Ray is a distributed framework for emerging AI applications open-sourced by UC Berkeley RISELab. It implements a unified interface, distributed scheduler, and distributed and fault-tolerant store to address the new and demanding systems requirements for advanced AI technologies.
Ray allows users to easily and efficiently to run many emerging AI applications, such as deep reinforcement learning using RLlib, scalable hyperparameter search using Ray Tune, automatic program synthesis using AutoPandas, etc.
Analytics Zoo provides a mechanism to deploy Python dependencies and Ray services automatically
across yarn cluster, meaning python users would be able to run analytics-zoo
or ray
in a pythonic way on yarn without spark-submit
or installing analytics-zoo or ray across all cluster nodes.
NOTE: We have been tested on Ray 0.8.4 and you are highly recommended to use this Ray version.
Install Conda in your environment.
Create a new conda environment (with name "zoo" for example):
conda create -n zoo python=3.6
source activate zoo
- Install analytics-zoo in the created conda environment:
pip install analytics-zoo[ray]
Note that the essential dependencies (including ray==1.2.0
, psutil
, aiohttp
, setproctitle
) will be installed by specifying the extras key [ray]
when you pip install analytics-zoo.
- Download JDK8 and set the environment variable: JAVA_HOME (recommended).
You can also install JDK via conda without setting the JAVA_HOME manually:
conda install -c anaconda openjdk=8.0.152
- Start
and then execute the following example.
- Create a SparkContext on yarn, only yarn-client mode is supported for now:
from zoo import init_spark_on_yarn
sc = init_spark_on_yarn(
hadoop_conf="path to the yarn configuration folder",
conda_name="zoo", # The name of the created conda-env
- [Optional] If you don't have a yarn cluster, this can also be tested locally by creating a SparkContext
from zoo import init_spark_on_local
sc = init_spark_on_local(cores=4)
Once the SparkContext is created, we can write more logic here such as training an Analytics Zoo model or launching ray on Spark.
Run the following simple example to launch a ray cluster on top of the SparkContext configurations and verify if RayOnSpark can work smoothly.
import ray
from zoo.ray import RayContext
ray_ctx = RayContext(sc=sc, object_store_memory="5g")
class Counter(object):
def __init__(self):
self.n = 0
def increment(self):
self.n += 1
return self.n
counters = [Counter.remote() for i in range(5)]
print(ray.get([c.increment.remote() for c in counters]))
- If you encounter the following error when initiating RayOnSpark, especially when you are using Spark standalone cluster:
This system supports the C.UTF-8 locale which is recommended. You might be able to resolve your issue by exporting the following environment variables:
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
export LANG=C.UTF-8
Add the environment variables when initiating RayContext would resolve the issue:
ray_ctx = RayContext(sc=sc, object_store_memory="5g", env={"LANG": "C.UTF-8", "LC_ALL": "C.UTF-8"})