This package has serious 64-bit problems in the original 2.16.1 distribution.
This issue is created on base of a forum post in 2013. Lets take the following minimal observation list:
File: sobs.dat
alpha 20. 0.
beta 16. 3.
gamma 15. 7.
delta 13. 6.
and this configuration file:
File: config.dat
x 2
y 3
fit v1=0.0, v2=0.0
FIT : y = v1 + v2 * x
The catalog remains empty in this example (but has to be given as dummy). Running this gives a segmentation violation on 64-bit platforms:
Test options: decimals=4
cl> noao
cl> digiphot
cl> photcal
cl> fitparams.interactive=no
cl> fitparams.logfile=""
cl> fitparams sobs.dat stds.dat config.dat fitpar.txt
cl> match "^\#" fitpar.txt stop=yes
begin FIT
status 0 (Solution converged)
variance 2.98077
stdeviation 1.726491
avsqerror 1.
averror 1.
avsqscatter 0.
avscatter 0.
chisqr 2.98077
msq 1.490385
rms 1.220813
reference y
fitting v1+v2*x
weights uniform
parameters 2
v1 (fit)
v2 (fit)
derivatives 2
values 2
errors 2