We welcome community contributions to the concurrent video analytic sample application. Thank you for your time!
Please note that review and merge might take some time at this point.
The sample application is licensed under MIT license. By contributing to the project, you agree to the license and copyright terms therein and release your contribution under these terms.
- In the commit message, explain what bug is fixed or what new feature is added in details.
- Validate that your changes don't break a build. build instruction
- Pass testing
- Wait while your patchset is reviewed and tested by our internal validation cycle
Hardware Requirements: Coffee Lake, Sky Lake, Kaby Lake, Whiskey Lake or Tiger Lake Software Requirements: Ubuntu 18.04, MediaSDK 20.3.0 and OpenVINO 2021.1
Apply the changes to video_e2e_sample. Then build video_e2e_sample:
cd video_e2e_sample
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ../
make -j4
Simple display test:
./bin/video_e2e_sample -par par_file/par_file_name.par
Basic video decoding and inference tests: n16_1080p_1080p_dp_noinfer.par n16_1080p_1080p_dp.par n16_1080p_4k_dp.par n4_1080p_1080p_dp.par n4_vehical_detect_1080p.par n64_d1_1080p_dp.par
RTSP play and saving tests: rtsp_dump_only.par n16_1080p_rtsp_simu.pa n4_1080p_rtsp_simu_dp.par n16_1080p_rtsp_simu_dump.par
Multiple display test:
./bin/video_e2e_sample -par par_file/n16_1080p_1080p_dp_noinfer.par -par par_file/n16_1080p_1080p_dp.par