message MsgCreatePolityRequest {
string group_address = 1;
// decision_policy is the updated group account decision policy.
google.protobuf.Any decision_policy = 2 [(cosmos_proto.accepts_interface) = "DecisionPolicy"];
// proposal_filter filters incoming proposals.
google.protobuf.Any proposal_filter = 3 [(cosmos_proto.accepts_interface) = "ProposalFilter"];
// the voting window for each proposal
google.protobuf.Duration voting_period = 4;
// indicates whether proposals can be received from anyone or members only
bool public = 5;
must be less than max_voting_period
(default: 3 weeks)
This will update the admin of the group account to the address of the dao
module itself
message MsgUpdatePolityRequest {
string address = 1;
// decision_policy is the updated group account decision policy.
google.protobuf.Any decision_policy = 2 [(cosmos_proto.accepts_interface) = "DecisionPolicy"];
// proposal_filter filters incoming proposals.
google.protobuf.Any proposal_filter = 3 [(cosmos_proto.accepts_interface) = "ProposalFilter"];
// the voting window for each proposal
google.protobuf.Duration voting_period = 4;
// indicates whether proposals can be received from anyone or members only
bool public = 5;
// an optional parent polity which has administative power over the polity
string parent_address = 6;
message MsgDestroyPolityRequest{
string address = 1;
message MsgCreateProposalRequest {
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
// group address is the group account address.
string address = 1;
// proposer is the account address of the proposers.
string proposer = 2;
// the deposit associated with the proposal
repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin deposit = 3;
// content represents some endpoint which can lead
// a discussion / forum or simple state the case for // the proposal
string content = 5;
// metadata is any arbitrary metadata to attached to the proposal.
bytes metadata = 6;
// messages is a list of Msgs that will be executed if the proposal passes.
repeated google.protobuf.Any messages = 7;
message MsgAmendProposalRequest {
// unique id of the proposal
uint64 proposal_id = 1;
// content represents some endpoint which can lead
// a discussion / forum or simple state the case for // the proposal
string content = 2;
// metadata is any arbitrary metadata to attached to the proposal.
bytes metadata = 3;
// messages is a list of Msgs that will be executed if the proposal passes.
repeated google.protobuf.Any messages = 4;
The signer of the message must be the proposer of that proposal. Any field left
empty leaves that part of the proposal untouched. The amendment must pass
function without error.
message MsgWithdrawProposalRequest {
uint64 proposal_id = 1;
The signer of the message must be the proposer of that proposal. In addition the
proposal must pass the ProposalFilter.Withdraw()
function without an error.
// MsgVoteRequest is the Msg/Vote request type.
message MsgVoteRequest {
// proposal is the unique ID of the proposal.
uint64 proposal_id = 1;
// voter is the voter's address.
string voter = 2;
// choice is the voter's choice on the proposal.
Choice choice = 3;
// the weight behind their choice. This defaults to the entire weight
// of the member if none is described. This allows for split voting.
string weight = 4;
The proposal_id
must be for a valid and open proposal, the voter must be a
member of the group corresponding to the proposal. A weight of 0 corresponds to
the entire weight of a member.
NOTE: There's nothing stopping a member from voting multiple times. The decision policy is in charge of correctly handling multiple votes. In the future we may want to support secret ballots. They most often involve two votes, one for each phase.
message MsgDelegateVoteRequest {
// the account transferring their voting power
string delegator = 1;
// the receiving of the voting power
string candidate = 2;
// the weight they are transferring the delegation to
string weight = 3;
To delegate, both the delegator
and candidate
must be part of the group and
the weight
must be less than or equal to the delegator
's total weight. A
weight of 0 implies the delegator
's total weight.
NOTE: We may want to introduce rules to prevent delegation circle i.e. I delegate to you and you delegate to me.
message MsgUndelegateRequest {
// the delegator
string delegator = 1;
// the address being removed of the delegation
string candidate = 2;
// the weight they are transferring the delegation to
string weight = 3;
To undelegate, a delegator must have already delegated greater than or equal to
of their weight.
// MsgExecRequest is the Msg/Exec request type.
message MsgExecRequest {
// proposal is the unique ID of the proposal.
uint64 proposal_id = 1;
// signer is the account address used to execute the proposal.
string signer = 2;