, table, tablet, tachometer, tag, tags, tasks, taxi, telegram, television, tencent_weibo, terminal, text_height, text_width, th, th_large, th_list, themeisle, thermometer, thermometer_0, thermometer_1, thermometer_2, thermometer_3, thermometer_4, thermometer_empty, thermometer_full, thermometer_half, thermometer_quarter, thermometer_three_quarters, thumb_tack, thumbs_down, thumbs_o_down, thumbs_o_up, thumbs_up, ticket, times, times_circle, times_circle_o, times_rectangle, times_rectangle_o, tint, toggle_down, toggle_left, toggle_off, toggle_on, toggle_right, toggle_up, trademark, train, transgender, transgender_alt, trash, trash_o, tree, trello, tripadvisor, trophy, truck, _try, tty, tumblr, tumblr_square, turkish_lira, tv, twitch, twitter, twitter_square, umbrella, underline, undo, universal_access, university, unlink, unlock, unlock_alt, unsorted, upload, usb, usd, user, user_circle, user_circle_o, user_md, user_o, user_plus, user_secret, user_times, users, vcard, vcard_o, venus, venus_double, venus_mars, viacoin, viadeo, viadeo_square, video_camera, vimeo, vimeo_square, vine, vk, volume_control_phone, volume_down, volume_off, volume_up, warning, wechat, weibo, weixin, whatsapp, wheelchair, wheelchair_alt, wifi, wikipedia_w, window_close, window_close_o, window_maximize, window_minimize, window_restore, windows, won, wordpress, wpbeginner, wpexplorer, wpforms, wrench, xing, xing_square, y_combinator, y_combinator_square, yahoo, yc, yc_square, yelp, yen, yoast, youtube, youtube_play, youtube_square +Accepted values: Required: False Position: Named diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index c30a5c74..0b6cc314 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -22,14 +22,27 @@ Creates a checkbox. ## EXAMPLES -### Example 1 +### Checked ``` -PS C:\> New-UDCheckbox -Label "Checkbox" -OnChange { - Set-UDElement -Label "lblChecked" -Content { "Checkbox Value: $EventData" } -} +New-UDCheckbox -Label "Checkbox" -Checked +``` + +A checked checkbox + +### Disabled +``` +New-UDCheckbox -Label "Checkbox" -Disabled ``` -Sets the 'lblChecked' content to the value of the checkbox value. +A disabled checkbox + +### OnChange +``` +New-UDCheckbox -Label "Checkbox" -OnChange { + Show-UDToast -Message $EventData +} +``` +Displays a toast message when clicked. ## PARAMETERS diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 983d5706..9ae389f8 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -22,19 +22,19 @@ Creates a new collapsible. Collapsibles are accordion elements that expand when ## EXAMPLES -### Example 1 +### Collapsible ``` -PS C:\> New-UDCollapsible -Id "Collapsible" -Items { - New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "First" -Icon user -Content { - New-UDCard -Title "First" - } -Active - New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "Second" -Icon group -Content { - New-UDCard -Title "Second" - } - New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "Third" -Icon user -Content { - New-UDCard -Title "Third" - } - } +New-UDCollapsible -Id "Collapsible" -Items { + New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "First" -Icon user -Content { + New-UDCard -Title "First" + } -Active + New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "Second" -Icon group -Content { + New-UDCard -Title "Second" + } + New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "Third" -Icon user -Content { + New-UDCard -Title "Third" + } +} ``` Creates a new collapsible with 3 different items. @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Items -The collapsible items to show in this collapsible. +The collapsible items to show in this collapsible. Use New-UDCollapsibleItem to create these items. ```yaml Type: ScriptBlock diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 0a2a654a..94a352a5 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ Creates a collection of items. ## EXAMPLES -### Example 1 +### Collection ``` -PS C:\> New-UDCollection -Content { +New-UDCollection -Content { New-UDCollectionItem -Content { "Item 1" } diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 3184a51e..54d688b3 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ Creates a simple counter. The counter number can be formatted using Numeral form ## EXAMPLES -### Example 1 +### Counter ``` -PS C:\> New-UDCounter -Title "Total Bytes Downloaded" -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 3 -Format '0.00b' -Icon cloud_download -Endpoint { - Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100000000 | ConvertTo-Json - } +New-UDCounter -Title "Total Bytes Downloaded" -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 3 -Format '0.00b' -Icon cloud_download -Endpoint { + Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100000000 | ConvertTo-Json +} ``` Outputs a random number as a counter. Formats the number into KB, MB or TB depending on the size of the number returned. Puts the cloud_download icon in the background. diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index ced2e885..16e7291b 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ Create new HTML and JavaScript elements. Create static and dynamic components. ## EXAMPLES -### Example 1 +### Link ``` -PS C:\> New-UDElement -Tag "a" -Attributes @{ +New-UDElement -Tag "a" -Attributes @{ href = "" } -Content { "Google" diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index ffaad4b7..5749cafa 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ Creates a new floating action button. ## EXAMPLES -### Example 1 +### Fab with child items ``` -PS C:\> New-UdFab -Icon "plus" -Size "large" -ButtonColor "red" +New-UdFab -Icon "plus" -Size "large" -ButtonColor "red" -IconColor 'white' -Content { + New-UDFabButton -Icon address_book -ButtonColor 'blue' -IconColor 'white' +} ``` Creates a large, red floating action button with a plus icon. @@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ The icon to show in the button. Type: FontAwesomeIcons Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: -Accepted values: None, _500px, address_book, address_book_o, address_card, address_card_o, adjust, adn, align_center, align_justify, align_left, align_right, amazon, ambulance, american_sign_language_interpreting, anchor, android, angellist, angle_double_down, angle_double_left, angle_double_right, angle_double_up, angle_down, angle_left, angle_right, angle_up, apple, archive, area_chart, arrow_circle_down, arrow_circle_left, arrow_circle_o_down, arrow_circle_o_left, arrow_circle_o_right, arrow_circle_o_up, arrow_circle_right, arrow_circle_up, arrow_down, arrow_left, arrow_right, arrow_up, arrows, arrows_alt, arrows_h, arrows_v, asl_interpreting, assistive_listening_systems, asterisk, at, audio_description, automobile, backward, balance_scale, ban, bandcamp, bank, bar_chart, bar_chart_o, barcode, bars, bath, bathtub, battery, battery_0, battery_1, battery_2, battery_3, battery_4, battery_empty, battery_full, battery_half, battery_quarter, battery_three_quarters, bed, beer, behance, behance_square, bell, bell_o, bell_slash, bell_slash_o, bicycle, binoculars, birthday_cake, bitbucket, bitbucket_square, bitcoin, black_tie, blind, bluetooth, bluetooth_b, bold, bolt, bomb, book, bookmark, bookmark_o, braille, briefcase, btc, bug, building, building_o, bullhorn, bullseye, bus, buysellads, cab, calculator, calendar, calendar_check_o, calendar_minus_o, calendar_o, calendar_plus_o, calendar_times_o, camera, camera_retro, car, caret_down, caret_left, caret_right, caret_square_o_down, caret_square_o_left, caret_square_o_right, caret_square_o_up, caret_up, cart_arrow_down, cart_plus, cc, cc_amex, cc_diners_club, cc_discover, cc_jcb, cc_mastercard, cc_paypal, cc_stripe, cc_visa, certificate, chain, chain_broken, check, check_circle, check_circle_o, check_square, check_square_o, chevron_circle_down, chevron_circle_left, chevron_circle_right, chevron_circle_up, chevron_down, chevron_left, chevron_right, chevron_up, child, chrome, circle, circle_o, circle_o_notch, circle_thin, clipboard, clock_o, clone, close, cloud, cloud_download, cloud_upload, cny, code, code_fork, codepen, codiepie, coffee, cog, cogs, columns, comment, comment_o, commenting, commenting_o, comments, comments_o, compass, compress, connectdevelop, contao, copy, copyright, creative_commons, credit_card, credit_card_alt, crop, crosshairs, css3, cube, cubes, cut, cutlery, dashboard, dashcube, database, deaf, deafness, dedent, delicious, desktop, deviantart, diamond, digg, dollar, dot_circle_o, download, dribbble, drivers_license, drivers_license_o, dropbox, drupal, edge, edit, eercast, eject, ellipsis_h, ellipsis_v, empire, envelope, envelope_o, envelope_open, envelope_open_o, envelope_square, envira, eraser, etsy, eur, euro, exchange, exclamation, exclamation_circle, exclamation_triangle, expand, expeditedssl, external_link, external_link_square, eye, eye_slash, eyedropper, fa, facebook, facebook_f, facebook_official, facebook_square, fast_backward, fast_forward, fax, feed, female, fighter_jet, file, file_archive_o, file_audio_o, file_code_o, file_excel_o, file_image_o, file_movie_o, file_o, file_pdf_o, file_photo_o, file_picture_o, file_powerpoint_o, file_sound_o, file_text, file_text_o, file_video_o, file_word_o, file_zip_o, files_o, film, filter, fire, fire_extinguisher, firefox, first_order, flag, flag_checkered, flag_o, flash, flask, flickr, floppy_o, folder, folder_o, folder_open, folder_open_o, font, font_awesome, fonticons, fort_awesome, forumbee, forward, foursquare, free_code_camp, frown_o, futbol_o, gamepad, gavel, gbp, ge, gear, gears, genderless, get_pocket, gg, gg_circle, gift, git, git_square, github, github_alt, github_square, gitlab, gittip, glass, glide, glide_g, globe, google, google_plus, google_plus_circle, google_plus_official, google_plus_square, google_wallet, graduation_cap, gratipay, grav, group, h_square, hacker_news, hand_grab_o, hand_lizard_o, hand_o_down, hand_o_left, hand_o_right, hand_o_up, hand_paper_o, hand_peace_o, hand_pointer_o, hand_rock_o, hand_scissors_o, hand_spock_o, hand_stop_o, handshake_o, hard_of_hearing, hashtag, hdd_o, header, headphones, heart, heart_o, heartbeat, history, home, hospital_o, hotel, hourglass, hourglass_1, hourglass_2, hourglass_3, hourglass_end, hourglass_half, hourglass_o, hourglass_start, houzz, html5, i_cursor, id_badge, id_card, id_card_o, ils, image, imdb, inbox, indent, industry, info, info_circle, inr, instagram, institution, internet_explorer, intersex, ioxhost, italic, joomla, jpy, jsfiddle, key, keyboard_o, krw, language, laptop, lastfm, lastfm_square, leaf, leanpub, legal, lemon_o, level_down, level_up, life_bouy, life_buoy, life_ring, life_saver, lightbulb_o, line_chart, link, linkedin, linkedin_square, linode, linux, list, list_alt, list_ol, list_ul, location_arrow, _lock, long_arrow_down, long_arrow_left, long_arrow_right, long_arrow_up, low_vision, magic, magnet, mail_forward, mail_reply, mail_reply_all, male, map, map_marker, map_o, map_pin, map_signs, mars, mars_double, mars_stroke, mars_stroke_h, mars_stroke_v, maxcdn, meanpath, medium, medkit, meetup, meh_o, mercury, microchip, microphone, microphone_slash, minus, minus_circle, minus_square, minus_square_o, mixcloud, mobile, mobile_phone, modx, money, moon_o, mortar_board, motorcycle, mouse_pointer, music, navicon, neuter, newspaper_o, object_group, object_ungroup, odnoklassniki, odnoklassniki_square, opencart, openid, opera, optin_monster, outdent, pagelines, paint_brush, paper_plane, paper_plane_o, paperclip, paragraph, paste, pause, pause_circle, pause_circle_o, paw, paypal, pencil, pencil_square, pencil_square_o, percent, phone, phone_square, photo, picture_o, pie_chart, pied_piper, pied_piper_alt, pied_piper_pp, pinterest, pinterest_p, pinterest_square, plane, play, play_circle, play_circle_o, plug, plus, plus_circle, plus_square, plus_square_o, podcast, power_off, print, product_hunt, puzzle_piece, qq, qrcode, question, question_circle, question_circle_o, quora, quote_left, quote_right, ra, random, ravelry, rebel, recycle, reddit, reddit_alien, reddit_square, refresh, registered, remove, renren, reorder, repeat, reply, reply_all, resistance, retweet, rmb, road, rocket, rotate_left, rotate_right, rouble, rss, rss_square, rub, ruble, rupee, s15, safari, save, scissors, scribd, search, search_minus, search_plus, sellsy, send, send_o, server, share, share_alt, share_alt_square, share_square, share_square_o, shekel, sheqel, shield, ship, shirtsinbulk, shopping_bag, shopping_basket, shopping_cart, shower, sign_in, sign_language, sign_out, signal, signing, simplybuilt, sitemap, skyatlas, skype, slack, sliders, slideshare, smile_o, snapchat, snapchat_ghost, snapchat_square, snowflake_o, soccer_ball_o, sort, sort_alpha_asc, sort_alpha_desc, sort_amount_asc, sort_amount_desc, sort_asc, sort_desc, sort_down, sort_numeric_asc, sort_numeric_desc, sort_up, soundcloud, space_shuttle, spinner, spoon, spotify, square, square_o, stack_exchange, stack_overflow, star, star_half, star_half_empty, star_half_full, star_half_o, star_o, steam, steam_square, step_backward, step_forward, stethoscope, sticky_note, sticky_note_o, stop, stop_circle, stop_circle_o, street_view, strikethrough, stumbleupon, stumbleupon_circle, subscript, subway, suitcase, sun_o, superpowers, superscript, support, table, tablet, tachometer, tag, tags, tasks, taxi, telegram, television, tencent_weibo, terminal, text_height, text_width, th, th_large, th_list, themeisle, thermometer, thermometer_0, thermometer_1, thermometer_2, thermometer_3, thermometer_4, thermometer_empty, thermometer_full, thermometer_half, thermometer_quarter, thermometer_three_quarters, thumb_tack, thumbs_down, thumbs_o_down, thumbs_o_up, thumbs_up, ticket, times, times_circle, times_circle_o, times_rectangle, times_rectangle_o, tint, toggle_down, toggle_left, toggle_off, toggle_on, toggle_right, toggle_up, trademark, train, transgender, transgender_alt, trash, trash_o, tree, trello, tripadvisor, trophy, truck, _try, tty, tumblr, tumblr_square, turkish_lira, tv, twitch, twitter, twitter_square, umbrella, underline, undo, universal_access, university, unlink, unlock, unlock_alt, unsorted, upload, usb, usd, user, user_circle, user_circle_o, user_md, user_o, user_plus, user_secret, user_times, users, vcard, vcard_o, venus, venus_double, venus_mars, viacoin, viadeo, viadeo_square, video_camera, vimeo, vimeo_square, vine, vk, volume_control_phone, volume_down, volume_off, volume_up, warning, wechat, weibo, weixin, whatsapp, wheelchair, wheelchair_alt, wifi, wikipedia_w, window_close, window_close_o, window_maximize, window_minimize, window_restore, windows, won, wordpress, wpbeginner, wpexplorer, wpforms, wrench, xing, xing_square, y_combinator, y_combinator_square, yahoo, yc, yc_square, yelp, yen, yoast, youtube, youtube_play, youtube_square +Accepted values: Required: False Position: Named diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 73370ba2..e68dc418 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -21,27 +21,67 @@ New-UDGrid [-Title ] -Headers -Properties [-Defaul ``` ## DESCRIPTION -Creates a grid in the dashboard with data supplied by a PowerShell endpoint. The grid is produced using jQuery DataTables. +Creates a grid in the dashboard with data supplied by a PowerShell endpoint. ## EXAMPLES -### Example 1 +### Basic Grid ``` -PS C:\> New-UDGrid -Title "Process Information" -Headers @("Name", "Process Id", "Start Time", "Responding") -Properties @("Name", "Id", "StartTime", "Responding") -Endpoint { - Get-Process -Name Chrome | Out-UDGridData - } +New-UDGrid -Title "Random Numbers" -Endpoint { + @( + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + ) | Out-UDGridData +} ``` -Creates a grid in the dashboard that displays the process information for Chrome running on the machine. +### Custom Headers +``` +New-UDGrid -Title "Process Information" -Headers @("Name", "Process Id", "Start Time", "Responding") -Properties @("Name", "Id", "StartTime", "Responding") -Endpoint { + @( + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "chrome"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = $true} + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "notepad"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = $true} + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "devenv"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = $true} + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "code"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = $true} + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "calc"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = $true} + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "minesweeper"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = $true} + ) | Out-UDGridData +} +``` -### Example 2 +### Auto refresh ``` -PS C:\> New-UDGrid -Title "Service Information" -Headers @("Status", "Name", "Display Name") -Properties @("Status", "Name", "DisplayName") -Endpoint { - Get-Service | Out-UDGridData - } +New-UDGrid -Title "Random Numbers" -Endpoint { + @( + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + [PSCustomObject]@{ X = Get-Random; Y = Get-Random; Z = Get-Random} + ) | Out-UDGridData +} -AutoRefresh ``` -Creates a grid in the dashboard that displays the service information on the machine. +Auto refreshing grid + +### Custom Cells +``` +New-UDGrid -Title "Process Information" -Headers @("Name", "Process Id", "Start Time", "Responding") -Properties @("Name", "Id", "StartTime", "Responding") -Endpoint { + @( + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "chrome"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = New-UDIcon -Icon check} + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "notepad"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = New-UDIcon -Icon check} + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "devenv"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = New-UDIcon -Icon check} + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "code"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = New-UDIcon -Icon check} + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "calc"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = New-UDIcon -Icon check} + [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "minesweeper"; Id = 1223; StartTime = "12:12PM"; Responding = New-UDIcon -Icon check} + ) | Out-UDGridData +} +``` ## PARAMETERS diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 559170c2..56a8cf33 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- # New-UDGridLayout ## SYNOPSIS -{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} +Layout components using a JSON-based grid system. ## SYNTAX @@ -21,21 +21,31 @@ New-UDGridLayout [[-Id] ] [[-RowHeight] ] [[-Content] {{ Add example code here }} +New-UDGridLayout -Layout "[ + {i: 'a', x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2, static: true}, + {i: 'b', x: 1, y: 0, w: 3, h: 2, minW: 2, maxW: 4}, + {i: 'c', x: 4, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2} + ]" -Content { + New-UDCard -BackgroundColor black -Id a + New-UDCard -BackgroundColor black -Id b + New-UDCard -BackgroundColor black -Id c + } ``` -{{ Add example description here }} +Lays out the cards using the specified JSON layout. ## PARAMETERS ### -Content -{{ Fill Content Description }} +Content of the layout. ```yaml Type: ScriptBlock @@ -50,7 +60,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Draggable -{{ Fill Draggable Description }} +Whether the components are draggable. ```yaml Type: SwitchParameter @@ -65,7 +75,6 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -ExtraExtraSmallBreakpoint -{{ Fill ExtraExtraSmallBreakpoint Description }} ```yaml Type: Int32 @@ -80,7 +89,6 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -ExtraExtraSmallColumns -{{ Fill ExtraExtraSmallColumns Description }} ```yaml Type: Int32 @@ -95,7 +103,6 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -ExtraSmallBreakpoint -{{ Fill ExtraSmallBreakpoint Description }} ```yaml Type: Int32 @@ -110,7 +117,6 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -ExtraSmallColumns -{{ Fill ExtraSmallColumns Description }} ```yaml Type: Int32 @@ -125,7 +131,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Id -{{ Fill Id Description }} +The ID of this component. ```yaml Type: String @@ -140,7 +146,6 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -LargeBreakpoint -{{ Fill LargeBreakpoint Description }} ```yaml Type: Int32 @@ -155,7 +160,6 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -LargeColumns -{{ Fill LargeColumns Description }} ```yaml Type: Int32 @@ -170,7 +174,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Layout -{{ Fill Layout Description }} +The JSON layout for this component. ```yaml Type: String @@ -185,7 +189,6 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -MediumBreakpoint -{{ Fill MediumBreakpoint Description }} ```yaml Type: Int32 @@ -200,7 +203,6 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -MediumColumns -{{ Fill MediumColumns Description }} ```yaml Type: Int32 @@ -215,7 +217,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Persist -{{ Fill Persist Description }} +Whether to persist the layout in the user's browser local storage. ```yaml Type: SwitchParameter @@ -230,7 +232,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Resizable -{{ Fill Resizable Description }} +Whether the grid is resizable. ```yaml Type: SwitchParameter @@ -245,7 +247,6 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -RowHeight -{{ Fill RowHeight Description }} ```yaml Type: Int32 @@ -260,7 +261,6 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -SmallBreakpoint -{{ Fill SmallBreakpoint Description }} ```yaml Type: Int32 @@ -275,7 +275,6 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -SmallColumns -{{ Fill SmallColumns Description }} ```yaml Type: Int32 diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index d73d697f..66d353c2 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ Creates a heading. ## EXAMPLES -### Example 1 +### Heading ``` -PS C:\> New-UDHeading -Size 3 -Content { "Header" } +New-UDHeading -Size 3 -Content { "Header" } ``` Creates the heading "Header" with a size of 3. diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index bb4e38b1..8fdacec2 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Creates a section of HTML. ### Example 1 ``` -PS C:\> New-UDHtml -Markup '

Hi! I'm HTML

' +New-UDHtml -Markup '

Hi! I'm HTML

' ``` Creates header text in the dashboard. diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index dff13bdb..ff54eda7 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Creates a new iframe. ### Example 1 ``` -PS C:\> New-UDIFrame -Uri +New-UDIFrame -Uri ``` Creates an iframe that embeds Google. diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 6bed1d11..97b577df 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -27,21 +27,21 @@ The library include 1300+ icons. ### Example 1 ```powershell -PS C:\> New-UDIcon -Icon box -Style @{color = '#000'} -Id 'test-icon-button' +New-UDIcon -Icon box -Style @{color = '#000'} -Id 'test-icon-button' ``` Create icon with the default size sm and it has black color. ### Example 2 ```powershell -PS C:\> New-UDIcon -Icon spinner -Size 3x -Style @{color = '#000'} -Id 'test-icon-button' -Spin +New-UDIcon -Icon spinner -Size 3x -Style @{color = '#000'} -Id 'test-icon-button' -Spin ``` Create icon that has spin animation. ### Example 3 ```powershell -PS C:\> New-UDIcon -Icon angry -Size 3x -Style @{color = '#000'} -Id 'test-icon-button' -Regular +New-UDIcon -Icon angry -Size 3x -Style @{color = '#000'} -Id 'test-icon-button' -Regular ``` Create angey icon that have a size of 3 and black color, and also this icon is from the FontAwesome regular pack ( semi light ) style. @@ -116,8 +116,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False Type: FontAwesomeIcons Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: -Accepted values: None, ad, address_book, address_card, adjust, air_freshener, align_center, align_justify, align_left, align_right, allergies, ambulance, american_sign_language_interpreting, anchor, angle_double_down, angle_double_left, angle_double_right, angle_double_up, angle_down, angle_left, angle_right, angle_up, angry, ankh, apple_alt, archive, archway, arrow_alt_circle_down, arrow_alt_circle_left, arrow_alt_circle_right, arrow_alt_circle_up, arrow_circle_down, arrow_circle_left, arrow_circle_right, arrow_circle_up, arrow_down, arrow_left, arrow_right, arrows_alt, arrows_alt_h, arrows_alt_v, arrow_up, assistive_listening_systems, asterisk, at, atlas, atom, audio_description, award, baby, baby_carriage, backspace, backward, balance_scale, ban, band_aid, barcode, bars, baseball_ball, basketball_ball, bath, battery_empty, battery_full, battery_half, battery_quarter, battery_three_quarters, bed, beer, bell, bell_slash, bezier_curve, bible, bicycle, binoculars, biohazard, birthday_cake, blender, blender_phone, blind, blog, bold, bolt, bomb, bone, bong, book, book_dead, bookmark, book_open, book_reader, bowling_ball, box, boxes, box_open, braille, brain, briefcase, briefcase_medical, broadcast_tower, broom, brush, bug, building, bullhorn, bullseye, burn, bus, bus_alt, business_time, calculator, calendar, calendar_alt, calendar_check, calendar_day, calendar_minus, calendar_plus, calendar_times, calendar_week, camera, camera_retro, campground, candy_cane, cannabis, capsules, car, car_alt, car_battery, car_crash, caret_down, caret_left, caret_right, caret_square_down, caret_square_left, caret_square_right, caret_square_up, caret_up, carrot, car_side, cart_arrow_down, cart_plus, cash_register, cat, certificate, chair, chalkboard, chalkboard_teacher, charging_station, chart_area, chart_bar, chart_line, chart_pie, check, check_circle, check_double, check_square, chess, chess_bishop, chess_board, chess_king, chess_knight, chess_pawn, chess_queen, chess_rook, chevron_circle_down, chevron_circle_left, chevron_circle_right, chevron_circle_up, chevron_down, chevron_left, chevron_right, chevron_up, child, church, circle, circle_notch, city, clipboard, clipboard_check, clipboard_list, clock, clone, closed_captioning, cloud, cloud_download_alt, cloud_meatball, cloud_moon, cloud_moon_rain, cloud_rain, cloud_showers_heavy, cloud_sun, cloud_sun_rain, cloud_upload_alt, cocktail, code, code_branch, coffee, cog, cogs, coins, columns, comment, comment_alt, comment_dollar, comment_dots, comments, comments_dollar, comment_slash, compact_disc, compass, compress, compress_arrows_alt, concierge_bell, cookie, cookie_bite, copy, copyright, couch, credit_card, crop, crop_alt, cross, crosshairs, crow, crown, cube, cubes, cut, database, deaf, democrat, desktop, dharmachakra, diagnoses, dice, dice_d20, dice_d6, dice_five, dice_four, dice_one, dice_six, dice_three, dice_two, digital_tachograph, directions, divide, dizzy, dna, dog, dollar_sign, dolly, dolly_flatbed, donate, door_closed, door_open, dot_circle, dove, download, drafting_compass, dragon, draw_polygon, drum, drum_steelpan, drumstick_bite, dumbbell, dumpster, dumpster_fire, dungeon, edit, eject, ellipsis_h, ellipsis_v, envelope, envelope_open, envelope_open_text, envelope_square, equals, eraser, ethernet, euro_sign, exchange_alt, exclamation, exclamation_circle, exclamation_triangle, expand, expand_arrows_alt, external_link_alt, external_link_square_alt, eye, eye_dropper, eye_slash, fast_backward, fast_forward, fax, feather, feather_alt, female, fighter_jet, file, file_alt, file_archive, file_audio, file_code, file_contract, file_csv, file_download, file_excel, file_export, file_image, file_import, file_invoice, file_invoice_dollar, file_medical, file_medical_alt, file_pdf, file_powerpoint, file_prescription, file_signature, file_upload, file_video, file_word, fill, fill_drip, film, filter, fingerprint, fire, fire_alt, fire_extinguisher, first_aid, fish, fist_raised, flag, flag_checkered, flag_usa, flask, flushed, folder, folder_minus, folder_open, folder_plus, font, font_awesome_logo_full, football_ball, forward, frog, frown, frown_open, funnel_dollar, futbol, gamepad, gas_pump, gavel, gem, genderless, ghost, gift, gifts, glass_cheers, glasses, glass_martini, glass_martini_alt, glass_whiskey, globe, globe_africa, globe_americas, globe_asia, globe_europe, golf_ball, gopuram, graduation_cap, greater_than, greater_than_equal, grimace, grin, grin_alt, grin_beam, grin_beam_sweat, grin_hearts, grin_squint, grin_squint_tears, grin_stars, grin_tears, grin_tongue, grin_tongue_squint, grin_tongue_wink, grin_wink, grip_horizontal, grip_lines, grip_lines_vertical, grip_vertical, guitar, hammer, hamsa, hand_holding, hand_holding_heart, hand_holding_usd, hand_lizard, hand_paper, hand_peace, hand_point_down, hand_pointer, hand_point_left, hand_point_right, hand_point_up, hand_rock, hands, hand_scissors, handshake, hands_helping, hand_spock, hanukiah, hashtag, hat_wizard, haykal, hdd, heading, headphones, headphones_alt, headset, heart, heartbeat, heart_broken, helicopter, highlighter, hiking, hippo, history, hockey_puck, holly_berry, home, horse, horse_head, hospital, hospital_alt, hospital_symbol, hotel, hot_tub, hourglass, hourglass_end, hourglass_half, hourglass_start, house_damage, hryvnia, h_square, icicles, i_cursor, id_badge, id_card, id_card_alt, igloo, image, images, inbox, indent, industry, infinity, info, info_circle, italic, jedi, joint, journal_whills, kaaba, key, keyboard, khanda, kiss, kiss_beam, kiss_wink_heart, kiwi_bird, landmark, language, laptop, laptop_code, laugh, laugh_beam, laugh_squint, laugh_wink, layer_group, leaf, lemon, less_than, less_than_equal, level_down_alt, level_up_alt, life_ring, lightbulb, link, lira_sign, list, list_alt, list_ol, list_ul, location_arrow, _lock, lock_open, long_arrow_alt_down, long_arrow_alt_left, long_arrow_alt_right, long_arrow_alt_up, low_vision, luggage_cart, magic, magnet, mail_bulk, male, map, map_marked, map_marked_alt, map_marker, map_marker_alt, map_pin, map_signs, marker, mars, mars_double, mars_stroke, mars_stroke_h, mars_stroke_v, mask, medal, medkit, meh, meh_blank, meh_rolling_eyes, memory, menorah, mercury, meteor, microchip, microphone, microphone_alt, microphone_alt_slash, microphone_slash, microscope, minus, minus_circle, minus_square, mitten, mobile, mobile_alt, money_bill, money_bill_alt, money_bill_wave, money_bill_wave_alt, money_check, money_check_alt, monument, moon, mortar_pestle, mosque, motorcycle, mountain, mouse_pointer, mug_hot, music, network_wired, neuter, newspaper, not_equal, notes_medical, object_group, object_ungroup, oil_can, om, otter, outdent, paint_brush, paint_roller, palette, pallet, paperclip, paper_plane, parachute_box, paragraph, parking, passport, pastafarianism, paste, pause, pause_circle, paw, peace, pen, pen_alt, pencil_alt, pencil_ruler, pen_fancy, pen_nib, pen_square, people_carry, percent, percentage, person_booth, phone, phone_slash, phone_square, phone_volume, piggy_bank, pills, place_of_worship, plane, plane_arrival, plane_departure, play, play_circle, plug, plus, plus_circle, plus_square, podcast, poll, poll_h, poo, poop, poo_storm, portrait, pound_sign, power_off, pray, praying_hands, prescription, prescription_bottle, prescription_bottle_alt, print, procedures, project_diagram, puzzle_piece, qrcode, question, question_circle, quidditch, quote_left, quote_right, quran, radiation, radiation_alt, rainbow, random, receipt, recycle, redo, redo_alt, registered, reply, reply_all, republican, restroom, retweet, ribbon, ring, road, robot, rocket, route, rss, rss_square, ruble_sign, ruler, ruler_combined, ruler_horizontal, ruler_vertical, running, rupee_sign, sad_cry, sad_tear, satellite, satellite_dish, save, school, screwdriver, scroll, sd_card, search, search_dollar, search_location, search_minus, search_plus, seedling, server, shapes, share, share_alt, share_alt_square, share_square, shekel_sign, shield_alt, ship, shipping_fast, shoe_prints, shopping_bag, shopping_basket, shopping_cart, shower, shuttle_van, sign, signal, signature, sign_in_alt, sign_language, sign_out_alt, sim_card, sitemap, skating, skiing, skiing_nordic, skull, skull_crossbones, slash, sleigh, sliders_h, smile, smile_beam, smile_wink, smog, smoking, smoking_ban, sms, snowboarding, snowflake, snowman, snowplow, socks, solar_panel, sort, sort_alpha_down, sort_alpha_up, sort_amount_down, sort_amount_up, sort_down, sort_numeric_down, sort_numeric_up, sort_up, spa, space_shuttle, spider, spinner, splotch, spray_can, square, square_full, square_root_alt, stamp, star, star_and_crescent, star_half, star_half_alt, star_of_david, star_of_life, step_backward, step_forward, stethoscope, sticky_note, stop, stop_circle, stopwatch, store, store_alt, stream, street_view, strikethrough, stroopwafel, subscript, subway, suitcase, suitcase_rolling, sun, superscript, surprise, swatchbook, swimmer, swimming_pool, synagogue, sync, sync_alt, syringe, table, tablet, tablet_alt, table_tennis, tablets, tachometer_alt, tag, tags, tape, tasks, taxi, teeth, teeth_open, temperature_high, temperature_low, tenge, terminal, text_height, text_width, th, theater_masks, thermometer, thermometer_empty, thermometer_full, thermometer_half, thermometer_quarter, thermometer_three_quarters, th_large, th_list, thumbs_down, thumbs_up, thumbtack, ticket_alt, times, times_circle, tint, tint_slash, tired, toggle_off, toggle_on, toilet, toilet_paper, toolbox, tools, tooth, torah, torii_gate, tractor, trademark, traffic_light, train, tram, transgender, transgender_alt, trash, trash_alt, tree, trophy, truck, truck_loading, truck_monster, truck_moving, truck_pickup, tshirt, tty, tv, umbrella, umbrella_beach, underline, undo, undo_alt, universal_access, university, unlink, unlock, unlock_alt, upload, user, user_alt, user_alt_slash, user_astronaut, user_check, user_circle, user_clock, user_cog, user_edit, user_friends, user_graduate, user_injured, user_lock, user_md, user_minus, user_ninja, user_plus, users, users_cog, user_secret, user_shield, user_slash, user_tag, user_tie, user_times, utensils, utensil_spoon, vector_square, venus, venus_double, venus_mars, vial, vials, video, video_slash, vihara, volleyball_ball, volume_down, volume_mute, volume_off, volume_up, vote_yea, vr_cardboard, walking, wallet, warehouse, water, weight, weight_hanging, wheelchair, wifi, wind, window_close, window_maximize, window_minimize, window_restore, wine_bottle, wine_glass, wine_glass_alt, won_sign, wrench, x_ray, yen_sign, yin_yang, _500px, accessible_icon, accusoft, acquisitions_incorporated, adn, adobe, adversal, affiliatetheme, algolia, alipay, amazon, amazon_pay, amilia, android, angellist, angrycreative, angular, apper, apple, apple_pay, app_store, app_store_ios, artstation, asymmetrik, atlassian, audible, autoprefixer, avianex, aviato, aws, bandcamp, behance, behance_square, bimobject, bitbucket, bitcoin, bity, blackberry, black_tie, blogger, blogger_b, bluetooth, bluetooth_b, btc, buromobelexperte, buysellads, canadian_maple_leaf, cc_amazon_pay, cc_amex, cc_apple_pay, cc_diners_club, cc_discover, cc_jcb, cc_mastercard, cc_paypal, cc_stripe, cc_visa, centercode, centos, chrome, cloudscale, cloudsmith, cloudversify, codepen, codiepie, confluence, connectdevelop, contao, cpanel, creative_commons, creative_commons_by, creative_commons_nc, creative_commons_nc_eu, creative_commons_nc_jp, creative_commons_nd, creative_commons_pd, creative_commons_pd_alt, creative_commons_remix, creative_commons_sa, creative_commons_sampling, creative_commons_sampling_plus, creative_commons_share, creative_commons_zero, critical_role, css3, css3_alt, cuttlefish, d_and_d, d_and_d_beyond, dashcube, delicious, deploydog, deskpro, dev, deviantart, dhl, diaspora, digg, digital_ocean, discord, discourse, dochub, docker, draft2digital, dribbble, dribbble_square, dropbox, drupal, dyalog, earlybirds, ebay, edge, elementor, ello, ember, empire, envira, erlang, ethereum, etsy, expeditedssl, facebook, facebook_f, facebook_messenger, facebook_square, fantasy_flight_games, fedex, fedora, figma, firefox, firstdraft, first_order, first_order_alt, flickr, flipboard, fly, font_awesome, font_awesome_alt, font_awesome_flag, fonticons, fonticons_fi, fort_awesome, fort_awesome_alt, forumbee, foursquare, freebsd, free_code_camp, fulcrum, galactic_republic, galactic_senate, get_pocket, gg, gg_circle, git, github, github_alt, github_square, gitkraken, gitlab, git_square, gitter, glide, glide_g, gofore, goodreads, goodreads_g, google, google_drive, google_play, google_plus, google_plus_g, google_plus_square, google_wallet, gratipay, grav, gripfire, grunt, gulp, hacker_news, hacker_news_square, hackerrank, hips, hire_a_helper, hooli, hornbill, hotjar, houzz, html5, hubspot, imdb, instagram, intercom, internet_explorer, invision, ioxhost, itunes, itunes_note, java, jedi_order, jenkins, jira, joget, joomla, js, jsfiddle, js_square, kaggle, keybase, keycdn, kickstarter, kickstarter_k, korvue, laravel, lastfm, lastfm_square, leanpub, less, line, linkedin, linkedin_in, linode, linux, lyft, magento, mailchimp, mandalorian, markdown, mastodon, maxcdn, medapps, medium, medium_m, medrt, meetup, megaport, mendeley, microsoft, mix, mixcloud, mizuni, modx, monero, napster, neos, nimblr, nintendo_switch, node, node_js, npm, ns8, nutritionix, odnoklassniki, odnoklassniki_square, old_republic, opencart, openid, opera, optin_monster, osi, page4, pagelines, palfed, patreon, paypal, penny_arcade, periscope, phabricator, phoenix_framework, phoenix_squadron, php, pied_piper, pied_piper_alt, pied_piper_hat, pied_piper_pp, pinterest, pinterest_p, pinterest_square, playstation, product_hunt, pushed, python, qq, quinscape, quora, raspberry_pi, ravelry, react, reacteurope, readme, rebel, reddit, reddit_alien, reddit_square, redhat, red_river, renren, replyd, researchgate, resolving, rev, rocketchat, rockrms, r_project, safari, sass, schlix, scribd, searchengin, sellcast, sellsy, servicestack, shirtsinbulk, shopware, simplybuilt, sistrix, sith, sketch, skyatlas, skype, slack, slack_hash, slideshare, snapchat, snapchat_ghost, snapchat_square, soundcloud, sourcetree, speakap, spotify, squarespace, stack_exchange, stack_overflow, staylinked, steam, steam_square, steam_symbol, sticker_mule, strava, stripe, stripe_s, studiovinari, stumbleupon, stumbleupon_circle, superpowers, supple, suse, teamspeak, telegram, telegram_plane, tencent_weibo, themeco, themeisle, the_red_yeti, think_peaks, trade_federation, trello, tripadvisor, tumblr, tumblr_square, twitch, twitter, twitter_square, typo3, uber, ubuntu, uikit, uniregistry, untappd, ups, usb, usps, ussunnah, vaadin, viacoin, viadeo, viadeo_square, viber, vimeo, vimeo_square, vimeo_v, vine, vk, vnv, vuejs, weebly, weibo, weixin, whatsapp, whatsapp_square, whmcs, wikipedia_w, windows, wix, wizards_of_the_coast, wolf_pack_battalion, wordpress, wordpress_simple, wpbeginner, wpexplorer, wpforms, wpressr, xbox, xing, xing_square, yahoo, yandex, yandex_international, yarn, y_combinator, yelp, yoast, youtube, youtube_square, zhihu - +Accepted values: Required: False Position: 1 Default value: None diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 263fbf19..9395df7f 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ Renders an image in the dashboard. ### Example 1 ``` -PS C:\> New-UDImage -Url "" -Height 50 -Width 50 +New-UDImage -Url "" -Height 50 -Width 50 ``` Inserts the Google logo and sizes it to 50px by 50px. ### Example 2 ``` -PS C:\> New-UDImage -Height 125 -Width 125 -Url "" +New-UDImage -Height 125 -Width 125 -Url "" ``` Inserts an SVG, base64 logo and sizes it to 50px by 50px. ### Example 3 ``` -PS C:\> New-UDImage -Height 125 -Width 125 -Path ".\my_image.png" +New-UDImage -Height 125 -Width 125 -Path ".\my_image.png" ``` Inserts my_image.png from the local machine. diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 7400cf8f..efd07ef9 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ Add image carousel to UniversalDashboard you can set the carousel to be full scr ### Example 1 ``` -PS C:\> New-UDImageCarousel -Items { - New-UDImageCarouselItem @Slide1 - New-UDImageCarouselItem @Slide2 - New-UDImageCarouselItem @Slide3 - } -Height 650px -FullWidth -FixButton -ButtonText 'GO TO..' -ShowIndecators +New-UDImageCarousel -Items { + New-UDImageCarouselItem -BackgroundImage -BackgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat' -BackgroundSize = 'cover' -BackgroundColor = '#3f51b5' + New-UDImageCarouselItem -BackgroundImage -BackgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat' -BackgroundSize = 'cover' -BackgroundColor = '#3f51b5' + New-UDImageCarouselItem -BackgroundImage -BackgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat' -BackgroundSize = 'cover' -BackgroundColor = '#3f51b5' +} -Height 650px -FullWidth -FixButton -ButtonText 'GO TO..' -ShowIndicators ``` Create new image carousel with 3 slides and with fixed button on every slide. @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ``` -### -ShowIndecators +### -ShowIndicators Will display dot for every slide in the bottom of the carousel ```yaml diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 572a59e5..a986c63c 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -23,19 +23,12 @@ Creates an input card on the dashboard to accept user input. The fields for the ## EXAMPLES -### Example 1 +### Basic Input ``` -PS C:\> New-UDInput -Title "User Information" -Endpoint { +New-UDInput -Title "User Information" -Endpoint { param($FirstName, $LastName, $Address, $PhoneNumber) - Invoke-RestMethod http://www.myserver/api/user -Method POST -Body @{ - FirstName = $FirstName - LastName = $LastName - Address = $Address - PhoneNumber = $PhoneNumber - } - - New-UDInputAction -Toast "Record saved!" + New-UDInputAction -Toast "Record saved! $FirstName, $LastName, $Address, $PhoneNumber" } ``` diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ index 53e5aafb..e67fa780 100644 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml Module Name: UniversalDashboard.Community -online version: +online version: schema: 2.0.0 --- @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Creates an HTML link. ### Example 1 ``` -PS C:\> New-UDLink -Text "PowerShell Pro Tools" -Url "" +New-UDLink -Text "PowerShell Pro Tools" -Url "" ``` Creates an HTML link to diff --git a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ b/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2f5302f4..00000000 --- a/src/UniversalDashboard/Help/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ ---- -external help file: UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml -Module Name: UniversalDashboard -online version: -schema: 2.0.0 ---- - -# New-UDModal - -## SYNOPSIS -Creates a modal. - -## SYNTAX - -``` -New-UDModal [[-Id] ] [[-Header] ] [[-Content] ] [] -``` - -## DESCRIPTION -Creates a modal. - -## EXAMPLES - -### Example 1 -``` -PS C:\> New-UDModal -Header "My modal" -Content { - New-UDCard -Title "My Content" -} -``` - -Creates a modal with the header My modal and a card as the content. - -## PARAMETERS - -### -Content -The content of the modal. - -```yaml -Type: ScriptBlock -Parameter Sets: (All) -Aliases: - -Required: False -Position: 2 -Default value: None -Accept pipeline input: False -Accept wildcard characters: False -``` - -### -Header -The header for the modal. - -```yaml -Type: String -Parameter Sets: (All) -Aliases: - -Required: False -Position: 1 -Default value: None -Accept pipeline input: False -Accept wildcard characters: False -``` - -### -Id -The ID of the modal. - -```yaml -Type: String -Parameter Sets: (All) -Aliases: - -Required: False -Position: 0 -Default value: None -Accept pipeline input: False -Accept wildcard characters: False -``` - -### CommonParameters -This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters ( - -## INPUTS - -### None - -## OUTPUTS - -### System.Object - -## NOTES - -## RELATED LINKS - diff --git a/src/build.ps1 b/src/build.ps1 index 6ce8864f..7ed5e913 100644 --- a/src/build.ps1 +++ b/src/build.ps1 @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ Copy-Item "$PSScriptRoot\UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI\output\UniversalDashboard . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'UniversalDashboard\New-UDModuleManifest.ps1') -outputDirectory $outputDirectory if (-not $NoHelp) { - New-ExternalHelp -Path "$PSScriptRoot\UniversalDashboard\Help" -OutputPath $help + New-ExternalHelp -Path "$PSScriptRoot\UniversalDashboard\Help" -OutputPath "$help\UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml" } Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot -Include "*.bom.xml" -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item $_.FullName ".\boms" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/poshud/dashboard.ps1 b/src/poshud/dashboard.ps1 index 96b0920f..5d6b4369 100644 --- a/src/poshud/dashboard.ps1 +++ b/src/poshud/dashboard.ps1 @@ -144,9 +144,27 @@ $Pages += . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "pages\getting-started.ps1") $Pages += . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "dashboards\azure.ps1") $Components = @() -@("New-UDChart") | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { +@('New-UDButton', + 'New-UDCard', + 'New-UDCheckbox', + "New-UDChart", + 'New-UDCollapsible', + 'New-UDCollection', + 'New-UDCounter', + 'New-UDElement', + 'New-UDFab', + 'New-UDGrid', + 'New-UDGridLayout', + 'New-UDHeading', + 'New-UDHtml', + 'New-UDIcon', + 'New-UDIFrame', + 'New-UDImage', + 'New-UDImageCarousel', + 'New-UDInput', + 'New-UDLink') | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { $Page = New-UDComponentPage -Command $_ - $Components = New-UDSideNavItem -Text $_.Split('-')[1] -Url $_ + $Components += New-UDSideNavItem -Text $_.Split('-')[1].Substring(2) -Url $_ $Pages += $Page }