Implements the tool to create the Bootstrapping data to securely provision the device using USB. Given the USB drive is not a Trusted source of Bootstrapping data, we need to validate the contents of the USB before using it for Provisioning. RFC8572 defines a way to verify and trust the Boostraping data from Untrusted data sources(like USB) and Securely provisioning the Device.
usage: [-h] [-prc PRECONFIG] [-c CONFIG] [-psc POSTCONFIG]
[-ch {merge,replace}] [-iu IMAGEURL] [-ia HASHALG] [-cp]
[-ip IMGRELPATH] [-ver OSVERSION] [-name OSNAME] -oc OC -ocpk
OCPK -ov OV -o OUTDIR -sn SERIALNUM [-b] [-bf BOOTFILE] [-ga]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-prc PRECONFIG, --pre-config PRECONFIG
Pre config file path
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Config file path
-psc POSTCONFIG, --post-config POSTCONFIG
Post config file path
-ch {merge,replace}, --config-handling {merge,replace}
Config handling merge/replace
-iu IMAGEURL, --image-url IMAGEURL
Image URL
-ia HASHALG, --image-hash-alg HASHALG
Image Hash Alg
-cp, --copy-image Copy the image from path in --image-url to argument of
-ip IMGRELPATH, --image-relative-path IMGRELPATH
Relative folder path in USB where image (is present /
should be copied to). Make sure to end the path with a
-ver OSVERSION, --os-version OSVERSION
OS Version
-name OSNAME, --os-name OSNAME
OS Name
-oc OC, --owner-cert OC
Path to Owner Certificate Private key
-ocpk OCPK, --owner-cert-pk OCPK
Path to Owner Certificate
-ov OV, --ownership-voucher OV
Path to Ownership Voucher
-o OUTDIR, --output OUTDIR
Output Path
-sn SERIALNUM, --serial-num SERIALNUM
RP Serial Number
-b, --bootable Use this flag if the input is a bootable image zip
-bf BOOTFILE, --boot-file BOOTFILE
Relative Path of Bootable ZIP file. Use this flag if
the input is a bootable image zip file
-ga, --generate-actions
Generate signed actions file artifact with 'reload-
bootmedia-usb' set to true
- Move to root folder of this repo
Device Serial #DUMMY_SN01
Prepare the necessary data for the tool to function
Scripts (Python or Shell)
sztp-usb-loader > ls -l testdata/
-rw-------. 1 root eng 36 Feb 8 12:44 testdata/
sztp-usb-loader > ls -l testdata/
-rw-------. 1 root eng 37 Feb 8 12:45 testdata/
- Configuration
sztp-usb-loader > ls -l testdata/configs.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 root eng 97 Feb 8 12:34 testdata/configs.cfg
- Image
sztp-usb-loader > ls -l testdata/image.iso
-rw-r--r--. 1 root eng 6 Feb 8 11:26 testdata/image.iso
- You should have OC public key and private keys
- You should have OV created. OV is created from serial number present in SUDI certificate
- Run the tool
python3 \
-prc testdata/ \
-c testdata/configs.cfg \
-psc testdata/ \
-ch merge \
-iu testdata/image.iso \
-ia sha-256 \
-oc certificates/owner.cert \
-ocpk certificates/owner.key \
-ov testdata/DUMMY_SN01.vcj \
-ver \
-name "Cisco IOSXR" \
-sn DUMMY_SN01 \
-o dummy_usb \
-cp \
-ip images/
- Copy complete tree to USB
sztp-usb-loader > tree dummy_usb/
├── EN9
│ └── DUMMY_SN01
│ └── bootstrapping-data
│ ├── conveyed-information.cms
│ ├── owner-certificate.cms
│ └── ownership-voucher.vcj
└── images
└── image.iso
4 directories, 4 files
- The same USB can be used to provision multiple devices if needed. Simply run the tool again with the --image-url path set to the path of existing image on the USB and skipping the --copy-image flag.
python3 \
-prc testdata/ \
-c testdata/configs.cfg \
-psc testdata/ \
-ch merge \
-iu dummy_usb/images/image.iso \
-ip images/ \
-ia sha-256 \
-oc certificates/owner.cert \
-ocpk certificates/owner.key \
-ov testdata/DUMMY_SN01.vcj \
-ver \
-name "Cisco IOSXR" \
-sn DUMMY_SN02 \
-o dummy_usb
Directory tree of USB tool after running the tool for DUMMY_SN02
sztp-usb-loader > tree dummy_usb/
├── EN9
│ ├── DUMMY_SN01
│ │ └── bootstrapping-data
│ │ ├── conveyed-information.cms
│ │ ├── owner-certificate.cms
│ │ └── ownership-voucher.vcj
│ └── DUMMY_SN02
│ └── bootstrapping-data
│ ├── conveyed-information.cms
│ ├── owner-certificate.cms
│ └── ownership-voucher.vcj
└── images
└── image.iso
6 directories, 7 files