The following dependencies are required for both the unit tests and the integration tests:
The unit tests also require:
The integration tests also require:
And must be run against a kind cluster, which can be launched using:
kind create cluster --config it/kind.yaml
A Dockerfile is provided which defines a container image which includes all test dependencies.
The unit tests can be run using any container manager. For example, using Docker:
docker build . -t ha-app-chart-tests
docker run -v "$PWD/..:/chart" ha-app-chart-tests bats tests/ut
The integration tests are run against a kind cluster. Kind has stable support for Docker, and so it is easiest to run the container using Docker:
docker run -it --rm \
-v "$PWD/..:/chart" \
-v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \
--net host \
The kind cluster can be launched from within the container; the kind Docker container nodes are run on the host (Docker-out-of-Docker):
kind create cluster --config tests/it/kind.yaml
kind export kubeconfig --name integration-tests
The tests can then be run via:
bats tests/it
Teardown the cluster using:
kind delete cluster --name integration-tests