AceJump is a plugin for the IntelliJ Platform that lets you jump to any symbol in the editor with just a few keystrokes. Press the keyboard shortcut for AceAction
(Ctrl+; by default) to activate AceJump. Type any string in the editor, followed by one of the illustrated tags, to jump its position:
Press the AceJump shortcut a second time to activate Declaration Mode, which is equivalent to the Navigate To
action in the IDE. Press the AceJump shortcut three times before completing a tag to activate Target Mode. Once Target Mode is activated, jumping to a tag will select an entire word. Target Mode can also be activated directly by pressing the shortcut for AceTargetAction
(Ctrl+Alt+; by default).
Press the AceJump shortcut for Line Mode(Ctrl+Shift+; by default), to target the beginning, first non-whitespace, and last character of every line in the editor). Then jump to one by completing the tag.
Press the AceJump shortcut, followed by β to target the last, β to target the first, or β, to target the first non-whitespace characters of every line in the editor.
AceJump search is smart case sensitive, however tag selection is not case sensitive. Holding down Shift when typing the last tag character will select all text from the current cursor position to that destination.
Press Tab when searching to jump to the next group of matches in the editor.
If you make a mistake searching, just press Backspace to restart from scratch.
If no matches can be found on-screen, AceJump will scroll to the next match it can find.
Pressing Enter or Shift+Enter during a search will cycle through tagged results on screen.
To select a location and continue editing, just press Esc.
To use this feature with IdeaVim, you must be in Vim's Insert Mode (to be fixed at a later point).
Keep typing! AceJump will accept multiple sequential characters before tag selection.
Word Mode is a new action that will tag all visible words as soon as it is activated.
- To bind a keyboard shortcut to Word Mode, open Settings | Keymap | π "AceJump"
AceJump can be installed directly from the IDE, via Settings | Plugins | Browse Repositories... | π "AceJump".
Canary builds are provided courtesy of TeamCity. These can be downloaded and installed from disk.
IdeaVim users can choose to activate AceJump with a single keystroke (f, F and g are arbitrary) by running:
echo -e '
" Press `f` to activate AceJump
map f :action AceAction<CR>
" Press `F` to activate Target Mode
map F :action AceTargetAction<CR>
" Press `g` to activate Line Mode
map g :action AceLineAction<CR>
' >> ~/.ideavimrc
To change the default keyboard shortcuts, open File | Settings | Keymap | π "AceJump" | AceJump | Enterβ.
Prerequisites: JDK 8 or higher.
To build AceJump, clone and run the Gradle task buildPlugin
like so:
git clone && cd AceJump
- For Linux and Mac OS:
./gradlew buildPlugin
- For Windows:
gradlew.bat buildPlugin
The build artifact will be placed in build/distributions/
Miscellaneous: AceJump is built using Gradle with the Gradle Kotlin DSL and the gradle-intellij-plugin.
AceJump is supported by community members like you. Contributions are highly welcome!
If you would like to contribute, here are a few of the ways you can help improve AceJump:
- Design a logo
- Improve test coverage
- Support for full screen tagging
- Animated documentation
- Fold text between matches
- Display current search text
- Multi-platform support
- Speed up tagging on large files
- Support user-configurable keyboard layouts
To start IntelliJ IDEA CE with AceJump installed, run ./gradlew runIde -PluginDev
To just run the tests, execute ./gradlew test
- this is usually much faster than starting an IDE.
For documentation on plugin development, see the IntelliJ Platform SDK.
Please see here for a detailed list of changes.
AceJump is inspired by prior work, but adds several improvements, including:
- Target mode: Jump and select a full word in one rapid motion. (Ctrl+Alt+;)
- Line Mode: Jump to the first, last, or first non-whitespace character of any line on-screen (Ctrl+Shift+;).
- Word Mode: Jump to the first character of any visible word on-screen in two keystrokes or less.
- Declaration Mode: Jump to the declaration of a token (if it is available) rather than the token itself.
- Full-text search: If a string is not visible on the screen, AceJump will scroll to the next occurrence.
- Smart tag rendering: Tags will occupy nearby whitespace if available, rather than block adjacent text.
- Ergonomic tagging: AceJump tries to minimize finger travel distance on most common keyboards layouts.
The following plugins have a similar UI for navigating text and web browsing:
The following individuals have significantly improved AceJump through their contributions and feedback:
AceJump is made possible by users just like you! If you enjoy using AceJump, please consider contributing.