imfit - Image fitting package fit1d - Fit a function to image lines or columns cl> fit1d dev$pix fitimage fit interactive- cl> imstat fitimage # IMAGE NPIX MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX fitimage 262144 108.3 65.53 -236.1 521.1 imsurfit - Fit a surface to a 2-D image cl> imsurfit dev$pix smooth 5 10 function=spline3 cl> imstat smooth # IMAGE NPIX MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX smooth 262144 107.8 69.11 -39. 480. lineclean - Replace deviant pixels in image lines cl> lineclean dev$pix clean interactive- cl> imstat clean # IMAGE NPIX MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX clean 262144 100.7 62.55 9. 1661.