The following patterns are considered warnings:
const App: React.FC<{test: string}> = (props) => null
const App: FC<{test: string}> = (props) => null
const App: React.FC<ITestProps & {test: string}> = (props) => null
const App: FC<ITestProps & {test: string}> = (props) => null
const App = (props: ITestProps & {test: string}) => null
const App = (props: Pick<ITestProps, 'test'> & {test: string}) => null
const App = (props: {test: string}) => null
const App = ({ test }: {test: string}) => null
const App = ({ test }: Pick<ITestProps, 'test'> & {test: string}) => null
const App = ({ test }: ITestProps & {test: string}) => null
const App: FC<ITestProps & {test: string}> = ({ test }) => null
const App: React.FC<{test: string}> = ({ test }) => null
const App: FC<{test: string}> = ({ test }) => null
const App: React.FC<ITestProps & {test: string}> = ({ test }) => null
The following patterns are not considered warnings:
const App = (props: ITestProps) => null
const App = (props: Pick<ITestProps, 'test'>) => null
const App: React.FC<ITestProps> = (props) => null
const App: React.FC<Pick<ITestProps, 'test'>> = (props) => null
const App = ({ test }: ITestProps) => null
const App = ({ test }: Pick<ITestProps, 'test'>) => null
const App: React.FC<ITestProps> = ({ test }) => null
const App: React.FC<Pick<ITestProps, 'test'>> = ({ test }) => null