diff --git a/config/build.config.js b/config/build.config.js
index b8affc02bd2..6d2c102d73a 100644
--- a/config/build.config.js
+++ b/config/build.config.js
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ module.exports = {
// Views
- 'js/views/actionSheetView.js',
diff --git a/js/angular/service/actionSheet.js b/js/angular/service/actionSheet.js
index f0338d7db65..6cd53c056f8 100644
--- a/js/angular/service/actionSheet.js
+++ b/js/angular/service/actionSheet.js
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
* ```js
* angular.module('mySuperApp', ['ionic'])
- * .controller(function($scope, $ionicActionSheet) {
+ * .controller(function($scope, $ionicActionSheet, $timeout) {
* // Triggered on a button click, or some other target
* $scope.show = function() {
* // Show the action sheet
- * $ionicActionSheet.show({
+ * var hideSheet = $ionicActionSheet({
* buttons: [
* { text: 'Share This' },
* { text: 'Move' },
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@
* }
* });
+ * // For example's sake, hide the sheet after two seconds
+ * $timeout(function() {
+ * hideSheet();
+ * }, 2000);
+ *
* };
* });
* ```
@@ -52,101 +57,119 @@ IonicModule
function($rootScope, $document, $compile, $animate, $timeout, $ionicTemplateLoader, $ionicPlatform) {
return {
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name $ionicActionSheet#show
- * @description
- * Load and return a new action sheet.
- *
- * A new isolated scope will be created for the
- * action sheet and the new element will be appended into the body.
- *
- * @param {object} opts The options for this ActionSheet. Properties:
- *
- * - `[Object]` `buttons` Which buttons to show. Each button is an object with a `text` field.
- * - `{string}` `titleText` The title to show on the action sheet.
- * - `{string=}` `cancelText` The text for a 'cancel' button on the action sheet.
- * - `{string=}` `destructiveText` The text for a 'danger' on the action sheet.
- * - `{function=}` `cancel` Called if the cancel button is pressed, the backdrop is tapped or
- * the hardware back button is pressed.
- * - `{function=}` `buttonClicked` Called when one of the non-destructive buttons is clicked,
- * with the index of the button that was clicked and the button object. Return true to close
- * the action sheet, or false to keep it opened.
- * - `{function=}` `destructiveButtonClicked` Called when the destructive button is clicked.
- * Return true to close the action sheet, or false to keep it opened.
- */
- show: function(opts) {
- var scope = $rootScope.$new(true);
- angular.extend(scope, opts);
- // Compile the template
- var element = $compile('')(scope);
- // Grab the sheet element for animation
- var sheetEl = jqLite(element[0].querySelector('.action-sheet-wrapper'));
- // removes the actionSheet from the screen
- var hideSheet = function(h) {
- sheetEl.removeClass('action-sheet-up');
- $animate.removeClass(element, 'active', function() {
- scope.$destroy();
- });
- $document[0].body.classList.remove('action-sheet-open');
- scope.$deregisterBackButton && scope.$deregisterBackButton();
- };
- // registerBackButtonAction returns a callback to deregister the action
- scope.$deregisterBackButton = $ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(
- function(){
- scope.cancel(); //
- },
- );
- // called when the user presses the cancel button
- scope.cancel = function() {
- hideSheet();
- $timeout(function(){
- // after the animation is out, call the cancel callback
- opts.cancel && opts.cancel();
- },200)
- };
- scope.buttonClicked = function(index) {
- // Check if the button click event returned true, which means
- // we can close the action sheet
- if((opts.buttonClicked && opts.buttonClicked(index, opts.buttons[index])) === true) {
- hideSheet();
- }
- };
- scope.destructiveButtonClicked = function() {
- // Check if the destructive button click event returned true, which means
- // we can close the action sheet
- if((opts.destructiveButtonClicked && opts.destructiveButtonClicked()) === true) {
- hideSheet();
- }
- };
+ show: actionSheet
+ };
- $document[0].body.appendChild(element[0]);
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $ionicActionSheet#show
+ * @description
+ * Load and return a new action sheet.
+ *
+ * A new isolated scope will be created for the
+ * action sheet and the new element will be appended into the body.
+ *
+ * @param {object} options The options for this ActionSheet. Properties:
+ *
+ * - `[Object]` `buttons` Which buttons to show. Each button is an object with a `text` field.
+ * - `{string}` `titleText` The title to show on the action sheet.
+ * - `{string=}` `cancelText` The text for a 'cancel' button on the action sheet.
+ * - `{string=}` `destructiveText` The text for a 'danger' on the action sheet.
+ * - `{function=}` `cancel` Called if the cancel button is pressed, the backdrop is tapped or
+ * the hardware back button is pressed.
+ * - `{function=}` `buttonClicked` Called when one of the non-destructive buttons is clicked,
+ * with the index of the button that was clicked and the button object. Return true to close
+ * the action sheet, or false to keep it opened.
+ * - `{function=}` `destructiveButtonClicked` Called when the destructive button is clicked.
+ * Return true to close the action sheet, or false to keep it opened.
+ *
+ * @returns {function} `hideSheet` A function which, when called, hides & cancels the action sheet.
+ */
+ function actionSheet(opts) {
+ var scope = $rootScope.$new(true);
+ angular.extend(scope, {
+ cancel: angular.noop,
+ destructiveButtonClicked: angular.noop,
+ buttonClicked: angular.noop,
+ $deregisterBackButton: angular.noop,
+ buttons: [],
+ }, opts || {});
+ // Compile the template
+ var element = scope.element = $compile('')(scope);
+ // Grab the sheet element for animation
+ var sheetEl = jqLite(element[0].querySelector('.action-sheet-wrapper'));
+ // removes the actionSheet from the screen
+ scope.removeSheet = function(done) {
+ if (scope.removed) return;
+ scope.removed = true;
+ sheetEl.removeClass('action-sheet-up');
+ $document[0].body.classList.remove('action-sheet-open');
+ scope.$deregisterBackButton();
+ $animate.removeClass(element, 'active', function() {
+ scope.$destroy();
+ element.remove();
+ // scope.cancel.$scope is defined near the bottom
+ scope.cancel.$scope = null;
+ (done || angular.noop)();
+ });
+ };
+ scope.showSheet = function(done) {
+ if (scope.removed) return;
+ $document[0].body.appendChild(element[0]);
- var sheet = new ionic.views.ActionSheet({el: element[0] });
- scope.sheet = sheet;
- $animate.addClass(element, 'active');
+ $animate.addClass(element, 'active', function() {
+ if (scope.removed) return;
+ (done || angular.noop)();
+ });
+ if (scope.removed) return;
- }, 20);
- return sheet;
- }
- };
+ }, 20, false);
+ };
+ // registerBackButtonAction returns a callback to deregister the action
+ scope.$deregisterBackButton = $ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(
+ scope.cancel,
+ );
+ // called when the user presses the cancel button
+ scope.cancel = function() {
+ // after the animation is out, call the cancel callback
+ scope.removeSheet(opts.cancel);
+ };
+ scope.buttonClicked = function(index) {
+ // Check if the button click event returned true, which means
+ // we can close the action sheet
+ if (opts.buttonClicked(index, opts.buttons[index]) === true) {
+ scope.removeSheet();
+ }
+ };
+ scope.destructiveButtonClicked = function() {
+ // Check if the destructive button click event returned true, which means
+ // we can close the action sheet
+ if (opts.destructiveButtonClicked() === true) {
+ scope.removeSheet();
+ }
+ };
+ scope.showSheet();
+ // Expose the scope on $ionicActionSheet's return value for the sake
+ // of testing it.
+ scope.cancel.$scope = scope;
+ return scope.cancel;
+ }
diff --git a/js/views/actionSheetView.js b/js/views/actionSheetView.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f8829560e87..00000000000
--- a/js/views/actionSheetView.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-(function(ionic) {
-'use strict';
- /**
- * An ActionSheet is the slide up menu popularized on iOS.
- *
- * You see it all over iOS apps, where it offers a set of options
- * triggered after an action.
- */
- ionic.views.ActionSheet = ionic.views.View.inherit({
- initialize: function(opts) {
- this.el = opts.el;
- },
- show: function() {
- // Force a reflow so the animation will actually run
- this.el.offsetWidth;
- this.el.classList.add('active');
- },
- hide: function() {
- // Force a reflow so the animation will actually run
- this.el.offsetWidth;
- this.el.classList.remove('active');
- }
- });
diff --git a/test/unit/angular/service/actionSheet.unit.js b/test/unit/angular/service/actionSheet.unit.js
index e315c258bcd..f8b4b7e77f2 100644
--- a/test/unit/angular/service/actionSheet.unit.js
+++ b/test/unit/angular/service/actionSheet.unit.js
@@ -1,44 +1,81 @@
describe('Ionic ActionSheet Service', function() {
- var sheet, timeout, ionicPlatform;
- beforeEach(module('ionic'));
+ var sheet, timeout, ionicPlatform;
- beforeEach(inject(function($ionicActionSheet, $timeout, $ionicPlatform) {
- sheet = $ionicActionSheet;
- timeout = $timeout;
- ionicPlatform = $ionicPlatform;
+ beforeEach(module('ionic', function($provide) {
+ // For the sake of this test, we don't want ionActionSheet to
+ // actually compile as a directive.
+ // We are only testing the service.
+ $provide.value('ionActionSheetDirective', []);
- it('Should show', function() {
- var s = sheet.show();
- expect(s.el.classList.contains('active')).toBe(true);
- });
- it('Should add .action-sheet-up to .action-sheet-wrapper', function() {
- var s = sheet.show();
- var el = angular.element(s.el);
- var wrapper = angular.element(s.el.querySelector('.action-sheet-wrapper'));
- expect(wrapper.length).toEqual(1);
- expect(wrapper.hasClass('action-sheet-up')).toEqual(false);
- timeout.flush();
- expect(wrapper.hasClass('action-sheet-up')).toEqual(true);
- });
+ function setup(options) {
+ var scope;
+ inject(function($ionicActionSheet, $ionicPlatform, $timeout) {
+ var hide = $ionicActionSheet.show(options || {});
+ $timeout.flush();
+ scope = hide.$scope;
+ });
+ return scope;
+ }
- it('should handle hardware back button', function() {
- var s = sheet.show();
+ it('should add classes on showing', inject(function($document) {
+ var scope = setup();
+ expect($document[0].body.classList.contains('action-sheet-open')).toBe(true);
+ expect(scope.element.hasClass('active')).toBe(true);
+ }));
- ionicPlatform.hardwareBackButtonClick();
+ it('removeSheet should remove classes, remove element and destroy scope', inject(function($document, $timeout) {
+ var scope = setup();
+ spyOn(scope, '$destroy');
+ spyOn(scope.element, 'remove');
+ scope.removeSheet();
+ expect($document[0].body.classList.contains('action-sheet-open')).toBe(false);
+ expect(scope.element.hasClass('active')).toBe(false);
+ $timeout.flush();
+ expect(scope.$destroy).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(scope.element.remove).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ }));
- expect(s.el.classList.contains('active')).toBe(false);
+ it('destructiveButtonClicked should removeSheet if returning true', function() {
+ var destructiveReturnValue = false;
+ var scope = setup({
+ destructiveButtonClicked: function() {
+ return destructiveReturnValue;
+ }
+ });
+ spyOn(scope, 'removeSheet');
+ scope.destructiveButtonClicked();
+ expect(scope.removeSheet).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ destructiveReturnValue = true;
+ scope.destructiveButtonClicked();
+ expect(scope.removeSheet).toHaveBeenCalled();
- it('show & hide should add action-sheet-open to body', inject(function($animate) {
- var s = sheet.show();
- expect(angular.element(document.body).hasClass('action-sheet-open')).toBe(true);
- ionicPlatform.hardwareBackButtonClick();
+ it('buttonClicked should removeSheet if returning true for index', function() {
+ var scope = setup({
+ buttons: [{}, {}],
+ buttonClicked: function(index) {
+ return index === 0 ? false : true;
+ }
+ });
+ spyOn(scope, 'removeSheet');
+ scope.buttonClicked(0);
+ expect(scope.removeSheet).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ scope.buttonClicked(1);
+ expect(scope.removeSheet).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
- expect(angular.element(document.body).hasClass('action-sheet-open')).toBe(false);
+ it('cancel should removeSheet and call opts.cancel', inject(function($timeout) {
+ var cancelSpy = jasmine.createSpy('opts.cancel');
+ var scope = setup({
+ cancel: cancelSpy
+ });
+ spyOn(scope, 'removeSheet').andCallThrough();
+ scope.cancel();
+ expect(scope.removeSheet).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ $timeout.flush();
+ expect(cancelSpy).toHaveBeenCalled();